package; import mineplex.database.routines.CheckAmplifierThank; import mineplex.serverdata.database.DBPool; import mineplex.serverdata.database.RepositoryBase; import; /** * @author Shaun Bennett */ public class BoosterThankRepository extends RepositoryBase { public BoosterThankRepository(JavaPlugin plugin) { super(DBPool.getAccount()); } /** * Checks the database if an accountId is allowed to thank a specific Amplifier. * This will return true and update the database if the thank is okay, or false * if that account ID has already thanked that Amplifier ID. * * @param accountId Account ID of the player trying to thank the Amplifier * @param amplifierId The ID of the Amplifier the player is trying to thank * @return True if the account id can thank the amplifier id, false otherwise */ public boolean checkAmplifierThank(int accountId, int amplifierId) { CheckAmplifierThank checkAmplifierThank = new CheckAmplifierThank(); checkAmplifierThank.setInAccountId(accountId); checkAmplifierThank.setInAmplifierId(amplifierId); checkAmplifierThank.execute(jooq().configuration()); return checkAmplifierThank.getCanThank() == 1; } }