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2023-05-17 21:44:01 +00:00
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
#for more functionality see the HTTPD::UserAdmin module:
# http://www.perl.com/CPAN/modules/by-module/HTTPD/HTTPD-Tools-x.xx.tar.gz
# usage: dbmmanage <DBMfile> <command> <user> <password> <groups> <comment>
package dbmmanage;
# -ldb -lndbm -lgdbm -lsdbm
BEGIN { @AnyDBM_File::ISA = qw(SDBM_File) }
use strict;
use Fcntl;
use AnyDBM_File ();
sub usage {
my $cmds = join "|", sort keys %dbmc::;
die <<SYNTAX;
Usage: dbmmanage [enc] dbname command [username [pw [group[,group] [comment]]]]
where enc is -d for crypt encryption (default except on Win32, Netware)
-m for MD5 encryption (default on Win32, Netware)
-s for SHA1 encryption
-p for plaintext
command is one of: $cmds
pw of . for update command retains the old password
pw of - (or blank) for update command prompts for the password
groups or comment of . (or blank) for update command retains old values
groups or comment of - for update command clears the existing value
groups or comment of - for add and adduser commands is the empty value
sub need_sha1_crypt {
if (!eval ('require "Digest/SHA1.pm";')) {
dbmmanage SHA1 passwords require the interface or the module Digest::SHA1
available from CPAN:
Please install Digest::SHA1 and try again, or use a different crypt option:
sub need_md5_crypt {
if (!eval ('require "Crypt/PasswdMD5.pm";')) {
print STDERR <<MD5ERR;
dbmmanage MD5 passwords require the module Crypt::PasswdMD5 available from CPAN
Please install Crypt::PasswdMD5 and try again, or use a different crypt option:
# if your osname is in $newstyle_salt, then use new style salt (starts with '_' and contains
# four bytes of iteration count and four bytes of salt). Otherwise, just use
# the traditional two-byte salt.
# see the man page on your system to decide if you have a newer crypt() lib.
# I believe that 4.4BSD derived systems do (at least BSD/OS 2.0 does).
# The new style crypt() allows up to 20 characters of the password to be
# significant rather than only 8.
my $newstyle_salt_platforms = join '|', qw{bsdos}; #others?
my $newstyle_salt = $^O =~ /(?:$newstyle_salt_platforms)/;
# Some platforms just can't crypt() for Apache
my $crypt_not_supported_platforms = join '|', qw{MSWin32 NetWare}; #others?
my $crypt_not_supported = $^O =~ /(?:$crypt_not_supported_platforms)/;
my $crypt_method = "crypt";
if ($crypt_not_supported) {
$crypt_method = "md5";
# Some platforms won't jump through our favorite hoops
my $not_unix_platforms = join '|', qw{MSWin32 NetWare}; #others?
my $not_unix = $^O =~ /(?:$not_unix_platforms)/;
if ($crypt_not_supported) {
$crypt_method = "md5";
if (@ARGV[0] eq "-d") {
shift @ARGV;
if ($crypt_not_supported) {
print STDERR
"Warning: Apache/$^O does not support crypt()ed passwords!\n\n";
$crypt_method = "crypt";
if (@ARGV[0] eq "-m") {
shift @ARGV;
$crypt_method = "md5";
if (@ARGV[0] eq "-p") {
shift @ARGV;
if (!$crypt_not_supported) {
print STDERR
"Warning: Apache/$^O does not support plaintext passwords!\n\n";
$crypt_method = "plain";
if (@ARGV[0] eq "-s") {
shift @ARGV;
$crypt_method = "sha1";
if ($crypt_method eq "md5") {
my($file,$command,$key,$crypted_pwd,$groups,$comment) = @ARGV;
usage() unless $file and $command and defined &{$dbmc::{$command}};
# remove extension if any
my $chop = join '|', qw{db.? pag dir};
$file =~ s/\.($chop)$//;
my $is_update = $command eq "update";
my %DB = ();
my @range = ();
my($mode, $flags) = $command =~
/^(?:view|check)$/ ? (0644, O_RDONLY) : (0644, O_RDWR|O_CREAT);
tie (%DB, "AnyDBM_File", $file, $flags, $mode) || die "Can't tie $file: $!";
untie %DB;
my $x;
sub genseed {
my $psf;
if ($not_unix) {
srand (time ^ $$ or time ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15)));
else {
for (qw(-xlwwa -le)) {
`ps $_ 2>/dev/null`;
$psf = $_, last unless $?;
srand (time ^ $$ ^ unpack("%L*", `ps $psf | gzip -f`));
@range = (qw(. /), '0'..'9','a'..'z','A'..'Z');
$x = int scalar @range;
sub randchar {
join '', map $range[rand $x], 1..shift||1;
sub saltpw_crypt {
genseed() unless @range;
return $newstyle_salt ?
join '', "_", randchar, "a..", randchar(4) :
sub cryptpw_crypt {
my ($pw, $salt) = @_;
$salt = saltpw_crypt unless $salt;
crypt $pw, $salt;
sub saltpw_md5 {
genseed() unless @range;
sub cryptpw_md5 {
my($pw, $salt) = @_;
$salt = saltpw_md5 unless $salt;
Crypt::PasswdMD5::apache_md5_crypt($pw, $salt);
sub cryptpw_sha1 {
my($pw, $salt) = @_;
'{SHA}' . Digest::SHA1::sha1_base64($pw) . "=";
sub cryptpw {
if ($crypt_method eq "md5") {
return cryptpw_md5(@_);
} elsif ($crypt_method eq "sha1") {
return cryptpw_sha1(@_);
} elsif ($crypt_method eq "crypt") {
return cryptpw_crypt(@_);
@_[0]; # otherwise return plaintext
sub getpass {
my $prompt = shift || "Enter password:";
unless($not_unix) {
open STDIN, "/dev/tty" or warn "couldn't open /dev/tty $!\n";
system "stty -echo;";
print STDERR $prompt;
while (($c = getc(STDIN)) ne '' and $c ne "\n" and $c ne "\r") {
$pwd .= $c;
system "stty echo" unless $not_unix;
print STDERR "\n";
die "Can't use empty password!\n" unless length $pwd;
return $pwd;
sub dbmc::update {
die "Sorry, user `$key' doesn't exist!\n" unless $DB{$key};
$crypted_pwd = (split /:/, $DB{$key}, 3)[0] if $crypted_pwd eq '.';
$groups = (split /:/, $DB{$key}, 3)[1] if !$groups || $groups eq '.';
$comment = (split /:/, $DB{$key}, 3)[2] if !$comment || $comment eq '.';
if (!$crypted_pwd || $crypted_pwd eq '-') {
else {
sub dbmc::add {
die "Can't use empty password!\n" unless $crypted_pwd;
unless($is_update) {
die "Sorry, user `$key' already exists!\n" if $DB{$key};
$groups = '' if $groups eq '-';
$comment = '' if $comment eq '-';
$groups .= ":" . $comment if $comment;
$crypted_pwd .= ":" . $groups if $groups;
$DB{$key} = $crypted_pwd;
my $action = $is_update ? "updated" : "added";
print "User $key $action with password encrypted to $DB{$key} using $crypt_method\n";
sub dbmc::adduser {
my $value = getpass "New password:";
die "They don't match, sorry.\n" unless getpass("Re-type new password:") eq $value;
$crypted_pwd = cryptpw $value;
sub dbmc::delete {
die "Sorry, user `$key' doesn't exist!\n" unless $DB{$key};
delete $DB{$key}, print "`$key' deleted\n";
sub dbmc::view {
print $key ? "$key:$DB{$key}\n" : map { "$_:$DB{$_}\n" if $DB{$_} } keys %DB;
sub dbmc::check {
die "Sorry, user `$key' doesn't exist!\n" unless $DB{$key};
my $chkpass = (split /:/, $DB{$key}, 3)[0];
my $testpass = getpass();
if (substr($chkpass, 0, 6) eq '$apr1$') {
$crypt_method = "md5";
} elsif (substr($chkpass, 0, 5) eq '{SHA}') {
$crypt_method = "sha1";
} elsif (length($chkpass) == 13 && $chkpass ne $testpass) {
$crypt_method = "crypt";
} else {
$crypt_method = "plain";
print $crypt_method . (cryptpw($testpass, $chkpass) eq $chkpass
? " password ok\n" : " password mismatch\n");
sub dbmc::import {
while(defined($_ = <STDIN>) and chomp) {
($key,$crypted_pwd,$groups,$comment) = split /:/, $_, 4;