GriefPrevention: SeaLevelOverrides: world: -1 world_nether: -1 world_the_end: -1 CW5: -1 CSLobby: -1 MB5: -1 Houses: -1 LobBombers: -1 BH: -1 WarCake: -1 MythicalPalace: -1 SnowFight: -1 TestingWorld: -1 AttemptKitty: -1 Skywars: -1 Trees1: -1 Trees2: -1 Trees3: -1 Trees4: -1 Microbattles: -1 APTERRA: -1 Spawn: -1 NFT: -1 Fireworks: -1 SpaceCakes2: -1 CSLobby2: -1 SnowFight5: -1 flatroom: -1 Village: -1 Tigris: -1 MedievalVillage: -1 SpaceCake2: -1 SnowFight3: -1 Trees5: -1 BH2: -1 ShiverfrostFortress: -1 SnowFight4: -1 SnowFight2: -1 Bridges: -1 CakeWars: -1 Chastershire: -1 Wolveshire: -1 WarCakes: -1 Cakewars3: -1 BLD: -1 MB2: -1 MB4: -1 MB3: -1 Claims: Mode: CSLobby: Survival BH: Survival SpaceCakes2: Survival NFT: Disabled BLD: Survival MythicalPalace: Survival Skywars: Survival LobBombers: Survival world_nether: Disabled world_the_end: Disabled Tigris: Survival ShiverfrostFortress: Survival WarCake: Survival AttemptKitty: Survival SnowFight2: Survival CakeWars: Survival Trees3: Survival Houses: Survival SnowFight3: Survival Trees2: Survival SnowFight5: Survival world: Survival Microbattles: Survival Trees1: Survival Chastershire: Survival CW5: Survival MB4: Survival Cakewars3: Survival APTERRA: Survival TestingWorld: Survival flatroom: Survival SnowFight4: Survival Trees4: Survival Trees5: Survival MedievalVillage: Survival MB3: Survival MB2: Survival MB5: Survival Spawn: Survival Village: Survival SpaceCake2: Survival WarCakes: Survival SnowFight: Survival Wolveshire: Survival Bridges: Survival CSLobby2: Survival Fireworks: Survival BH2: Survival PreventTheft: true ProtectCreatures: true PreventButtonsSwitches: true LockWoodenDoors: false LockTrapDoors: false LockFenceGates: true EnderPearlsRequireAccessTrust: true ProtectFires: false ProtectHorses: true InitialBlocks: 100 BlocksAccruedPerHour: 100 MaxAccruedBlocks: 80000 AbandonReturnRatio: 1.0 AutomaticNewPlayerClaimsRadius: 4 ExtendIntoGroundDistance: 5 MinimumWidth: 5 MinimumArea: 100 MaximumDepth: 0 InvestigationTool: STICK ModificationTool: GOLD_SPADE Expiration: ChestClaimDays: 7 UnusedClaimDays: 14 AllClaimDays: 0 AutomaticNatureRestoration: SurvivalWorlds: false MaximumNumberOfClaimsPerPlayer: 0 CreationRequiresWorldGuardBuildPermission: true PortalGenerationRequiresPermission: false VillagerTradingRequiresPermission: true CommandsRequiringAccessTrust: /sethome DeliverManuals: true Spam: Enabled: true LoginCooldownSeconds: 60 MonitorSlashCommands: /me;/tell;/global;/local;/w;/msg;/r;/t WarningMessage: Please reduce your noise level. Spammers will be banned. BanOffenders: true BanMessage: Banned for spam. AllowedIpAddresses:; DeathMessageCooldownSeconds: 60 PvP: RulesEnabledInWorld: world: true world_nether: true world_the_end: true CW5: true CSLobby: true MB5: true Houses: true LobBombers: true BH: true WarCake: true MythicalPalace: true SnowFight: true TestingWorld: true AttemptKitty: true Skywars: true Trees1: true Trees2: true Trees3: true Trees4: true Microbattles: true APTERRA: true Spawn: true NFT: true Fireworks: true SpaceCakes2: true CSLobby2: true SnowFight5: true flatroom: true Village: true Tigris: true MedievalVillage: true SpaceCake2: true SnowFight3: true Trees5: true BH2: true ShiverfrostFortress: true SnowFight4: true SnowFight2: true Bridges: true CakeWars: true Chastershire: true Wolveshire: true WarCakes: true Cakewars3: true BLD: true MB2: true MB4: true MB3: true ProtectFreshSpawns: true PunishLogout: true CombatTimeoutSeconds: 15 AllowCombatItemDrop: false BlockedSlashCommands: /home;/vanish;/spawn;/tpa ProtectPlayersInLandClaims: PlayerOwnedClaims: true AdministrativeClaims: true AdministrativeSubdivisions: true Economy: ClaimBlocksPurchaseCost: 0.0 ClaimBlocksSellValue: 0.0 ProtectItemsDroppedOnDeath: PvPWorlds: false NonPvPWorlds: true BlockLandClaimExplosions: true BlockSurfaceCreeperExplosions: true BlockSurfaceOtherExplosions: true LimitSkyTrees: true LimitTreeGrowth: false LimitPistonsToLandClaims: true FireSpreads: false FireDestroys: false AdminsGetWhispers: true AdminsGetSignNotifications: true WhisperCommands: /tell;/pm;/r;/w;/whisper;/t;/msg SmartBan: true MaxPlayersPerIpAddress: 3 Siege: Worlds: [] BreakableBlocks: - DIRT - GRASS - LONG_GRASS - COBBLESTONE - GRAVEL - SAND - GLASS - THIN_GLASS - WOOD - WOOL - SNOW EndermenMoveBlocks: false SilverfishBreakBlocks: false CreaturesTrampleCrops: false HardModeZombiesBreakDoors: false Database: URL: '' UserName: '' Password: '' Mods: BlockIdsRequiringAccessTrust: [] BlockIdsRequiringContainerTrust: - 99999:*:Example - ID 99999, all data values. BlockIdsExplodable: [] PlayersIgnoringAllClaims: [] Abridged Logs: Days To Keep: 7 Included Entry Types: Social Activity: true Suspicious Activity: true Administrative Activity: false Debug: false