package PPI::Util; # Provides some common utility functions that can be imported use strict; use Exporter (); use Digest::MD5 (); use Params::Util qw{_INSTANCE _SCALAR0 _ARRAY0}; our $VERSION = '1.270'; # VERSION our @ISA = 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw{ _Document _slurp }; # 5.8.7 was the first version to resolve the notorious # "unicode length caching" bug. use constant HAVE_UNICODE => !! ( $] >= 5.008007 ); # Common reusable true and false functions # This makes it easy to upgrade many places in PPI::XS sub TRUE () { 1 } sub FALSE () { '' } ##################################################################### # Functions # Allows a sub that takes a L to handle the full range # of different things, including file names, SCALAR source, etc. sub _Document { shift if @_ > 1; return undef unless defined $_[0]; require PPI::Document; return PPI::Document->new(shift) unless ref $_[0]; return PPI::Document->new(shift) if _SCALAR0($_[0]); return PPI::Document->new(shift) if _ARRAY0($_[0]); return shift if _INSTANCE($_[0], 'PPI::Document'); return undef; } # Provide a simple _slurp implementation sub _slurp { my $file = shift; local $/ = undef; local *FILE; open( FILE, '<', $file ) or return "open($file) failed: $!"; my $source = ; close( FILE ) or return "close($file) failed: $!"; return \$source; } # Provides a version of Digest::MD5's md5hex that explicitly # works on the unix-newlined version of the content. sub md5hex { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/(?:\015{1,2}\012|\015|\012)/\015/gs; Digest::MD5::md5_hex($string); } # As above but slurps and calculates the id for a file by name sub md5hex_file { my $file = shift; my $content = _slurp($file); return undef unless ref $content; $$content =~ s/(?:\015{1,2}\012|\015|\012)/\n/gs; md5hex($$content); } 1;