Mineplex/GOD DAMN COSMETICS/gadget/gadgets/doublejump/DoubleJumpMaple.java

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package mineplex.core.gadget.gadgets.doublejump;
import mineplex.core.common.util.C;
import mineplex.core.common.util.LineFormat;
import mineplex.core.common.util.UtilMath;
import mineplex.core.common.util.UtilParticle;
import mineplex.core.common.util.UtilText;
import mineplex.core.common.util.banner.CountryFlag;
import mineplex.core.gadget.GadgetManager;
import mineplex.core.gadget.types.DoubleJumpEffectGadget;
import mineplex.core.updater.UpdateType;
import mineplex.core.updater.event.UpdateEvent;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
public class DoubleJumpMaple extends DoubleJumpEffectGadget
* Amount of particles played per tick as a player flies through the air.
private static final int PARTICLES = 50;
* Vertical offset of the animation's center from the player's location.
private static final float Y_OFFSET = 0.95f;
* Divisor of the gaussian distribution of particles as the player flies through the air.
private static final int DISTRIBUTION = 2;
* Particle ring count when a player launches from the ground.
private static final int LAUNCH_RINGS = 6;
* The distance between launch rings.
private static final float RING_SPACING = 0.4f;
* Particles played per 1 unit radius.
private static final int RING_DENSITY = 8;
private HashMap<Player, Long> _playerMap = new HashMap<>();
public DoubleJumpMaple(GadgetManager manager)
super(manager, "Maple Leap",
UtilText.splitLineToArray(C.cGray + "Jump higher than the maple trees!", LineFormat.LORE),
-8, Material.WOOL, (byte)0);
public void doEffect(Player player)
_playerMap.put(player, System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000);
for (float r = RING_SPACING; r < limit; r++)
double[][] points = UtilMath.normalCircle(player.getLocation(), player.getVelocity(), r, Math.round(RING_DENSITY * r));
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
UtilParticle.PlayParticleToAll(UtilParticle.ParticleType.EXPLODE, new Location(player.getWorld(), points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2]),
null, 0, 1, UtilParticle.ViewDist.NORMAL);
public void onUpdate(UpdateEvent event)
if(event.getType() != UpdateType.FASTEST)
for(Iterator<Map.Entry<Player, Long>> it = _playerMap.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
Map.Entry<Player, Long> e = it.next();
if(e.getValue() <= System.currentTimeMillis())
Location loc = e.getKey().getLocation().add(0, Y_OFFSET, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < PARTICLES; ++i)
UtilParticle.playColoredParticleToAll(java.awt.Color.RED, UtilParticle.ParticleType.RED_DUST,
UtilMath.gauss(loc, DISTRIBUTION, DISTRIBUTION, DISTRIBUTION), 0, UtilParticle.ViewDist.NORMAL);