* @copyright 1997-2007 The PHP Group * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_Debug * @link http://phpdebug.sourceforge.net * @link http://www.php-debug.com * @see Text_Highlighter * @see Var_Dump, SQL_Parser * @since 1.0.0RC1 * @version CVS: $Id: Debug.php,v 1.6 2009/01/12 21:13:00 c0il Exp $ */ /** * Factory class for renderer of Debug class * * @see Debug/Renderer/*.php */ require_once 'PHP/DebugLine.php'; require_once 'PHP/Debug/Renderer.php'; /** * External constants * * @filesource * @package PHP_Debug */ if (!defined('CR')) { define('CR', "\n"); } class PHP_Debug { /** * Possible version of class Debug */ const VERSION_STANDALONE = 0; const VERSION_PEAR = 1; const VERSION_DEFAULT = self::VERSION_STANDALONE; const VERSION = self::VERSION_STANDALONE; const RELEASE = 'V2.1.5'; const PEAR_RELEASE = 'V1.0.3'; /** * These are constant for dump() and DumpObj() functions. * * - DUMP_DISP : Tell the function to display the debug info. * - DUMP_STR : Tell the fonction to return the debug info as a string * - DUMP_VARNAME : Default name of Array - DBG_ARR_OBJNAME : Default name * of Object */ const DUMP_DISP = 1; const DUMP_STR = 2; const DUMP_VARNAME = 'Variable'; /** * These are constant for addDebug functions, they set the behaviour where * the function should add the debug information in first or in last * position */ const POSITIONLAST = 0; const POSITIONFIRST = 1; /** * These are constants to define Super array environment variables */ const GLOBAL_GET = 0; const GLOBAL_POST = 1; const GLOBAL_FILES = 2; const GLOBAL_COOKIE = 3; const GLOBAL_REQUEST = 4; const GLOBAL_SESSION = 5; const GLOBAL_GLOBALS = 6; /** * Default configuration options * * @since V2.0.0 - 16 apr 2006 * @see setOptions() * @var array */ protected $defaultOptions = array( 'render_mode' => 'Div', // Renderer mode 'render_type' => 'HTML', // Renderer type 'restrict_access' => false, // Restrict or not the access 'allowed_ip' => array(''), // Authorized IP to view the debug when restrict_access is true 'allow_url_access' => false, // Allow to access the debug with a special parameter in the url 'url_key' => 'debug', // Key for url instant access 'url_pass' => 'true', // Password for url instant access 'enable_watch' => false, // Enable the watch function 'replace_errorhandler' => true, // Replace or no the PHP errorhandler 'lang' => 'EN', // Language ); /** * Default static options for static functions * * @since V2.0.0 - 16 apr 2006 * @see dump() * @var array */ protected static $staticOptions = array( 'dump_method' => 'print_r', // print_r or var_dump 'pear_var_dump_method' => 'Var_Dump::display' // Var_Dump display funtion (not used for now) ); /** * Functions from this class that must be excluded in order to have the * correct backtrace information * * @see PHP_DebugLine::setTraceback() * @since V2.0.0 - 13 apr 2006 * @var array */ public static $excludedBackTraceFunctions = array( 'add', 'dump', 'error', 'query', 'addDebug', 'setAction', 'addDebugFirst', 'watchesCallback', 'errorHandlerCallback' ); /** * Correspondance between super array constant and variable name * Used by renderers * * @since V2.0.0 - 18 apr 2006 * @var array */ public static $globalEnvConstantsCorresp = array( self::GLOBAL_GET => '_GET', self::GLOBAL_POST => '_POST', self::GLOBAL_FILES => '_FILES', self::GLOBAL_COOKIE => '_COOKIE', self::GLOBAL_REQUEST=> '_REQUEST', self::GLOBAL_SESSION=> '_SESSION', self::GLOBAL_GLOBALS=> 'GLOBALS' ); /** * Default configuration options * * @since V2.0.0 - 13 apr 2006 * @see setOptions() * @var array */ protected $options = array(); /** * This is the array where the debug lines are collected. * * @since V2.0.0 - 11 apr 2006 * @see DebugLine * @var array */ protected $debugLineBuffer = array(); /** * This is the array containing all the required/included files of the * script * * @since V2.0.0 - 17 apr 2006 * @see render(), PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_TEMPLATES * @var array */ protected $requiredFiles = array(); /** * This is the array containing all the watched variables * * @since V2.0.0 - 16 apr 2006 * @see watch() * @var array */ protected $watches = array(); /** * Execution start time * * @since V2.0.0 - 11 apr 2006 * @see __construct() * @var float */ protected $startTime; /** * Exection end time * * @since V2.0.0 - 11 apr 2006 * @see render() * @var float */ protected $endTime; /** * Number of queries executed during script * * @since V2.0.0 - 19 apr 2006 * @var integer */ protected $queryCount = 0; /** * PHP_Debug class constructor * * Here we set : * - the execution start time * - the options * - the error and watch call back functions * * @param array $options Array containing options to affect to Debug * object and his childs * * @since V2.0.0 - 11 apr 2006 */ function __construct($options = array()) { $this->startTime = PHP_Debug::getMicroTimeNow(); $this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options); $this->setWatchCallback(); $this->setErrorHandler(); } /** * Add a debug information * * @param string $info The main debug information * (may be empty for some debug line types) * @param integer $type Type of the DebugLine * * @see Debug constants * @since V1.0.0 - 07 Apr 2006 */ public function addDebug($info, $type = PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_STD, $position = self::POSITIONLAST) { // Add info $debugLine = new PHP_DebugLine($info, $type); if ($position == self::POSITIONLAST) { $this->debugLineBuffer[] = $debugLine; } else { array_unshift($this->debugLineBuffer, $debugLine); } // Additional process for some types switch ($type) { case PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_QUERY: $this->queryCount++; break; default: break; } // Return debugline return $debugLine; } /** * Add a debug info before all the existing other debug lines * It is an alias for addDebug($info, self::POSITIONLAST) * * @see addDebug * @since V1.0.0 - 13 Apr 2006 */ public function addDebugFirst($info, $type = PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_STD) { return $this->addDebug($info, $type, self::POSITIONFIRST); } /** * This is an alias for the addDebug function * * @see addDebug() * @since V2.0.0 - 20 apr 2006 */ public function add($info, $type = PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_STD) { return $this->addDebug($info, $type); } /** * This is an alias for the addDebug function when wanting to add a query * debug information * * @see addDebug(), PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_QUERY * @since V2.0.0 - 21 Apr 2006 */ public function query($qry) { return $this->addDebug($qry, PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_QUERY); } /** * This is an alias for the addDebug function when wanting to add a * database related debug info * * @see addDebug(), PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_QUERYREL * @since V2.1.0 - 3 apr 2007 */ public function queryRel($info) { return $this->addDebug($info, PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_QUERYREL); } /** * This is an alias for the addDebug function when wanting to add an * application error * * @see addDebug(), PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_APPERROR * @since V2.0.0 - 21 Apr 2006 */ public function error($info) { return $this->addDebug($info, PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_APPERROR); } /** * This is an alias for adding the monitoring of processtime * * @see addDebug(), PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_PROCESSPERF * @since V2.1.0 - 21 Apr 2006 */ public function addProcessPerf() { return $this->addDebug('', PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_PROCESSPERF); } /** * This a method to dump the content of any variable and add the result in * the debug information * * @param mixed $var Variable to dump * @param string $varname Name of the variable * * @since V2.0.0 - 25 Apr 2006 */ public function dump($obj, $varName = '') { $info[] = $varName; $info[] = $obj; return $this->addDebug($info, PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_DUMP); } /** * Set the main action of PHP script * * @param string $action Name of the main action of the file * * @since V2.0.0 - 25 Apr 2006 * @see PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_CURRENTFILE */ public function setAction($action) { $this->add($action, PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_PAGEACTION); } /** * Add an application setting * * @param string $action Name of the main action of the file * * @since V2.1.0 - 02 Apr 2007 * @see PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_ENV */ public function addSetting($value, $name) { $this->add($name. ': '. $value, PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_ENV); } /** * Add a group of settings * * @param string $action Name of the main action of the file * * @since V2.1.0 - 2 Apr 2007 * @see PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_ENV */ public function addSettings($values, $name) { $this->add($name. ': '. PHP_Debug::dumpVar( $values, $name, false, PHP_Debug::DUMP_STR ), PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_ENV ); } /** * Set the callback fucntion to process the watches, enabled depending of * the options flag 'enable_watch' * * @since V2.0.0 - 16 apr 2006 * @see options, watches, watchesCallback() */ protected function setWatchCallback() { if ($this->options['enable_watch'] == true) { if (count($this->watches) === 0) { $watchMethod = array($this, 'watchesCallback'); register_tick_function($watchMethod); } } } /** * Set the callback function to process replace the php error handler, * enabled depending of the options flag 'replace_errorhandler' * * @since V2.0.0 - 16 apr 2006 * @see options, errorHandlerCallback() */ protected function setErrorHandler() { if ($this->options['replace_errorhandler'] == true) { $errorhandler = array( $this, 'errorHandlerCallback' ); set_error_handler($errorhandler); } } /** * Callback function for php error handling * * Warning : the only PHP error codes that are processed by this user * handler are : E_WARNING, E_NOTICE, E_USER_ERROR * For the other error codes the standart php handler will be used * * @since V2.0.0 - 17 apr 2006 * @see options, setErrorHandler() */ public function errorHandlerCallback() { $details = func_get_args(); $popNumber = 3; // We already have line & file with setBackTrace function for ($index = 0; $index < $popNumber; $index++) { array_pop($details); } if ($details[0] != E_STRICT) $this->addDebug($details, PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_PHPERROR); } /** * Add a variable to the watchlist. Watched variables must be in a declare * (ticks=n) block so that every n ticks the watched variables are checked * for changes. If any changes were made, the new value of the variable is * recorded * * @param string $variableName Variable to watch * @since V2.0.0 - 17 apr 2006 * @see watchesCallback() */ public function watch($variableName) { if ($this->options['enable_watch'] == true) { if (isset($GLOBALS[$variableName])) { $this->watches[$variableName] = $GLOBALS[$variableName]; } else { $this->watches[$variableName] = null; } } else { throw new Exception('The Watch function is disabled please set the option \'enable_watch\' to \'true\' to be able to use this feature, it\'s stable with a Unix server'); } } /** * Watch callback function, process watches and add changes to the debug * information * * @since V2.0.0 - 17 apr 2006 * @see watch() */ public function watchesCallback() { // Check if there are variables to watch if (count($this->watches)) { foreach ($this->watches as $variableName => $variableValue) { if ($GLOBALS[$variableName] !== $this->watches[$variableName]) { $info = array( $variableName, $this->watches[$variableName], $GLOBALS[$variableName] ); $this->watches[$variableName] = $GLOBALS[$variableName]; $this->addDebug($info, PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_WATCH); } } } } /** * Get global process time * * @return float Execution process time of the script * * @see getElapsedTime() * @since V2.0.0 - 21 Apr 2006 */ public function getProcessTime() { return $this->getElapsedTime($this->startTime, $this->endTime); } /** * Get database related process time * * @return float Execection process time of the script for all * database specific tasks * * @see PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_QUERY, PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_QUERYREL * @since V2.0.0 - 21 Apr 2006 */ public function getQueryTime() { $queryTime = 0; foreach($this->debugLineBuffer as $lkey => $lvalue) { $properties = $lvalue->getProperties(); if ($properties['type'] == PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_QUERY || $properties['type'] == PHP_DebugLine::TYPE_QUERYREL) { if (!empty($properties['endTime'])) { $queryTime = $queryTime + $this->getElapsedTime( $properties['startTime'], $properties['endTime']); } } } return $queryTime; } /** * PHP_Debug default output function, first we finish the processes and * then a render object is created and its render method is invoked * * The renderer used is set with the options, all the possible renderer * are in the directory Debug/Renderer/*.php * (not the files ending by '_Config.php') * * @since V2.0.0 - 13 apr 2006 * @see Debug_Renderer */ public function render() { // Finish process $this->endTime = PHP_Debug::getMicroTimeNow(); // Render output if we are allowed to if ($this->isAllowed()) { // Create render object and invoke its render function $renderer = PHP_Debug_Renderer::factory($this, $this->options); // Get required files here to have event all Debug classes $this->requiredFiles = get_required_files(); // Call rendering return $renderer->render(); } } /** * Alias for the render function * * @since V2.0.0 - 17 apr 2006 * @see render() */ public function display() { echo $this->render(); } /** * Return the output without displaying it * * @since V2.0.1 - 17 apr 2006 * @see render() */ public function getOutput() { return $this->render(); } /** * Restrict access to a list of IP * * @param array $ip Array with IP to allow access * @since V2.0.0 - 11 Apr 2006 * @see $options, isAllowed() */ function restrictAccess($ip) { $this->options['allowed_ip'] = $ip; } /** * Test if the client is allowed to access the debug information * There are several possibilities : * - 'restrict_access' flag is set to false * - 'restrict_access' flag is set to true and client IP is the * allowed ip in the options 'allowed_ip' * - Access by url is allowed with flag 'allow_url_access' then * the client must enter the good key and password in the url * * @since V2.0.0 - 20 apr 2006 * @see $options, restrictAcess() */ protected function isAllowed() { if ($this->options['restrict_access'] == true) { // Check if client IP is among the allowed ones if (in_array( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $this->options['allowed_ip'] )) { return true; } // Check if instant access is allowed and test key and password elseif ($this->options['allow_url_access'] == true) { $key = $this->options['url_key']; if (!empty($_GET[$key])) { if ($_GET[$key] == $this->options['url_pass']) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else { // Access is not restricted return true; } } /** * Return microtime from a timestamp * * @param $time Timestamp to retrieve micro time * @return numeric Microtime of timestamp param * * @since V1.1.0 - 14 Nov 2003 * @see $DebugMode */ public static function getMicroTime($time) { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', $time); return (float)$usec + (float)$sec; } /** * Alias for getMicroTime(microtime() * * @see getMicroTime() * @since V2.0.0 - 19 apr 2006 */ public static function getMicroTimeNow() { return PHP_Debug::getMicroTime(microtime()); } /** * Get elapsed time between 2 timestamp * * @param float $timeStart Start time * @param float $timeEnd End time * @return float Numeric difference between the two times * ref in format 00.0000 sec * * @see getMicroTime() * @since V1.0.0 - 20 Oct 2003 */ public static function getElapsedTime($timeStart, $timeEnd) { return round($timeEnd - $timeStart, 4); } /** * Returns Uri prefix, including protocol, hostname and server port. * * @return string Uniform resource identifier prefix */ public static function getUriPrefix() { $pathArray = $_SERVER; if (PHP_Debug::isSecure()) { $standardPort = '443'; $proto = 'https'; } else { $standardPort = '80'; $proto = 'http'; } $port = $pathArray['SERVER_PORT'] == $standardPort || !$pathArray['SERVER_PORT'] ? '' : ':'.$pathArray['SERVER_PORT']; return $proto.'://'. $pathArray['SERVER_NAME']. $port; } /** * Test if url is secured * * @since V2.1.1 - 23 avr. 2007 */ public static function isSecure() { return $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80; } /** * Returns current host name. * * @since V2.1.1 - 23 avr. 2007 */ public static function getHost() { $pathArray = $_SERVER; return isset($pathArray['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']) ? $pathArray['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] : (isset($pathArray['HTTP_HOST']) ? $pathArray['HTTP_HOST'] : ''); } /** * Returns current script name. * * @return string * @since V2.1.1 - 23 avr. 2007 */ public static function getScriptName() { $pathArray = $_SERVER; return isset($pathArray['SCRIPT_NAME']) ? $pathArray['SCRIPT_NAME'] : (isset($pathArray['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME']) ? $pathArray['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'] : ''); } /** * Return the query string * * @author Vernet Loic * @since 2.1.1 - 23 avr. 2007 */ public static function getQueryString() { return $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? '?'. $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : ''; } /** * Return the full url * * @author Vernet Loi * @since 2.1.1 - 23 avr. 2007 */ public static function getUrl() { return self::getUriPrefix(). self::getScriptName(). self::getQueryString(); } /** * Set the endtime for a DebugLine in order to monitor the performance * of a part of script * * @see PHP_DebugLine::endTime * @since V2.0.0 - 19 apr 2006 */ public function stopTimer() { $this->debugLineBuffer[count($this->debugLineBuffer)-1]->setEndTime(); } /** * Display the content of any kind of variable * * - Mode PHP_DEBUG_DUMP_ARR_DISP display the array * - Mode PHP_DEBUG_DUMP_ARR_STR return the infos as a string * * @param mixed $var Variable to dump * @param string $varname Name of the variable * @param integer $mode Mode of function * @param boolean $stopExec Stop the process after display of debug * @return mixed Nothing or string depending on the mode * * @since V2.0.0 - 25 Apr 2006 */ public static function dumpVar( $var, $varName = self::DUMP_VARNAME, $stopExec = false, $mode = self::DUMP_DISP) { $dumpMethod = self::$staticOptions['dump_method']; ob_start(); $dumpMethod($var); $dbgBuffer = htmlentities(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); switch ($mode) { default: case self::DUMP_DISP: if (empty($varName)) { if (is_array($var)) { $varName = 'Array'; } elseif (is_object($var)) { $varName = get_class($var); } else { $varName = 'Variable'; } } $dbgBuffer = '
dump of \''. $varName. '\' :'. 
                    CR. $dbgBuffer. '
'; echo $dbgBuffer; break; case PHP_Debug::DUMP_STR: return($dbgBuffer); } // Check process stop if ($stopExec) { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $dieMsg = '
Process stopped by PHP_Debug'. CR;
            $dieMsg .= $backtrace[0]['file'] ?     '» file     : '. 
                $backtrace[0]['file'] .''. CR : '';  
            $dieMsg .= $backtrace[0]['line'] ?     '» line     : '. 
                $backtrace[0]['line'] .''. CR : '';  
            $dieMsg .= $backtrace[1]['class'] ?    '» class    : '. 
                $backtrace[1]['class'] .''. CR : '';  
            $dieMsg .= $backtrace[1]['function'] ? '» function : '. 
                $backtrace[1]['function'] .''. CR : '';  
            $dieMsg .= '
'; die($dieMsg); } } /** * Get one option * * @param string $optionsIdx Name of the option to get * @since V2.0.0 - 13 apr 2006 */ public function getOption($optionIdx) { return $this->options[$optionIdx]; } /** * Getter of requiredFiles property * * @return array Array with the included/required files * @since V2.0.0 - 13 apr 2006 * @see requiredFiles */ public function getRequiredFiles() { return $this->requiredFiles; } /** * Getter of debugString property * * @since V2.0.0 - 13 apr 2006 * @see debugLineBuffer */ public function getDebugBuffer() { return $this->debugLineBuffer; } /** * Getter of queryCount property * * @since V2.0.0 - 21 Apr 2006 * @see queryCount */ public function getQueryCount() { return $this->queryCount; } /** * Debug default output function, simply uses the static dump fonction * of this class * * @since V2.0.0 - 11 apr 2006 * @see dump */ public function __toString() { return '
'. PHP_Debug::dumpVar(
            __CLASS__. ' class instance',
        ). '
'; } }