# Detailed explanation of all options available at https://github.com/NEZNAMY/TAB/wiki/config.yml change-nametag-prefix-suffix: true change-tablist-prefix-suffix: true enable-header-footer: true nametag-refresh-interval-milliseconds: 1000 tablist-refresh-interval-milliseconds: 1000 header-footer-refresh-interval-milliseconds: 100 header: - '' - '&6&l&k||&e&lCS Build Server&6&l&k||' - '' - '&6&l&m-------&6&l[ &e#ReviveCS &6&l]&6&l&m-------' footer: - '&6&l&m-------&6&l[ &e#CSStands &6&l]&6&l&m-------' - '' - "&6Ping: &e%ping%&r &ems" - "&6Server TPS: &e%tps%" - "&6Date &e%date%" - "&6Time &e%time% &eEST" - '' - '&6Server Restarts' - '&e12am/12pm' - '&eAZT' - '' - '&6&m&l-----&6&l[ &etiny.cc/&eReviveCS &6&l]&6&m&l-----' yellow-number-in-tablist: '%ping%' group-sorting-priority-list: - owner - admin - buildlead - buildmang - builder - buildnot - buildtrial - csgi - ambassador - gi - alts - default Groups: Owner: tabprefix: '&4[&4Owner&4] &c' tagprefix: '&4Owner &c' Ambassador: tabprefix: '&f[&cAmbassador&f] &f' tagprefix: '&cAmbassador &e' Admin: tabprefix: '&4[&4Admin&4] &c' tagprefix: '&4Admin &c' CCAdmin: tabprefix: '&4[&4CCAdmin&4] &c' tagprefix: '&4CCAdmin &c' Player: tabprefix: '&0[&7Player&0] &3' tagprefix: '&2Player &e' BuildLead: tabprefix: '&4[&4Build Lead&4] &c' tagprefix: '&4Build Lead &e' BuildMang: tabprefix: '&9[&9Management] &b' tagprefix: '&9Management &e' Builder: tabprefix: '&9[&9Builder&9] &e' tagprefix: '&9Builder &e' BuildNot: tabprefix: '&9[&9Builder&9] &e' tagprefix: '&9Builder &e' BuildTrial: tabprefix: '&9[Trial Builder] &e' tagprefix: '&9Trial Build &e' CSGi: tabprefix: '&e[&6CSGI&e] &e' tagprefix: '&6CSGI &e' GI: tabprefix: '&e[&6Alt&e] &e' tagprefix: '&6Alt &e' Alts: tabprefix: '&e[&6Alt&e] &e' tagprefix: '&6Alt &e' Default: tabprefix: '&e[&6DiscStaff&e] &e' tagprefix: '&6Discord Staff &e' example_group: header: - This is an example of per-group header/footer footer: - applied to a group _OTHER_: tabprefix: '%vault-prefix%' tagprefix: '%vault-prefix%' tabsuffix: '%afk%' tagsuffix: '%afk%' customtabname: '%essentialsnick%' customtagname: '%essentialsnick%' all: customtagname: name Users: _NEZNAMY_: tabprefix: '&6&lTAB Author &a' tagprefix: '&6&lTAB &r&a' abovename: '&bOh look, 3 lines of text !' belowname: '&eThere''s only one plugin out there supporting it' classic-vanilla-belowname: enabled: true refresh-interval-milliseconds: 200 number: '%health%' text: Health enable-collision: true revert-collision-rule-in-worlds: - revertedworld do-not-move-spectators: false unlimited-nametag-prefix-suffix-mode: enabled: false modify-npc-names: false per-world-settings: world1: header: - an example of world with custom footer: - header/footer and prefix/suffix Groups: Owner: tabprefix: '&0&l[&a&lOwner&0&l] &a' tagprefix: '&2&lOwner &a' world2-world3: header: - This is a shared header for - world2 and world3 placeholders: afk-yes: ' &4✗&r' afk-no: ' &2✔&r' date-format: MM.dd.yyyy time-format: 'h:mm a' time-offset: 0 remove-strings: - '[]' - < > rank-aliases: Admin: '&4ADMIN' Owner: '%4OWNER' BuildLead: '&4Build Lead' Builder: '&9Builder' BuildNot: '&9Builder' BuildTrial: '&9Trial Builder' CSGi: '&6CSGI' GI: '&6GI' Alts: '&6Alt' Default: '&6Discord Staff' _OTHER_: '&7No Rank' disable-features-in-worlds: header-footer: - disabledworld tablist-names: - disabledworld nametag: - disabledworld tablist-objective: - disabledworld bossbar: - disabledworld belowname: - disabledworld