* Laurent Laville * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the authors nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * @category PHP * @package PHP_CompatInfo * @author Davey Shafik * @author Laurent Laville * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD * @version CVS: $Id: Cli.php,v 1.75 2009/01/02 10:18:47 farell Exp $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CompatInfo * @since File available since Release 0.8.0 */ require_once 'PHP/CompatInfo.php'; require_once 'Console/Getargs.php'; /** * CLI Script to Check Compatibility of chunk of PHP code * * * run(); * ?> * * * @category PHP * @package PHP_CompatInfo * @author Davey Shafik * @author Laurent Laville * @copyright 2003 Davey Shafik and Synaptic Media. All Rights Reserved. * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD * @version Release: 1.9.0 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CompatInfo * @since Class available since Release 0.8.0 */ class PHP_CompatInfo_Cli { /** * @var array Current CLI Flags * @since 0.8.0 */ var $opts = array(); /** * Unified data source reference * * @var string Directory, File or String to be processed * @since 1.8.0b3 */ var $dataSource; /** * @var array Current parser options * @since 1.4.0 */ var $options = array(); /** * Command-Line Class constructor * * Command-Line Class constructor (ZE2) for PHP5+ * * @since version 0.8.0 (2004-04-22) */ function __construct() { $this->opts = array( 'dir' => array('short' => 'd', 'desc' => 'Parse DIR to get its compatibility info', 'default' => '', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'file' => array('short' => 'f', 'desc' => 'Parse FILE to get its compatibility info', 'default' => '', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'string' => array('short' => 's', 'desc' => 'Parse STRING to get its compatibility info', 'default' => '', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'verbose' => array('short' => 'v', 'desc' => 'Set the verbose level', 'default' => 1, 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'no-recurse' => array('short' => 'n', 'desc' => 'Do not recursively parse files when using --dir', 'max' => 0), 'ignore-files' => array('short' => 'if', 'desc' => 'Data file name which contains a list of ' . 'file to ignore', 'default' => 'files.txt', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'ignore-dirs' => array('short' => 'id', 'desc' => 'Data file name which contains a list of ' . 'directory to ignore', 'default' => 'dirs.txt', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'ignore-functions' => array('short' => 'in', 'desc' => 'Data file name which contains a list of ' . 'php function to ignore', 'default' => 'functions.txt', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'ignore-constants' => array('short' => 'ic', 'desc' => 'Data file name which contains a list of ' . 'php constant to ignore', 'default' => 'constants.txt', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'ignore-extensions' => array('short' => 'ie', 'desc' => 'Data file name which contains a list of ' . 'php extension to ignore', 'default' => 'extensions.txt', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'ignore-versions' => array('short' => 'iv', 'desc' => 'PHP versions - functions to exclude ' . 'when parsing source code', 'default' => '5.0.0', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 2), 'ignore-functions-match' => array('short' => 'inm', 'desc' => 'Data file name which contains a list of ' . 'php function pattern to ignore', 'default' => 'functions-match.txt', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'ignore-extensions-match' => array('short' => 'iem', 'desc' => 'Data file name which contains a list of ' . 'php extension pattern to ignore', 'default' => 'extensions-match.txt', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'ignore-constants-match' => array('short' => 'icm', 'desc' => 'Data file name which contains a list of ' . 'php constant pattern to ignore', 'default' => 'constants-match.txt', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'file-ext' => array('short' => 'fe', 'desc' => 'A comma separated list of file extensions ' . 'to parse (only valid if parsing a directory)', 'default' => 'php, php4, inc, phtml', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'report' => array('short' => 'r', 'desc' => 'Print either "xml" or "csv" report', 'default' => 'text', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'output-level' => array('short' => 'o', 'desc' => 'Print Path/File + Version with additional data', 'default' => 31, 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'tab' => array('short' => 't', 'desc' => 'Columns width', 'default' => '29,12,20', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'progress' => array('short' => 'p', 'desc' => 'Show a wait message [text] or a progress bar [bar]', 'default' => 'bar', 'min' => 0 , 'max' => 1), 'summarize' => array('short' => 'S', 'desc' => 'Print only summary when parsing directory', 'max' => 0), 'version' => array('short' => 'V', 'desc' => 'Print version information', 'max' => 0), 'help' => array('short' => 'h', 'desc' => 'Show this help', 'max' => 0), ); } /** * Command-Line Class constructor * * Command-Line Class constructor (ZE1) for PHP4 * * @since version 0.8.0 (2004-04-22) */ function PHP_CompatInfo_Cli() { $this->__construct(); } /** * Run the CLI version * * Run the CLI version of PHP_CompatInfo * * @return void * @access public * @since version 0.8.0 (2004-04-22) */ function run() { $args = & Console_Getargs::factory($this->opts); if (PEAR::isError($args)) { if ($args->getCode() === CONSOLE_GETARGS_HELP) { $error = ''; } else { $error = $args->getMessage(); } $this->_printUsage($error); return; } // default parser options $this->options = array( 'file_ext' => array('php', 'php4', 'inc', 'phtml'), 'recurse_dir' => true, 'debug' => false, 'is_string' => false, 'ignore_files' => array(), 'ignore_dirs' => array() ); // version $V = $args->getValue('V'); if (isset($V)) { $error = 'PHP_CompatInfo (cli) version 1.9.0' . ' (http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CompatInfo)'; echo $error; return; } // debug if ($args->isDefined('v')) { $v = $args->getValue('v'); if ($v > 3) { $this->options['debug'] = true; } } // no-recurse if ($args->isDefined('n')) { $this->options['recurse_dir'] = false; } // dir if ($args->isDefined('d')) { $d = $args->getValue('d'); if (file_exists($d)) { if ($d{strlen($d)-1} == '/' || $d{strlen($d)-1} == '\\') { $d = substr($d, 0, -1); } $this->dataSource = realpath($d); } else { $error = 'Failed opening directory "' . $d . '". Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } // file if ($args->isDefined('f')) { $f = $args->getValue('f'); if (file_exists($f)) { $this->dataSource = $f; } else { $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $f . '". Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } // string if ($args->isDefined('s')) { $s = $args->getValue('s'); if (!empty($s)) { $this->dataSource = sprintf("", $s); $this->options['is_string'] = true; } else { $error = 'Failed opening string "' . $s . '". Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } // ignore-files $if = $args->getValue('if'); if (isset($if)) { if (file_exists($if)) { $options = $this->_parseParamFile($if); $this->options['ignore_files'] = $options['std']; } else { $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $if . '" (ignore-files option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } // ignore-dirs $id = $args->getValue('id'); if (isset($id)) { if (file_exists($id)) { $options = $this->_parseParamFile($id); $this->options['ignore_dirs'] = $options['std']; } else { $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $id . '" (ignore-dirs option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } // ignore-functions $in = $args->getValue('in'); if (isset($in)) { if (file_exists($in)) { $options = $this->_parseParamFile($in); $this->options['ignore_functions'] = $options['std']; } else { $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $in . '" (ignore-functions option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } // ignore-constants $ic = $args->getValue('ic'); if (isset($ic)) { if (file_exists($ic)) { $options = $this->_parseParamFile($ic); $this->options['ignore_constants'] = $options['std']; } else { $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $ic . '" (ignore-constants option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } // ignore-extensions $ie = $args->getValue('ie'); if (isset($ie)) { if (file_exists($ie)) { $options = $this->_parseParamFile($ie); $this->options['ignore_extensions'] = $options['std']; } else { $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $ie . '" (ignore-extensions option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } // ignore-versions $iv = $args->getValue('iv'); if (isset($iv)) { if (!is_array($iv)) { $iv = array($iv); } $this->options['ignore_versions'] = $iv; } // ignore-functions-match $inm = $args->getValue('inm'); if (isset($inm)) { if (file_exists($inm)) { $patterns = $this->_parseParamFile($inm, true); if (count($patterns['std']) > 0 && count($patterns['reg']) > 0) { $error = 'Mixed "function_exists" and ' . '"preg_match" conditions are not allowed. ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } elseif (count($patterns['std']) > 0) { $this->options['ignore_functions_match'] = array('function_exists', $patterns['std']); } elseif (count($patterns['reg']) > 0) { $this->options['ignore_functions_match'] = array('preg_match', $patterns['reg']); } } else { $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $inm . '" (ignore-functions-match option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } // ignore-extensions-match $iem = $args->getValue('iem'); if (isset($iem)) { if (file_exists($iem)) { $patterns = $this->_parseParamFile($iem, true); if (count($patterns['std']) > 0 && count($patterns['reg']) > 0) { $error = 'Mixed "extension_loaded" and ' . '"preg_match" conditions are not allowed. ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } elseif (count($patterns['std']) > 0) { $this->options['ignore_extensions_match'] = array('extension_loaded', $patterns['std']); } elseif (count($patterns['reg']) > 0) { $this->options['ignore_extensions_match'] = array('preg_match', $patterns['reg']); } } else { $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $iem . '" (ignore-extensions-match option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } // ignore-constants-match $icm = $args->getValue('icm'); if (isset($icm)) { if (file_exists($icm)) { $patterns = $this->_parseParamFile($icm, true); if (count($patterns['std']) > 0 && count($patterns['reg']) > 0) { $error = 'Mixed "defined" and ' . '"preg_match" conditions are not allowed. ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } elseif (count($patterns['std']) > 0) { $this->options['ignore_constants_match'] = array('defined', $patterns['std']); } elseif (count($patterns['reg']) > 0) { $this->options['ignore_constants_match'] = array('preg_match', $patterns['reg']); } } else { $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $icm . '" (ignore-constants-match option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } // file-ext if ($args->isDefined('d') && $args->isDefined('fe')) { $fe = $args->getValue('fe'); if (is_string($fe)) { $this->options['file_ext'] = explode(',', $fe); } else { $error = 'No valid file extensions provided "' . '". Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } // file or directory options are minimum required to work if (!$args->isDefined('f') && !$args->isDefined('d') && !$args->isDefined('s')) { $error = 'ERROR: You must supply at least ' . 'one string, file or directory to process'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } if ($args->isDefined('r')) { $report = $args->getValue('r'); } else { $report = 'text'; } if ($args->isDefined('t')) { $defs = array('f' => 29, 'e' => 12, 'c' => 20); $tabs = $args->getValue('t'); $tabs = explode(',', $tabs); for ($t = 0; $t < 3; $t++) { if (isset($tabs[$t])) { if ($t == 0) { $defs['f'] = (int)$tabs[$t]; } elseif ($t == 1) { $defs['e'] = (int)$tabs[$t]; } else { $defs['c'] = (int)$tabs[$t]; } } } $conf = array('colwidth' => $defs); } else { $conf = array(); } $conf = array_merge($conf, array('args' => $args->getValues())); $compatInfo = new PHP_CompatInfo($report, $conf); // dir if ($args->isDefined('d')) { $d = $args->getValue('d'); $files = $compatInfo->parser->getFilelist($d, $this->options); if (count($files) == 0) { $error = 'No valid files into directory "'. $d . '". Please check your spelling and try again.'; $this->_printUsage($error); return; } } $compatInfo->parseData($this->dataSource, $this->options); } /** * Parse content of parameter files * * Parse content of parameter files used by switches *
  • ignore-files *
  • ignore-dirs *
  • ignore-functions *
  • ignore-constants *
  • ignore-extensions *
  • ignore-functions-match *
  • ignore-extensions-match *
  • ignore-constants-match *
* * @param string $fn Parameter file name * @param bool $withPattern TRUE if the file may contain regular expression * * @return array * @access private * @since version 1.7.0b4 (2008-04-03) */ function _parseParamFile($fn, $withPattern = false) { $lines = file($fn); $patterns = array('std' => array(), 'reg' => array()); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = rtrim($line); // remove line ending if (strlen($line) == 0) { continue; // skip empty lines } if ($line{0} == ';') { continue; // skip this pattern: consider as comment line } if ($line{0} == '=') { list($p, $s) = explode('=', $line); $patterns['reg'][] = '/'.$s.'/'; } else { if ($withPattern === true) { $patterns['std'][] = '/'.$line.'/'; } else { $patterns['std'][] = $line; } } } return $patterns; } /** * Show full help information * * @param string $footer (optional) page footer content * * @return void * @access private * @since version 0.8.0 (2004-04-22) */ function _printUsage($footer = '') { $header = 'Usage: ' . basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . " [options]\n\n"; echo Console_Getargs::getHelp($this->opts, $header, "\n$footer\n", 78, 2)."\n"; } } ?>