Prefix: '&7[&cTpLogin&7]&7' No-Permission: '%prefix% &cYou do not have permission to do that.' In-Game-Only: '%prefix% &cIn-Game command only!' Invalid-Sub-Command: '%prefix% &cInvalid Sub Command, use /tplogin help' Reloaded-Configs: '%prefix% &aConfigs reloaded.' Set-Default-Location: '%prefix% &aYou have set the default location.' Set-Named-Location: '%prefix% &aYou have set a named location.' Location-Not-Exists: '%prefix% &aThat location does not exist.' Commands: Spawn: Teleport: Default: '%prefix% &aTeleported to spawn.' Named: '%prefix% &aTeleported to spawn location %name%.' Cooldown: '%prefix% &aPlease wait &e%time% &abefore using this command again.' Delay: Execute: '%prefix% &aYou are going to be teleported in &e%time% seconds&a. Do not move.' Cancelled: '%prefix% &cTeleport cancelled.' Other: Execute: '%prefix% &cTeleported %username% to spawn.' Not-Online: '%prefix% &cThat player is not online.' All: '%prefix% &cTeleport all players to spawn.' Staff: '%prefix% &c%staff% has teleported you to spawn.'