Mineplex/.FILES USED TO GET TO WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY/RedisDesktopManager/QtQuick/Controls/ScrollView.qml

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2023-05-17 21:44:01 +00:00
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the Qt Quick Controls module of the Qt Toolkit.
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import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
\qmltype ScrollView
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Controls
\since 5.1
\ingroup views
\ingroup controls
\brief Provides a scrolling view within another Item.
\image scrollview.png
A ScrollView can be used either to replace a \l Flickable or decorate an
existing \l Flickable. Depending on the platform, it will add scroll bars and
a content frame.
Only one Item can be a direct child of the ScrollView and the child is implicitly anchored
to fill the scroll view.
ScrollView {
Image { source: "largeImage.png" }
In the previous example the Image item will implicitly get scroll behavior as if it was
used within a \l Flickable. The width and height of the child item will be used to
define the size of the content area.
ScrollView {
ListView {
In this case the content size of the ScrollView will simply mirror that of its contained
\l flickableItem.
You can create a custom appearance for a ScrollView by
assigning a \l {ScrollViewStyle}.
FocusScope {
id: root
implicitWidth: 240
implicitHeight: 150
This property tells the ScrollView if it should render
a frame around its content.
The default value is \c false.
property bool frameVisible: false
/*! \qmlproperty enumeration ScrollView::horizontalScrollBarPolicy
\since QtQuick.Controls 1.3
This property holds the policy for showing the horizontal scrollbar.
It can be any of the following values:
\li Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded
\li Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff
\li Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn
The default policy is \c Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded.
property alias horizontalScrollBarPolicy: scroller.horizontalScrollBarPolicy
/*! \qmlproperty enumeration ScrollView::verticalScrollBarPolicy
\since QtQuick.Controls 1.3
This property holds the policy for showing the vertical scrollbar.
It can be any of the following values:
\li Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded
\li Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff
\li Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn
The default policy is \c Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded.
property alias verticalScrollBarPolicy: scroller.verticalScrollBarPolicy
This property controls if there should be a highlight
around the frame when the ScrollView has input focus.
The default value is \c false.
\note This property is only applicable on some platforms, such
as Mac OS.
property bool highlightOnFocus: false
\qmlproperty Item ScrollView::viewport
The viewport determines the current "window" on the contentItem.
In other words, it clips it and the size of the viewport tells you
how much of the content area is visible.
property alias viewport: viewportItem
\qmlproperty Item ScrollView::flickableItem
The flickableItem of the ScrollView. If the contentItem provided
to the ScrollView is a Flickable, it will be the \l contentItem.
readonly property alias flickableItem: internal.flickableItem
The contentItem of the ScrollView. This is set by the user.
Note that the definition of contentItem is somewhat different to that
of a Flickable, where the contentItem is implicitly created.
default property Item contentItem
/*! \internal */
property alias __scroller: scroller
/*! \internal */
property alias __verticalScrollbarOffset: scroller.verticalScrollbarOffset
/*! \internal */
property alias __wheelAreaScrollSpeed: wheelArea.scrollSpeed
/*! \internal */
property int __scrollBarTopMargin: 0
/*! \internal */
property int __viewTopMargin: 0
/*! \internal */
property alias __horizontalScrollBar: scroller.horizontalScrollBar
/*! \internal */
property alias __verticalScrollBar: scroller.verticalScrollBar
/*! \qmlproperty Component ScrollView::style
The style Component for this control.
\sa {Qt Quick Controls Styles QML Types}
property Component style: Settings.styleComponent(Settings.style, "ScrollViewStyle.qml", root)
/*! \internal */
property Style __style: styleLoader.item
activeFocusOnTab: false
onContentItemChanged: {
if (contentItem.hasOwnProperty("contentY") && // Check if flickable
contentItem.hasOwnProperty("contentHeight")) {
internal.flickableItem = contentItem // "Use content if it is a flickable
internal.flickableItem.parent = viewportItem
} else {
internal.flickableItem = flickableComponent.createObject(viewportItem)
contentItem.parent = internal.flickableItem.contentItem
internal.flickableItem.anchors.fill = viewportItem
if (!Settings.hasTouchScreen)
internal.flickableItem.interactive = false
children: Item {
id: internal
property Flickable flickableItem
Loader {
id: styleLoader
sourceComponent: style
onStatusChanged: {
if (status === Loader.Error)
console.error("Failed to load Style for", root)
property alias __control: root
Binding {
target: flickableItem
property: "contentHeight"
when: contentItem !== flickableItem
value: contentItem ? contentItem.height : 0
Binding {
target: flickableItem
when: contentItem !== flickableItem
property: "contentWidth"
value: contentItem ? contentItem.width : 0
Connections {
target: flickableItem
onContentYChanged: {
scroller.blockUpdates = true
scroller.verticalScrollBar.value = flickableItem.contentY - flickableItem.originY
scroller.blockUpdates = false
onContentXChanged: {
scroller.blockUpdates = true
scroller.horizontalScrollBar.value = flickableItem.contentX - flickableItem.originX
scroller.blockUpdates = false
anchors.fill: parent
Component {
id: flickableComponent
Flickable {}
WheelArea {
id: wheelArea
parent: flickableItem
z: -1
// ### Note this is needed due to broken mousewheel behavior in Flickable.
anchors.fill: parent
property int acceleration: 40
property int flickThreshold: Settings.dragThreshold
property real speedThreshold: 3
property real ignored: 0.001 // ## flick() does not work with 0 yVelocity
property int maxFlick: 400
property bool horizontalRecursionGuard: false
property bool verticalRecursionGuard: false
horizontalMinimumValue: 0
horizontalMaximumValue: flickableItem ? flickableItem.contentWidth - viewport.width : 0
onHorizontalMaximumValueChanged: {
wheelArea.horizontalRecursionGuard = true
//if horizontalMaximumValue changed, horizontalValue may be actually synced with
wheelArea.horizontalValue = flickableItem.contentX - flickableItem.originX;
wheelArea.horizontalRecursionGuard = false
verticalMinimumValue: 0
verticalMaximumValue: flickableItem ? flickableItem.contentHeight - viewport.height + __viewTopMargin : 0
onVerticalMaximumValueChanged: {
wheelArea.verticalRecursionGuard = true
//if verticalMaximumValue changed, verticalValue may be actually synced with
wheelArea.verticalValue = flickableItem.contentY - flickableItem.originY;
wheelArea.verticalRecursionGuard = false
// The default scroll speed for typical angle-based mouse wheels. The value
// comes originally from QTextEdit, which sets 20px steps by default, as well as
// QQuickWheelArea.
// TODO: centralize somewhere, QPlatformTheme?
scrollSpeed: 20 * (__style && __style.__wheelScrollLines || 1)
Connections {
target: flickableItem
onContentYChanged: {
wheelArea.verticalRecursionGuard = true
wheelArea.verticalValue = flickableItem.contentY - flickableItem.originY
wheelArea.verticalRecursionGuard = false
onContentXChanged: {
wheelArea.horizontalRecursionGuard = true
wheelArea.horizontalValue = flickableItem.contentX - flickableItem.originX
wheelArea.horizontalRecursionGuard = false
onVerticalValueChanged: {
if (!verticalRecursionGuard) {
var effectiveContentY = flickableItem.contentY - flickableItem.originY
if (effectiveContentY < flickThreshold && verticalDelta > speedThreshold) {
flickableItem.flick(ignored, Math.min(maxFlick, acceleration * verticalDelta))
} else if (effectiveContentY > flickableItem.contentHeight - flickThreshold - viewport.height
&& verticalDelta < -speedThreshold) {
flickableItem.flick(ignored, Math.max(-maxFlick, acceleration * verticalDelta))
} else {
flickableItem.contentY = verticalValue + flickableItem.originY
onHorizontalValueChanged: {
if (!horizontalRecursionGuard)
flickableItem.contentX = horizontalValue + flickableItem.originX
ScrollViewHelper {
id: scroller
anchors.fill: parent
active: wheelArea.active
property bool outerFrame: !frameVisible || !(__style ? __style.__externalScrollBars : 0)
property int scrollBarSpacing: outerFrame ? 0 : (__style ? __style.__scrollBarSpacing : 0)
property int verticalScrollbarOffset: verticalScrollBar.visible && !verticalScrollBar.isTransient ?
verticalScrollBar.width + scrollBarSpacing : 0
property int horizontalScrollbarOffset: horizontalScrollBar.visible && !horizontalScrollBar.isTransient ?
horizontalScrollBar.height + scrollBarSpacing : 0
Loader {
id: frameLoader
sourceComponent: __style ? __style.frame : null
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.rightMargin: scroller.outerFrame ? 0 : scroller.verticalScrollbarOffset
anchors.bottomMargin: scroller.outerFrame ? 0 : scroller.horizontalScrollbarOffset
Item {
id: viewportItem
anchors.fill: frameLoader
anchors.topMargin: frameVisible ? __style.padding.top : 0
anchors.leftMargin: frameVisible ? __style.padding.left : 0
anchors.rightMargin: (frameVisible ? __style.padding.right : 0) + (scroller.outerFrame ? scroller.verticalScrollbarOffset : 0)
anchors.bottomMargin: (frameVisible ? __style.padding.bottom : 0) + (scroller.outerFrame ? scroller.horizontalScrollbarOffset : 0)
clip: true
FocusFrame { visible: highlightOnFocus && root.activeFocus }