Mineplex/.FILES USED TO GET TO WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY/xampp/perl/bin/whirlpoolsum.bat

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2023-05-17 21:44:01 +00:00
@rem = '--*-Perl-*--
@set "ErrorLevel="
@if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" @goto WinNT
@perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
@set ErrorLevel=%ErrorLevel%
@goto endofperl
@perl -x -S %0 %*
@set ErrorLevel=%ErrorLevel%
@if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" @goto endofperl
@if %ErrorLevel% == 9009 @echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
@goto endofperl
@rem ';
#!/usr/bin/env perl
#line 30
use v5.8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest ();
use Pod::Usage ();
use Getopt::Long ();
my $name = 'whirlpoolsum';
my $VERSION = '1.00';
=head1 NAME
whirlpoolsum - Print or check WHIRLPOOL checksums
Print or check WHIRLPOOL (512-bit) checksums. With no FILE, or when
FILE is -, read standard input.
whirlpoolsum [OPTION] [FILE]...
=head1 OPTIONS
=item -b, --binary
read files in binary mode
=item -c, --check
read WHIRLPOOL sums from FILEs and check them
=item -t, --text
read files in text mode (default)
=item -s, --status
don't output anything, status code shows success
=item -h, --help
Print a usage message listing all available options
=item -v, --version
Print the version number, then exit successfully.
=head1 AUTHOR
E<AElig>var ArnfjE<ouml>rE<eth> Bjarmason <avar@cpan.org>
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# Get command line options
config => [ qw< bundling no_ignore_case no_require_order > ],
'h|help' => \my $help,
'v|version' => \my $version,
'b|binary' => \my $binary,
't|text' => \my $text,
'c|check' => \my $check,
'w|warn' => \my $warn,
's|status' => \my $status,
) or help();
# Deal with --help, --version and incorrect usage
help( verbose => 1, exitval => 0 )
if $help;
help( verbose => 0, exitval => 1 )
if $binary and $text;
# Display version if requested
version( exitval => 0 )
if $version;
# Set up various stuff
# Determine mode to read in
my $modesym = $binary ? '*' : ' ';
# read from stdin if no files are given
@ARGV = "-"
unless @ARGV;
# rx: A line in a sum file
my $sumfmt = qr/
# sp
[ ]
# What mode it was checked in
([* ])
# Filename
# Main loop
unless ( $check ) {
my $err = 0;
for my $file (@ARGV) {
if (my $digest = sumfile($file)) {
printf qq<%s %s%s\n>, $digest, $modesym, $file;
} else {
$err ||= 1;
exit $err;
} else {
my $err = 0;
my ($num_files, $num_checksums) = (0, 0);
# some of this is ripped from shasum(1)
for my $sumfile (@ARGV) {
my ($read_errs, $match_errs);
my ($fh, $rsp);
unless ( open my $fh, '<', $sumfile ) {
die sprintf qq<%s: %s: %s\n>, $name, $sumfile, $!;
} else {
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
# Just ignore invalid lines
next unless $line =~ /$sumfmt/;
my ($sum, $modesym, $file) = ($1, $2, $3);
($binary, $text) = map { $_ eq $modesym } ('*', ' ');
$rsp = "$file: "; $num_files++;
unless (my $digest = sumfile( $file )) {
$rsp .= "FAILED open or read\n";
$err ||= 1; $read_errs++;
} else {
if (lc $sum eq $digest) {
$rsp .= "OK\n";
} else {
$rsp .= "FAILED\n"; $err = 1; $match_errs++;
print $rsp
unless $status;
close $fh;
unless ($status) {
warn sprintf qq<%s: WARNING: %d of %d listed files could not be read\n>,
$name, $read_errs, $num_files
if $read_errs;
warn sprintf qq<%s: WARNING: %d of %d computed checksums did NOT match\n>,
$name, $match_errs, $num_checksums
if $match_errs;
exit $err;
sub sumfile
my ( $file ) = @_;
my $digest;
if ( $file eq '-' ) {
$digest = Digest->new( 'Whirlpool' )->addfile( *STDIN );
} else {
eval {
open my $fh, '<', $file;
binmode $fh if $binary;
$digest = Digest->new( 'Whirlpool' )->addfile( $fh );
if ($@) {
warn sprintf qq<whirlpoolsum: %s: %s\n>, $file, $!;
sub help
my %arg = @_;
-verbose => $arg{ verbose },
-exitval => $arg{ exitval } || 0,
sub version
my %arg = @_;
# Spit out the same crap GNU utilities do, for the lack of something better..
printf qq<whirlpoolsum %s\nCopyright (C) Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason\n>, $VERSION;
print "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n";
print "modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.\n";
print "\n";
print "Written by Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <avar\@cpan.org>\n";
exit $arg{ exitval } || 0;
@set "ErrorLevel=" & @goto _undefined_label_ 2>NUL || @"%COMSPEC%" /d/c @exit %ErrorLevel%