Messages: RespectingClaims: Text: Now respecting claims. IgnoringClaims: Text: Now ignoring claims. SuccessfulAbandon: Text: Claims abandoned. You now have {0} available claim blocks. Notes: '0: remaining blocks' RestoreNatureActivate: Text: Ready to restore some nature! Right click to restore nature, and use /BasicClaims to stop. RestoreNatureAggressiveActivate: Text: Aggressive mode activated. Do NOT use this underneath anything you want to keep! Right click to aggressively restore nature, and use /BasicClaims to stop. FillModeActive: Text: Fill mode activated with radius {0}. Right click an area to fill. Notes: '0: fill radius' TransferClaimPermission: Text: That command requires the administrative claims permission. TransferClaimMissing: Text: There's no claim here. Stand in the administrative claim you want to transfer. TransferClaimAdminOnly: Text: Only administrative claims may be transferred to a player. PlayerNotFound2: Text: No player by that name has logged in recently. TransferTopLevel: Text: Only top level claims (not subdivisions) may be transferred. Stand outside of the subdivision and try again. TransferSuccess: Text: Claim transferred. TrustListNoClaim: Text: Stand inside the claim you're curious about. ClearPermsOwnerOnly: Text: Only the claim owner can clear all permissions. UntrustIndividualAllClaims: Text: Revoked {0}'s access to ALL your claims. To set permissions for a single claim, stand inside it. Notes: '0: untrusted player' UntrustEveryoneAllClaims: Text: Cleared permissions in ALL your claims. To set permissions for a single claim, stand inside it. NoPermissionTrust: Text: You don't have {0}'s permission to manage permissions here. Notes: '0: claim owner''s name' ClearPermissionsOneClaim: Text: Cleared permissions in this claim. To set permission for ALL your claims, stand outside them. UntrustIndividualSingleClaim: Text: Revoked {0}'s access to this claim. To set permissions for a ALL your claims, stand outside them. Notes: '0: untrusted player' OnlySellBlocks: Text: Claim blocks may only be sold, not purchased. BlockPurchaseCost: Text: Each claim block costs {0}. Your balance is {1}. Notes: '0: cost of one block; 1: player''s account balance' ClaimBlockLimit: Text: You've reached your claim block limit. You can't purchase more. InsufficientFunds: Text: You don't have enough money. You need {0}, but you only have {1}. Notes: '0: total cost; 1: player''s account balance' PurchaseConfirmation: Text: Withdrew {0} from your account. You now have {1} available claim blocks. Notes: '0: total cost; 1: remaining blocks' OnlyPurchaseBlocks: Text: Claim blocks may only be purchased, not sold. BlockSaleValue: Text: Each claim block is worth {0}. You have {1} available for sale. Notes: '0: block value; 1: available blocks' NotEnoughBlocksForSale: Text: You don't have that many claim blocks available for sale. BlockSaleConfirmation: Text: Deposited {0} in your account. You now have {1} available claim blocks. Notes: '0: amount deposited; 1: remaining blocks' AdminClaimsMode: Text: Administrative claims mode active. Any claims created will be free and editable by other administrators. BasicClaimsMode: Text: Returned to basic claim creation mode. SubdivisionMode: Text: Subdivision mode. Use your shovel to create subdivisions in your existing claims. Use /basicclaims to exit. SubdivisionVideo2: Text: 'Click for Subdivision Help: {0}' Notes: 0:video URL DeleteClaimMissing: Text: There's no claim here. DeletionSubdivisionWarning: Text: This claim includes subdivisions. If you're sure you want to delete it, use /DeleteClaim again. DeleteSuccess: Text: Claim deleted. CantDeleteAdminClaim: Text: You don't have permission to delete administrative claims. DeleteAllSuccess: Text: Deleted all of {0}'s claims. Notes: '0: owner''s name' NoDeletePermission: Text: You don't have permission to delete claims. AllAdminDeleted: Text: Deleted all administrative claims. AdjustBlocksSuccess: Text: 'Adjusted {0}''s bonus claim blocks by {1}. New total bonus blocks: {2}.' Notes: '0: player; 1: adjustment; 2: new total' NotTrappedHere: Text: You can build here. Save yourself. RescuePending: Text: If you stay put for 10 seconds, you'll be teleported out. Please wait. NonSiegeWorld: Text: Siege is disabled here. AlreadySieging: Text: You're already involved in a siege. NotSiegableThere: Text: '{0} isn''t protected there.' Notes: '0: defending player' SiegeTooFarAway: Text: You're too far away to siege. NoSiegeDefenseless: Text: That player is defenseless. Go pick on somebody else. AlreadyUnderSiegePlayer: Text: '{0} is already under siege. Join the party!' Notes: '0: defending player' AlreadyUnderSiegeArea: Text: That area is already under siege. Join the party! NoSiegeAdminClaim: Text: Siege is disabled in this area. SiegeOnCooldown: Text: You're still on siege cooldown for this defender or claim. Find another victim. SiegeAlert: Text: You're under siege! If you log out now, you will die. You must defeat {0}, wait for him to give up, or escape. Notes: '0: attacker name' SiegeConfirmed: Text: The siege has begun! If you log out now, you will die. You must defeat {0}, chase him away, or admit defeat and walk away. Notes: '0: defender name' AbandonClaimMissing: Text: Stand in the claim you want to delete, or consider /AbandonAllClaims. NotYourClaim: Text: This isn't your claim. DeleteTopLevelClaim: Text: To delete a subdivision, stand inside it. Otherwise, use /AbandonTopLevelClaim to delete this claim and all subdivisions. AbandonSuccess: Text: Claim abandoned. You now have {0} available claim blocks. Notes: '0: remaining claim blocks' CantGrantThatPermission: Text: You can't grant a permission you don't have yourself. GrantPermissionNoClaim: Text: Stand inside the claim where you want to grant permission. GrantPermissionConfirmation: Text: Granted {0} permission to {1} {2}. Notes: '0: target player; 1: permission description; 2: scope (changed claims)' ManageUniversalPermissionsInstruction: Text: To manage permissions for ALL your claims, stand outside them. ManageOneClaimPermissionsInstruction: Text: To manage permissions for a specific claim, stand inside it. CollectivePublic: Text: the public Notes: as in 'granted the public permission to...' BuildPermission: Text: build ContainersPermission: Text: access containers and animals AccessPermission: Text: use buttons and levers PermissionsPermission: Text: manage permissions LocationCurrentClaim: Text: in this claim LocationAllClaims: Text: in all your claims PvPImmunityStart: Text: You're protected from attack by other players as long as your inventory is empty. SiegeNoDrop: Text: You can't give away items while involved in a siege. DonateItemsInstruction: Text: To give away the item(s) in your hand, left-click the chest again. ChestFull: Text: This chest is full. DonationSuccess: Text: Item(s) transferred to chest! PlayerTooCloseForFire: Text: You can't start a fire this close to {0}. Notes: '0: other player''s name' TooDeepToClaim: Text: This chest can't be protected because it's too deep underground. Consider moving it. ChestClaimConfirmation: Text: This chest is protected. AutomaticClaimNotification: Text: This chest and nearby blocks are protected from breakage and theft. UnprotectedChestWarning: Text: This chest is NOT protected. Consider using a golden shovel to expand an existing claim or to create a new one. ThatPlayerPvPImmune: Text: You can't injure defenseless players. CantFightWhileImmune: Text: You can't fight someone while you're protected from PvP. NoDamageClaimedEntity: Text: That belongs to {0}. Notes: '0: owner name' ShovelBasicClaimMode: Text: Shovel returned to basic claims mode. RemainingBlocks: Text: You may claim up to {0} more blocks. Notes: '0: remaining blocks' CreativeBasicsVideo2: Text: 'Click for Land Claim Help: {0}' Notes: '{0}: video URL' SurvivalBasicsVideo2: Text: 'Click for Land Claim Help: {0}' Notes: '{0}: video URL' TrappedChatKeyword: Text: trapped Notes: When mentioned in chat, players get information about the /trapped command. TrappedInstructions: Text: Are you trapped in someone's land claim? Try the /trapped command. PvPNoDrop: Text: You can't drop items while in PvP combat. SiegeNoTeleport: Text: You can't teleport out of a besieged area. BesiegedNoTeleport: Text: You can't teleport into a besieged area. SiegeNoContainers: Text: You can't access containers while involved in a siege. PvPNoContainers: Text: You can't access containers during PvP combat. PvPImmunityEnd: Text: Now you can fight with other players. NoBedPermission: Text: '{0} hasn''t given you permission to sleep here.' Notes: '0: claim owner' NoWildernessBuckets: Text: You may only dump buckets inside your claim(s) or underground. NoLavaNearOtherPlayer: Text: You can't place lava this close to {0}. Notes: '0: nearby player' TooFarAway: Text: That's too far away. BlockNotClaimed: Text: No one has claimed this block. BlockClaimed: Text: That block has been claimed by {0}. Notes: '0: claim owner' SiegeNoShovel: Text: You can't use your shovel tool while involved in a siege. RestoreNaturePlayerInChunk: Text: Unable to restore. {0} is in that chunk. Notes: '0: nearby player' NoCreateClaimPermission: Text: You don't have permission to claim land. ResizeNeedMoreBlocks: Text: You don't have enough blocks for this size. You need {0} more. Notes: '0: how many needed' NoCreativeUnClaim: Text: You can't unclaim this land. You can only make this claim larger or create additional claims. ClaimResizeSuccess: Text: Claim resized. {0} available claim blocks remaining. Notes: '0: remaining blocks' ResizeFailOverlap: Text: Can't resize here because it would overlap another nearby claim. ResizeStart: Text: Resizing claim. Use your shovel again at the new location for this corner. ResizeFailOverlapSubdivision: Text: You can't create a subdivision here because it would overlap another subdivision. Consider /abandonclaim to delete it, or use your shovel at a corner to resize it. SubdivisionStart: Text: Subdivision corner set! Use your shovel at the location for the opposite corner of this new subdivision. CreateSubdivisionOverlap: Text: Your selected area overlaps another subdivision. SubdivisionSuccess: Text: Subdivision created! Use /trust to share it with friends. CreateClaimFailOverlap: Text: You can't create a claim here because it would overlap your other claim. Use /abandonclaim to delete it, or use your shovel at a corner to resize it. CreateClaimFailOverlapOtherPlayer: Text: You can't create a claim here because it would overlap {0}'s claim. Notes: '0: other claim owner' ClaimsDisabledWorld: Text: Land claims are disabled in this world. ClaimStart: Text: Claim corner set! Use the shovel again at the opposite corner to claim a rectangle of land. To cancel, put your shovel away. NewClaimTooNarrow: Text: This claim would be too small. Any claim must be at least {0} blocks wide. Notes: '0: minimum claim width' CreateClaimInsufficientBlocks: Text: You don't have enough blocks to claim that entire area. You need {0} more blocks. Notes: '0: additional blocks needed' AbandonClaimAdvertisement: Text: To delete another claim and free up some blocks, use /AbandonClaim. CreateClaimFailOverlapShort: Text: Your selected area overlaps an existing claim. CreateClaimSuccess: Text: Claim created! Use /trust to share it with friends. SiegeWinDoorsOpen: Text: Congratulations! Buttons and levers are temporarily unlocked (five minutes). RescueAbortedMoved: Text: You moved! Rescue cancelled. SiegeDoorsLockedEjection: Text: Looting time is up! Ejected from the claim. NoModifyDuringSiege: Text: Claims can't be modified while under siege. OnlyOwnersModifyClaims: Text: Only {0} can modify this claim. Notes: '0: owner name' NoBuildUnderSiege: Text: This claim is under siege by {0}. No one can build here. Notes: '0: attacker name' NoBuildPvP: Text: You can't build in claims during PvP combat. NoBuildPermission: Text: You don't have {0}'s permission to build here. Notes: '0: owner name' NonSiegeMaterial: Text: That material is too tough to break. NoOwnerBuildUnderSiege: Text: You can't make changes while under siege. NoAccessPermission: Text: You don't have {0}'s permission to use that. Notes: '0: owner name. access permission controls buttons, levers, and beds' NoContainersSiege: Text: This claim is under siege by {0}. No one can access containers here right now. Notes: '0: attacker name' NoContainersPermission: Text: You don't have {0}'s permission to use that. Notes: '0: owner''s name. containers also include crafting blocks' OwnerNameForAdminClaims: Text: an administrator Notes: as in 'You don't have an administrator's permission to build here.' ClaimTooSmallForEntities: Text: This claim isn't big enough for that. Try enlarging it. TooManyEntitiesInClaim: Text: This claim has too many entities already. Try enlarging the claim or removing some animals, monsters, paintings, or minecarts. YouHaveNoClaims: Text: You don't have any land claims. ConfirmFluidRemoval: Text: Abandoning this claim will remove lava inside the claim. If you're sure, use /AbandonClaim again. AutoBanNotify: Text: Auto-banned {0}({1}). See logs for details. AdjustGroupBlocksSuccess: Text: 'Adjusted bonus claim blocks for players with the {0} permission by {1}. New total: {2}.' Notes: '0: permission; 1: adjustment amount; 2: new total bonus' InvalidPermissionID: Text: Please specify a player name, or a permission in [brackets]. HowToClaimRegex: Text: (^|.*\W)how\W.*\W(claim|protect|lock)(\W.*|$) Notes: This is a Java Regular Expression. Look it up before editing! It's used to tell players about the demo video when they ask how to claim land. NoBuildOutsideClaims: Text: You can't build here unless you claim some land first. PlayerOfflineTime: Text: ' Last login: {0} days ago.' Notes: '0: number of full days since last login' BuildingOutsideClaims: Text: Other players can build here, too. Consider creating a land claim to protect your work! TrappedWontWorkHere: Text: Sorry, unable to find a safe location to teleport you to. Contact an admin, or consider /kill if you don't want to wait. CommandBannedInPvP: Text: You can't use that command while in PvP combat. UnclaimCleanupWarning: Text: The land you've unclaimed may be changed by other players or cleaned up by administrators. If you've built something there you want to keep, you should reclaim it. BuySellNotConfigured: Text: Sorry, buying anhd selling claim blocks is disabled. NoTeleportPvPCombat: Text: You can't teleport while fighting another player. NoTNTDamageAboveSeaLevel: Text: 'Warning: TNT will not destroy blocks above sea level.' NoTNTDamageClaims: Text: 'Warning: TNT will not destroy claimed blocks.' IgnoreClaimsAdvertisement: Text: To override, use /IgnoreClaims. NoPermissionForCommand: Text: You don't have permission to do that. ClaimsListNoPermission: Text: You don't have permission to get information about another player's land claims. ExplosivesDisabled: Text: This claim is now protected from explosions. Use /ClaimExplosions again to disable. ExplosivesEnabled: Text: This claim is now vulnerable to explosions. Use /ClaimExplosions again to re-enable protections. ClaimExplosivesAdvertisement: Text: To allow explosives to destroy blocks in this land claim, use /ClaimExplosions. PlayerInPvPSafeZone: Text: That player is in a PvP safe zone. NoPistonsOutsideClaims: Text: 'Warning: Pistons won''t move blocks outside land claims.' SoftMuted: Text: Soft-muted {0}. Notes: '0: The changed player''s name.' UnSoftMuted: Text: Un-soft-muted {0}. Notes: '0: The changed player''s name.' DropUnlockAdvertisement: Text: Other players can't pick up your dropped items unless you /UnlockDrops first. PickupBlockedExplanation: Text: You can't pick this up unless {0} uses /UnlockDrops. Notes: '0: The item stack''s owner.' DropUnlockConfirmation: Text: Unlocked your drops. Other players may now pick them up (until you die again). AdvertiseACandACB: Text: You may use /ACB to give yourself more claim blocks, or /AdminClaims to create a free administrative claim. AdvertiseAdminClaims: Text: You could create an administrative land claim instead using /AdminClaims, which you'd share with other administrators. AdvertiseACB: Text: You may use /ACB to give yourself more claim blocks. NotYourPet: Text: That belongs to {0} until it's given to you with /GivePet. Notes: '0: owner name' PetGiveawayConfirmation: Text: Pet transferred. PetTransferCancellation: Text: Pet giveaway cancelled. ReadyToTransferPet: Text: Ready to transfer! Right-click the pet you'd like to give away, or cancel with /GivePet cancel. AvoidGriefClaimLand: Text: Prevent grief! If you claim your land, you will be grief-proof. BecomeMayor: Text: Subdivide your land claim and become a mayor! ClaimCreationFailedOverClaimCountLimit: Text: You've reached your limit on land claims. Use /AbandonClaim to remove one before creating another. CreateClaimFailOverlapRegion: Text: You can't claim all of this because you're not allowed to build here. ResizeFailOverlapRegion: Text: You don't have permission to build there, so you can't claim that area. NoBuildPortalPermission: Text: You can't use this portal because you don't have {0}'s permission to build an exit portal in the destination land claim. Notes: '0: Destination land claim owner''s name.' ShowNearbyClaims: Text: Found {0} land claims. Notes: '0: Number of claims found.' NoChatUntilMove: Text: Sorry, but you have to move a little more before you can chat. We get lots of spam bots here. :) SiegeImmune: Text: That player is immune to /siege. SetClaimBlocksSuccess: Text: Updated accrued claim blocks. IgnoreConfirmation: Text: You're now ignoring chat messages from that player. NotIgnoringPlayer: Text: You're not ignoring that player. UnIgnoreConfirmation: Text: You're no longer ignoring chat messages from that player. SeparateConfirmation: Text: Those players will now ignore each other in chat. UnSeparateConfirmation: Text: Those players will no longer ignore each other in chat. NotIgnoringAnyone: Text: You're not ignoring anyone. TrustListHeader: Text: 'Explicit permissions here:' Manage: Text: Manage Build: Text: Build Containers: Text: Containers Access: Text: Access StartBlockMath: Text: '{0} blocks from play + {1} bonus = {2} total.' ClaimsListHeader: Text: 'Claims:' ContinueBlockMath: Text: ' (-{0} blocks)' EndBlockMath: Text: ' = {0} blocks left to spend' NoClaimDuringPvP: Text: You can't claim lands during PvP combat. UntrustAllOwnerOnly: Text: Only the claim owner can clear all its permissions. ManagersDontUntrustManagers: Text: Only the claim owner can demote a manager. BookAuthor: Text: BigScary BookTitle: Text: How to Claim Land BookIntro: Text: Claim land to protect your stuff! Click the link above to learn land claims in 3 minutes or less. :) BookDisabledChestClaims: Text: ' On this server, placing a chest will NOT claim land for you.' BookUsefulCommands: Text: 'Useful Commands:' BookLink: Text: 'Click: {0}' Notes: '{0}: video URL' BookTools: Text: Our claim tools are {0} and {1}. Notes: '0: claim modification tool name; 1:claim information tool name' ResizeClaimTooNarrow: Text: This new size would be too small. Claims must be at least {0} blocks wide. Notes: '0: minimum claim width' ResizeClaimInsufficientArea: Text: This claim would be too small. Any claim must use at least {0} total claim blocks. Notes: '0: minimum claim area' NoProfanity: Text: Please moderate your language.