use strict; use warnings; package YAML::Any; our $VERSION = '1.30'; use Exporter (); @YAML::Any::ISA = 'Exporter'; @YAML::Any::EXPORT = qw(Dump Load); @YAML::Any::EXPORT_OK = qw(DumpFile LoadFile); my @dump_options = qw( UseCode DumpCode SpecVersion Indent UseHeader UseVersion SortKeys AnchorPrefix UseBlock UseFold CompressSeries InlineSeries UseAliases Purity Stringify ); my @load_options = qw( UseCode LoadCode Preserve ); my @implementations = qw( YAML::XS YAML::Syck YAML::Old YAML YAML::Tiny ); sub import { __PACKAGE__->implementation; goto &Exporter::import; } sub Dump { no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'once'; my $implementation = __PACKAGE__->implementation; for my $option (@dump_options) { my $var = "$implementation\::$option"; my $value = $$var; local $$var; $$var = defined $value ? $value : ${"YAML::$option"}; } return &{"$implementation\::Dump"}(@_); } sub DumpFile { no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'once'; my $implementation = __PACKAGE__->implementation; for my $option (@dump_options) { my $var = "$implementation\::$option"; my $value = $$var; local $$var; $$var = defined $value ? $value : ${"YAML::$option"}; } return &{"$implementation\::DumpFile"}(@_); } sub Load { no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'once'; my $implementation = __PACKAGE__->implementation; for my $option (@load_options) { my $var = "$implementation\::$option"; my $value = $$var; local $$var; $$var = defined $value ? $value : ${"YAML::$option"}; } return &{"$implementation\::Load"}(@_); } sub LoadFile { no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'once'; my $implementation = __PACKAGE__->implementation; for my $option (@load_options) { my $var = "$implementation\::$option"; my $value = $$var; local $$var; $$var = defined $value ? $value : ${"YAML::$option"}; } return &{"$implementation\::LoadFile"}(@_); } sub order { return @YAML::Any::_TEST_ORDER if @YAML::Any::_TEST_ORDER; return @implementations; } sub implementation { my @order = __PACKAGE__->order; for my $module (@order) { my $path = $module; $path =~ s/::/\//g; $path .= '.pm'; return $module if exists $INC{$path}; eval "require $module; 1" and return $module; } croak("YAML::Any couldn't find any of these YAML implementations: @order"); } sub croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_); } 1;