#styles (SERVER 1.9+) #NOTCHED_6, NOTCHED_10, NOTCHED_12, NOTCHED_20, PROGRESS #colors (SERVER 1.9+) #BLUE, GREEN, PINK, PURPLE, RED, WHITE, YELLOW #IF YOU ARE USING SERVER 1.8.X #the entity will be slightly visible when progress is less than ~50% (client-sided bug) #only 1 line can be displayed at a time #you can also announce a message using /tab announce bar (does not support animations yet) bossbar-enabled: false refresh-interval-milliseconds: 1000 bossbar-toggle-command: /bossbar permission-required-to-toggle: false #saving toggle decision into playerdata.yml to keep it saved after reloads/restarts remember-toggle-choice: false #to have no default bars, set it to #default-bars: [] default-bars: - ServerInfo per-world: testworld: - "test" bars: ServerInfo: #tab.bossbar., in this case tab.bossbar.ServerInfo permission-required: false style: "PROGRESS" color: "%animation:barcolors%" progress: "100" # in % text: "&fWebsite: &bwww.domain.com" test: permission-required: false style: PROGRESS color: WHITE progress: "100" text: "test"