package Specio::OO; use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw( confess ); use List::Util qw( all ); use MRO::Compat; use Role::Tiny; use Scalar::Util qw( weaken ); use Specio::Helpers qw( perlstring ); use Specio::PartialDump qw( partial_dump ); use Specio::TypeChecks; use Storable qw( dclone ); our $VERSION = '0.46'; use Exporter qw( import ); ## no critic (Modules::ProhibitAutomaticExportation) our @EXPORT = qw( clone _ooify ); ## use critic ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines) sub _ooify { my $class = shift; my $attrs = $class->_attrs; for my $name ( sort keys %{$attrs} ) { my $attr = $attrs->{$name}; _inline_reader( $class, $name, $attr ); _inline_predicate( $class, $name, $attr ); } _inline_constructor($class); } ## use critic sub _inline_reader { my $class = shift; my $name = shift; my $attr = shift; my $reader; if ( $attr->{lazy} && ( my $builder = $attr->{builder} ) ) { my $source = <<'EOF'; sub { unless ( exists $_[0]->{%s} ) { $_[0]->{%s} = $_[0]->%s; Scalar::Util::weaken( $_[0]->{%s} ) if %s && ref $_[0]->{%s}; } $_[0]->{%s}; } EOF $reader = sprintf( $source, $name, $name, $builder, $name, ( $attr->{weak_ref} ? 1 : 0 ), $name, $name, ); } else { $reader = sprintf( 'sub { $_[0]->{%s} }', $name ); } { ## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict) no strict 'refs'; *{ $class . '::' . $name } = _eval_or_die( $reader, $class . '->' . $name, ); } } sub _inline_predicate { my $class = shift; my $name = shift; my $attr = shift; return unless $attr->{predicate}; my $predicate = "sub { exists \$_[0]->{$name} }"; { ## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict) no strict 'refs'; *{ $class . '::' . $attr->{predicate} } = _eval_or_die( $predicate, $class . '->' . $attr->{predicate}, ); } } my @RolesWithBUILD = qw( Specio::Constraint::Role::Interface ); # This is an optimization to avoid calling this many times over: # # Specio::TypeChecks->can( 'is_' . $attr->{isa} ) my %TypeChecks; BEGIN { for my $sub (@Specio::TypeChecks::EXPORT_OK) { my ($type) = $sub =~ /^is_(.+)$/ or next; $TypeChecks{$type} = Specio::TypeChecks->can($sub); } } sub _inline_constructor { my $class = shift; my @build_subs; for my $parent ( @{ mro::get_linear_isa($class) } ) { { ## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict) no strict 'refs'; push @build_subs, $parent . '::BUILD' if defined &{ $parent . '::BUILD' }; } } # This is all a hack to avoid needing Class::Method::Modifiers to add a # BUILD from a role. We can't just call the method in the role "BUILD" or # it will be shadowed by a class's BUILD. So we give it a wacky unique # name. We need to explicitly know which roles have a _X_BUILD method # because Role::Tiny doesn't provide a way to list all the roles applied # to a class. for my $role (@RolesWithBUILD) { if ( Role::Tiny::does_role( $class, $role ) ) { ( my $build_name = $role ) =~ s/::/_/g; $build_name = q{_} . $build_name . '_BUILD'; push @build_subs, $role . '::' . $build_name; } } my $constructor = <<'EOF'; sub { my $class = shift; my %p = do { if ( @_ == 1 ) { if ( ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ) { %{ shift() }; } else { Specio::OO::_constructor_confess( Specio::OO::_bad_args_message( $class, @_ ) ); } } else { Specio::OO::_constructor_confess( Specio::OO::_bad_args_message( $class, @_ ) ) if @_ % 2; @_; } }; my $self = bless {}, $class; EOF my $attrs = $class->_attrs; for my $name ( sort keys %{$attrs} ) { my $attr = $attrs->{$name}; my $key_name = defined $attr->{init_arg} ? $attr->{init_arg} : $name; if ( $attr->{required} ) { $constructor .= <<"EOF"; Specio::OO::_constructor_confess( "$class->new requires a $key_name argument.") unless exists \$p{$key_name}; EOF } if ( $attr->{builder} && !$attr->{lazy} ) { my $builder = $attr->{builder}; $constructor .= <<"EOF"; \$p{$key_name} = $class->$builder unless exists \$p{$key_name}; EOF } if ( $attr->{isa} ) { my $validator; if ( $TypeChecks{ $attr->{isa} } ) { $validator = 'Specio::TypeChecks::is_' . $attr->{isa} . "( \$p{$key_name} )"; } else { my $quoted_class = perlstring( $attr->{isa} ); $validator = "Specio::TypeChecks::isa_class( \$p{$key_name}, $quoted_class )"; } $constructor .= <<"EOF"; if ( exists \$p{$key_name} && !$validator ) { Carp::confess( Specio::OO::_bad_value_message( "The value you provided to $class->new for $key_name is not a valid $attr->{isa}.", \$p{$key_name}, ) ); } EOF } if ( $attr->{does} ) { my $quoted_role = perlstring( $attr->{does} ); $constructor .= <<"EOF"; if ( exists \$p{$key_name} && !Specio::TypeChecks::does_role( \$p{$key_name}, $quoted_role ) ) { Carp::confess( Specio::OO::_bad_value_message( "The value you provided to $class->new for $key_name does not do the $attr->{does} role.", \$p{$key_name}, ) ); } EOF } if ( $attr->{weak_ref} ) { $constructor .= " Scalar::Util::weaken( \$p{$key_name} );\n"; } $constructor .= " \$self->{$name} = \$p{$key_name} if exists \$p{$key_name};\n"; $constructor .= "\n"; } $constructor .= ' $self->' . $_ . "(\\%p);\n" for @build_subs; $constructor .= <<'EOF'; return $self; } EOF { ## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict) no strict 'refs'; *{ $class . '::new' } = _eval_or_die( $constructor, $class . '->new', ); } } # This used to be done with Eval::Closure but that added a lot of unneeded # overhead. We're never actually eval'ing a closure, just plain source, so # doing it by hand is a worthwhile optimization. sub _eval_or_die { local $@ = undef; ## no critic (Variables::RequireInitializationForLocalVars) # $SIG{__DIE__} = undef causes warnings with 5.8.x local $SIG{__DIE__}; ## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval) my $sub = eval <<"EOF"; #line 1 "$_[1]" $_[0]; EOF my $e = $@; die $e if $e; return $sub; } ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines) sub _constructor_confess { local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1; confess shift; } sub _bad_args_message { my $class = shift; return "$class->new requires either a hashref or hash as arguments. You passed " . partial_dump(@_); } sub _bad_value_message { my $message = shift; my $value = shift; return $message . ' You passed ' . partial_dump($value); } ## use critic my %BuiltinTypes = map { $_ => 1 } qw( SCALAR ARRAY HASH CODE REF GLOB LVALUE FORMAT IO VSTRING Regexp ); sub clone { my $self = shift; # Attributes which provide a clone method are cloned by calling that # method on the _clone_ (not the original). This is primarily to allow us # to clone the coercions contained by a type in a way that doesn't lead to # circular clone (type clones coercions which in turn need to clone their # to/from types which in turn ...). my $attrs = $self->_attrs; my %special = map { $_ => $attrs->{$_}{clone} } grep { $attrs->{$_}{clone} } keys %{$attrs}; my $new; for my $key ( keys %{$self} ) { my $value = $self->{$key}; if ( $special{$key} ) { $new->{$key} = $value; next; } # We need to special case arrays of Specio objects, as they may # contain code refs which cannot be cloned with dclone. Not using # blessed is a small optimization. if ( ( ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ) && all { ( ref($_) || q{} ) =~ /Specio/ } @{$value} ) { $new->{$key} = [ map { $_->clone } @{$value} ]; next; } # This is a weird hacky way of trying to avoid calling # Scalar::Util::blessed, which showed up as a hotspot in profiling of # loading DateTime. That's because we call ->clone a _lot_ (it's # called every time a type is exported). my $ref = ref $value; $new->{$key} = !$ref ? $value : $ref eq 'CODE' ? $value : $BuiltinTypes{$ref} ? dclone($value) : $value->clone; } bless $new, ( ref $self ); for my $key ( keys %special ) { my $method = $special{$key}; $new->{$key} = $new->$method; } return $new; } 1; # ABSTRACT: A painfully poor reimplementation of Moo(se) __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Specio::OO - A painfully poor reimplementation of Moo(se) =head1 VERSION version 0.46 =head1 DESCRIPTION Specio can't depend on Moo or Moose, so this module provides a terrible reimplementation of a small slice of their features. =for Pod::Coverage .* =head1 SUPPORT Bugs may be submitted at L. I am also usually active on IRC as 'autarch' on C. =head1 SOURCE The source code repository for Specio can be found at L. =head1 AUTHOR Dave Rolsky =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2012 - 2020 by Dave Rolsky. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) The full text of the license can be found in the F file included with this distribution. =cut