Mineplex/.FILES USED TO GET TO WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY/xampp/perl/bin/exe_update.pl

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2023-05-17 21:44:01 +00:00
# Copyright 2004, 2006, 2010 by Audrey Tang <cpan@audreyt.org>
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Win32::Exe;
use Getopt::Long;
=head1 NAME
exe_update.pl - Modify windows executable files
B<exe_update.pl> S<[ B<--gui> | B<--console> ]> S<[ B<--icon> I<iconfile> ]>
S<[ B<--manifest> I<manifestfile> ]>
S<[ B<--info> I<key=value;...> ]> I<exefile>
This program rewrites PE headers in a Windows executable file. It can
change whether the executable runs with a console window, as well as
setting the icons, manifest and version information associated with it.
In general, a PE file must have an existing resource section or you
cannot add icons, manifests or version info. However, on Win32 platforms
a new resource section will be created if none exists.
=head1 OPTIONS
Options are available in a I<short> form and a I<long> form. For
example, the three lines below are all equivalent:
% exe_update.pl -i new.ico input.exe
% exe_update.pl --icon new.ico input.exe
% exe_update.pl --icon=new.ico input.exe
=over 4
=item B<-c>, B<--console>
Set the executable to always display a console window.
=item B<-g>, B<--gui>
Set the executable so it does not have a console window.
=item B<-i>, B<--icon>=I<FILE>
Specify an icon file (in F<.ico>, F<.exe> or F<.dll> format) for the
=item B<-m>, B<--manifest>=I<FILE>
Specify a manifest file in F<.xml> format for the
=item B<-N>, B<--info>=I<KEY=VAL>
Attach version information for the executable. The name/value pair is
joined by C<=>. You may specify C<-N> multiple times, or use C<;> to
link several pairs.
These special C<KEY> names are recognized:
Comments CompanyName FileDescription FileVersion
InternalName LegalCopyright LegalTrademarks OriginalFilename
ProductName ProductVersion
=item B<-A>, B<--manifestargs>=I<KEY=VAL>
As an alternative to specifying a manifest file, specify manifest attributes.
The name/value pair is joined by C<=>. You may specify C<-A> multiple times,
or use C<;> to link several pairs. This option may be preferable to using
a manifest file as these attributes will be combined with any existing
manifest that may be in the executable.
These special C<KEY> names are recognized:
ExecutionLevel UIAccess ExecName Description
CommonControls Version
The CommonControls key is a simple boolean value to indicate that the
Common Controls Version dependency should be added to the manifest.
my $Options = {};
Getopt::Long::GetOptions( $Options,
'g|gui', # No console window
'c|console', # Use console window
'i|icon:s', # Icon file
'm|manifest:s', # manifest file
'N|info:s@', # Executable header info
'A|manifestargs:s@' # manifest arguments
my $exe = shift or die "Usage: " . basename($0) .
" [--gui | --console] [--icon file.ico] [--manifest file.xml] [--info key=value] [--manifestargs key=value ] file.exe\n";
my $exec = Win32::Exe->new($exe) or die "Unable to open file $exe";
if(!$exec->has_resource_section) {
die("Cannot create new resource section on this platform. Requires Win32") if $^O !~ /^mswin/i;
$exec->create_resource_section or die("Failed to create new resource section");
$exec = Win32::Exe->new($exe) or die "Unable to open file $exe";
gui => $Options->{g},
console => $Options->{c},
icon => $Options->{i},
info => $Options->{N},
manifest => $Options->{m},
manifestargs => $Options->{A},
) or die "Update of $exe failed!\n";
=head1 AUTHORS
Audrey Tang E<lt>cpan@audreyt.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2004, 2006, 2010 by Audrey Tang E<lt>cpan@audreyt.orgE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>