package PPI::Exception; =head1 NAME PPI::Exception - The PPI exception base class =head1 SYNOPSIS use PPI::Exception; my $e = PPI::Exception->new( 'something happened' ); $e->throw; PPI::Exception->new( message => 'something happened' )->throw; PPI::Exception->throw( message => 'something happened' ); =head1 DESCRIPTION All exceptions thrown from within PPI will be instances or derivations of this class. =cut use strict; use Params::Util qw{_INSTANCE}; our $VERSION = '1.270'; # VERSION =head1 METHODS =head2 new $message | message => $message, ... Constructs and returns a new C object. A message for the exception can be passed, either as a string or as C<< message => $message >>. The message is available via the C method. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; return bless { @_ }, $class if @_ > 1; return bless { message => $_[0] }, $class if @_; return bless { message => 'Unknown Exception' }, $class; } =head2 throw If called on a C object, throws the object. If called on the class name, uses the arguments to construct a C and then throw it. Each time the object is thrown, information from the Perl call is saved and made available via the C method. This method never returns. =cut sub throw { my $it = shift; if ( _INSTANCE($it, 'PPI::Exception') ) { if ( $it->{callers} ) { push @{ $it->{callers} }, [ caller(0) ]; } else { $it->{callers} ||= []; } } else { my $message = $_[0] || 'Unknown Exception'; $it = $it->new( message => $message, callers => [ [ caller(0) ], ], ); } die $it; } =head2 message Returns the exception message passed to the object's constructor, or a default message. =cut sub message { $_[0]->{message}; } =head2 callers Returns a listref, each element of which is a listref of C information. The returned listref can be empty. =cut sub callers { @{ $_[0]->{callers} || [] }; } 1;