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2023-05-17 21:44:01 +00:00
* Parses doc comments.
* PHP version 5
* @category PHP
* @package PHP_CodeSniffer
* @author Greg Sherwood <gsherwood@squiz.net>
* @author Marc McIntyre <mmcintyre@squiz.net>
* @copyright 2006-2011 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600)
* @license http://matrix.squiz.net/developer/tools/php_cs/licence BSD Licence
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer
if (class_exists('PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement', true) === false) {
$error = 'Class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement not found';
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception($error);
if (class_exists('PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement', true) === false) {
$error = 'Class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement not found';
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception($error);
if (class_exists('PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParserException', true) === false) {
$error = 'Class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParserException not found';
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception($error);
* Parses doc comments.
* This abstract parser handles the following tags:
* <ul>
* <li>The short description and the long description</li>
* <li>@see</li>
* <li>@link</li>
* <li>@deprecated</li>
* <li>@since</li>
* </ul>
* Extending classes should implement the getAllowedTags() method to return the
* tags that they wish to process, ommiting the tags that this base class
* processes. When one of these tags in encountered, the process&lt;tag_name&gt;
* method is called on that class. For example, if a parser's getAllowedTags()
* method returns \@param as one of its tags, the processParam method will be
* called so that the parser can process such a tag.
* The method is passed the tokens that comprise this tag. The tokens array
* includes the whitespace that exists between the tokens, as seperate tokens.
* It's up to the method to create a element that implements the DocElement
* interface, which should be returned. The AbstractDocElement class is a helper
* class that can be used to handle most of the parsing of the tokens into their
* individual sub elements. It requires that you construct it with the element
* previous to the element currently being processed, which can be acquired
* with the protected $previousElement class member of this class.
* @category PHP
* @package PHP_CodeSniffer
* @author Greg Sherwood <gsherwood@squiz.net>
* @author Marc McIntyre <mmcintyre@squiz.net>
* @copyright 2006-2011 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600)
* @license http://matrix.squiz.net/developer/tools/php_cs/licence BSD Licence
* @version Release: 1.3.3
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer
abstract class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_AbstractParser
* The comment element that appears in the doc comment.
* @var PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement
protected $comment = null;
* The string content of the comment.
* @var string
protected $commentString = '';
* The file that the comment exists in.
* @var PHP_CodeSniffer_File
protected $phpcsFile = null;
* The word tokens that appear in the comment.
* Whitespace tokens also appear in this stack, but are separate tokens
* from words.
* @var array(string)
protected $words = array();
* An array of all tags found in the comment.
* @var array(string)
protected $foundTags = array();
* The previous doc element that was processed.
* null if the current element being processed is the first element in the
* doc comment.
* @var PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_DocElement
protected $previousElement = null;
* A list of see elements that appear in this doc comment.
* @var array(PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement)
protected $sees = array();
* A list of see elements that appear in this doc comment.
* @var array(PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement)
protected $deprecated = null;
* A list of see elements that appear in this doc comment.
* @var array(PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement)
protected $links = array();
* A element to represent \@since tags.
* @var PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement
protected $since = null;
* True if the comment has been parsed.
* @var boolean
private $_hasParsed = false;
* The tags that this class can process.
* @var array(string)
private static $_tags = array(
'see' => false,
'link' => false,
'deprecated' => true,
'since' => true,
* An array of unknown tags.
* @var array(string)
public $unknown = array();
* The order of tags.
* @var array(string)
public $orders = array();
* Constructs a Doc Comment Parser.
* @param string $comment The comment to parse.
* @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file that this comment is in.
public function __construct($comment, PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile)
$this->commentString = $comment;
$this->phpcsFile = $phpcsFile;
}//end __construct()
* Initiates the parsing of the doc comment.
* @return void
* @throws PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParserException If the parser finds a
* problem with the
* comment.
public function parse()
if ($this->_hasParsed === false) {
}//end parse()
* Parse the comment.
* @param string $comment The doc comment to parse.
* @return void
* @see _parseWords()
private function _parse($comment)
// Firstly, remove the comment tags and any stars from the left side.
$lines = explode($this->phpcsFile->eolChar, $comment);
foreach ($lines as &$line) {
$line = trim($line);
if ($line !== '') {
if (substr($line, 0, 3) === '/**') {
$line = substr($line, 3);
} else if (substr($line, -2, 2) === '*/') {
$line = substr($line, 0, -2);
} else if ($line{0} === '*') {
$line = substr($line, 1);
// Add the words to the stack, preserving newlines. Other parsers
// might be interested in the spaces between words, so tokenize
// spaces as well as separate tokens.
$words = preg_split(
$this->words = array_merge($this->words, $words);
}//end if
}//end foreach
}//end _parse()
* Parses each word within the doc comment.
* @return void
* @see _parse()
* @throws PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParserException If more than the allowed
* number of occurances of
* a tag is found.
private function _parseWords()
$allowedTags = (self::$_tags + $this->getAllowedTags());
$allowedTagNames = array_keys($allowedTags);
$prevTagPos = false;
$wordWasEmpty = true;
foreach ($this->words as $wordPos => $word) {
if (trim($word) !== '') {
$wordWasEmpty = false;
if ($word{0} === '@') {
$tag = substr($word, 1);
// Filter out @ tags in the comment description.
// A real comment tag should have whitespace and a newline before it.
if (isset($this->words[($wordPos - 1)]) === false
|| trim($this->words[($wordPos - 1)]) !== ''
) {
if (isset($this->words[($wordPos - 2)]) === false
|| $this->words[($wordPos - 2)] !== $this->phpcsFile->eolChar
) {
$this->foundTags[] = array(
'tag' => $tag,
'line' => $this->getLine($wordPos),
'pos' => $wordPos,
if ($prevTagPos !== false) {
// There was a tag before this so let's process it.
$prevTag = substr($this->words[$prevTagPos], 1);
$this->parseTag($prevTag, $prevTagPos, ($wordPos - 1));
} else {
// There must have been a comment before this tag, so
// let's process that.
$this->parseTag('comment', 0, ($wordPos - 1));
$prevTagPos = $wordPos;
if (in_array($tag, $allowedTagNames) === false) {
// This is not a tag that we process, but let's check to
// see if it is a tag we know about. If we don't know about it,
// we add it to a list of unknown tags.
$knownTags = array(
if (in_array($tag, $knownTags) === false) {
$this->unknown[] = array(
'tag' => $tag,
'line' => $this->getLine($wordPos),
'pos' => $wordPos,
}//end if
}//end if
}//end foreach
// Only process this tag if there was something to process.
if ($wordWasEmpty === false) {
if ($prevTagPos === false) {
// There must only be a comment in this doc comment.
$this->parseTag('comment', 0, count($this->words));
} else {
// Process the last tag element.
$prevTag = substr($this->words[$prevTagPos], 1);
$numWords = count($this->words);
$endPos = $numWords;
if ($prevTag === 'package' || $prevTag === 'subpackage') {
// These are single-word tags, so anything after a newline
// is really a comment.
for ($endPos = $prevTagPos; $endPos < $numWords; $endPos++) {
if (strpos($this->words[$endPos], $this->phpcsFile->eolChar) !== false) {
$this->parseTag($prevTag, $prevTagPos, $endPos);
if ($endPos !== $numWords) {
// Process the final comment, if it is not empty.
$tokens = array_slice($this->words, ($endPos + 1), $numWords);
$content = implode('', $tokens);
if (trim($content) !== '') {
$this->parseTag('comment', ($endPos + 1), $numWords);
}//end if
}//end if
}//end _parseWords()
* Returns the line that the token exists on in the doc comment.
* @param int $tokenPos The position in the words stack to find the line
* number for.
* @return int
protected function getLine($tokenPos)
$newlines = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $tokenPos; $i++) {
$newlines += substr_count($this->phpcsFile->eolChar, $this->words[$i]);
return $newlines;
}//end getLine()
* Parses see tag element within the doc comment.
* @param array(string) $tokens The word tokens that comprise this element.
* @return DocElement The element that represents this see comment.
protected function parseSee($tokens)
$see = new PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement(
$this->sees[] = $see;
return $see;
}//end parseSee()
* Parses the comment element that appears at the top of the doc comment.
* @param array(string) $tokens The word tokens that comprise tihs element.
* @return DocElement The element that represents this comment element.
protected function parseComment($tokens)
$this->comment = new PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement(
return $this->comment;
}//end parseComment()
* Parses \@deprecated tags.
* @param array(string) $tokens The word tokens that comprise tihs element.
* @return DocElement The element that represents this deprecated tag.
protected function parseDeprecated($tokens)
$this->deprecated = new PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement(
return $this->deprecated;
}//end parseDeprecated()
* Parses \@since tags.
* @param array(string) $tokens The word tokens that comprise this element.
* @return SingleElement The element that represents this since tag.
protected function parseSince($tokens)
$this->since = new PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement(
return $this->since;
}//end parseSince()
* Parses \@link tags.
* @param array(string) $tokens The word tokens that comprise this element.
* @return SingleElement The element that represents this link tag.
protected function parseLink($tokens)
$link = new PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement(
$this->links[] = $link;
return $link;
}//end parseLink()
* Returns the see elements that appear in this doc comment.
* @return array(SingleElement)
public function getSees()
return $this->sees;
}//end getSees()
* Returns the comment element that appears at the top of this doc comment.
* @return CommentElement
public function getComment()
return $this->comment;
}//end getComment()
* Returns the word list.
* @return array
public function getWords()
return $this->words;
}//end getWords()
* Returns the list of found tags.
* @return array
public function getTags()
return $this->foundTags;
}//end getTags()
* Returns the link elements found in this comment.
* Returns an empty array if no links are found in the comment.
* @return array(SingleElement)
public function getLinks()
return $this->links;
}//end getLinks()
* Returns the deprecated element found in this comment.
* Returns null if no element exists in the comment.
* @return SingleElement
public function getDeprecated()
return $this->deprecated;
}//end getDeprecated()
* Returns the since element found in this comment.
* Returns null if no element exists in the comment.
* @return SingleElement
public function getSince()
return $this->since;
}//end getSince()
* Parses the specified tag.
* @param string $tag The tag name to parse (omitting the @ sybmol from
* the tag)
* @param int $start The position in the word tokens where this element
* started.
* @param int $end The position in the word tokens where this element
* ended.
* @return void
* @throws Exception If the process method for the tag cannot be found.
protected function parseTag($tag, $start, $end)
$tokens = array_slice($this->words, ($start + 1), ($end - $start));
$allowedTags = (self::$_tags + $this->getAllowedTags());
$allowedTagNames = array_keys($allowedTags);
if ($tag === 'comment' || in_array($tag, $allowedTagNames) === true) {
$method = 'parse'.$tag;
if (method_exists($this, $method) === false) {
$error = 'Method '.$method.' must be implemented to process '.$tag.' tags';
throw new Exception($error);
$this->previousElement = $this->$method($tokens);
} else {
$this->previousElement = new PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_SingleElement(
$this->orders[] = $tag;
if ($this->previousElement === null
|| ($this->previousElement instanceof PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_DocElement) === false
) {
throw new Exception('Parse method must return a DocElement');
}//end parseTag()
* Returns a list of tags that this comment parser allows for it's comment.
* Each tag should indicate if only one entry of this tag can exist in the
* comment by specifying true as the array value, or false if more than one
* is allowed. Each tag should ommit the @ symbol. Only tags other than
* the standard tags should be returned.
* @return array(string => boolean)
protected abstract function getAllowedTags();
* Returns the tag orders (index => tagName).
* @return array
public function getTagOrders()
return $this->orders;
}//end getTagOrders()
* Returns the unknown tags.
* @return array
public function getUnknown()
return $this->unknown;
}//end getUnknown()
}//end class