Mineplex/.FILES USED TO GET TO WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY/xampp/FileZillaFTP/source/Accounts.cpp
Daniel Waggner 76a7ae65df PUUUUUSH
2023-05-17 14:44:01 -07:00

583 lines
12 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "accounts.h"
#include "iputils.h"
bAutoCreate = FALSE;
pOwner = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
nSpeedLimitType[i] = 0;
nSpeedLimit[i] = 10;
nBypassServerSpeedLimit[i] = 0;
nEnabled = 1;
forceSsl = 0;
t_group& t_group::operator=(const t_group &a)
group = a.group;
nBypassUserLimit = a.nBypassUserLimit;
nUserLimit = a.nUserLimit;
nIpLimit = a.nIpLimit;
permissions = a.permissions;
nEnabled = a.nEnabled;
disallowedIPs = a.disallowedIPs;
allowedIPs = a.allowedIPs;
comment = a.comment;
forceSsl = a.forceSsl;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
nBypassServerSpeedLimit[i] = a.nBypassServerSpeedLimit[i];
nSpeedLimit[i] = a.nSpeedLimit[i];
nSpeedLimitType[i] = a.nSpeedLimitType[i];
SpeedLimits[i] = a.SpeedLimits[i];
return *this;
bool t_group::BypassUserLimit() const
if (!nBypassUserLimit)
return false;
if (nBypassUserLimit == 2 && pOwner)
return pOwner->BypassUserLimit();
return true;
int t_group::GetIpLimit() const
if (nIpLimit)
return nIpLimit;
if (pOwner)
return pOwner->GetIpLimit();
return 0;
int t_group::GetUserLimit() const
if (nUserLimit)
return nUserLimit;
if (pOwner)
return pOwner->GetUserLimit();
return 0;
t_user& t_user::operator=(const t_user &a)
group = a.group;
pOwner = a.pOwner;
nBypassUserLimit = a.nBypassUserLimit;
nUserLimit = a.nUserLimit;
nIpLimit = a.nIpLimit;
permissions = a.permissions;
nEnabled = a.nEnabled;
disallowedIPs = a.disallowedIPs;
allowedIPs = a.allowedIPs;
comment = a.comment;
forceSsl = a.forceSsl;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
nBypassServerSpeedLimit[i] = a.nBypassServerSpeedLimit[i];
nSpeedLimit[i] = a.nSpeedLimit[i];
nSpeedLimitType[i] = a.nSpeedLimitType[i];
SpeedLimits[i] = a.SpeedLimits[i];
return *this;
unsigned char * t_group::ParseBuffer(unsigned char *pBuffer, int length)
unsigned char *p = pBuffer;
unsigned char *endMarker = pBuffer + length;
if (!ParseString(endMarker, p, group))
return 0;
if ((endMarker - p) < 11)
return NULL;
memcpy(&nIpLimit, p, 4);
p += 4;
memcpy(&nUserLimit, p, 4);
p += 4;
int options = *p++;
nBypassUserLimit = options & 0x03;
nEnabled = (options >> 2) & 0x03;
// Parse IP filter rules.
int numDisallowedIPs = (int(*p) << 8) + p[1];
p += 2;
while (numDisallowedIPs--)
CStdString ip;
if (!ParseString(endMarker, p, ip))
return 0;
if (IsValidAddressFilter(ip) || ip == _T("*"))
if ((endMarker - p) < 2)
return NULL;
int numAllowedIPs = (int(*p) << 8) + p[1];
p += 2;
while (numAllowedIPs--)
CStdString ip;
if (!ParseString(endMarker, p, ip))
return 0;
if (IsValidAddressFilter(ip) || ip == _T("*"))
if ((endMarker - p) < 2)
return NULL;
int dircount = (int(*p) << 8) + p[1];
p += 2;
BOOL bGotHome = FALSE;
for (int j = 0; j < dircount; j++)
t_directory dir;
CStdString str;
if (!ParseString(endMarker, p, str))
return 0;
if (str == _T(""))
return 0;
dir.dir = str;
// Get directory aliases.
if ((endMarker - p) < 2)
return NULL;
int aliascount = (int(*p) << 8) + p[1];
p += 2;
for (int i = 0; i < aliascount; i++)
CStdString alias;
if (!ParseString(endMarker, p, alias))
return 0;
if (alias == _T(""))
return 0;
if ((endMarker - p) < 2)
return NULL;
int rights = (int(*p) << 8) + p[1];
p += 2;
dir.bDirCreate = rights & 0x0001 ? 1:0;
dir.bDirDelete = rights & 0x0002 ? 1:0;
dir.bDirList = rights & 0x0004 ? 1:0;
dir.bDirSubdirs = rights & 0x0008 ? 1:0;
dir.bFileAppend = rights & 0x0010 ? 1:0;
dir.bFileDelete = rights & 0x0020 ? 1:0;
dir.bFileRead = rights & 0x0040 ? 1:0;
dir.bFileWrite = rights & 0x0080 ? 1:0;
dir.bIsHome = rights & 0x0100 ? 1:0;
dir.bAutoCreate = rights & 0x0200 ? 1:0;
// Avoid multiple home directories.
if (dir.bIsHome)
if (!bGotHome)
bGotHome = TRUE;
dir.bIsHome = FALSE;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if ((endMarker - p) < 5)
return NULL;
nSpeedLimitType[i] = *p & 3;
nBypassServerSpeedLimit[i] = (*p++ >> 2) & 3;
nSpeedLimit[i] = int(*p++) << 8;
nSpeedLimit[i] |= *p++;
if (!nSpeedLimit[i])
nSpeedLimit[i] = 10;
int num = (int(*p) << 8) + p[1];
p += 2;
while (num--)
CSpeedLimit sl;
p = sl.ParseBuffer(p, length-(int)(p-pBuffer));
if (!p)
return NULL;
if (!ParseString(endMarker, p, comment))
return 0;
if (p >= endMarker)
return 0;
forceSsl = *p++;
return p;
int t_group::GetRequiredStringBufferLen(const CStdString& str) const
char* utf8 = ConvToNetwork(str);
if (!utf8)
return 2;
int len = strlen(utf8);
delete [] utf8;
return len + 2;
void t_group::FillString(char *& p, const CStdString& str) const
char* utf8 = ConvToNetwork(str);
if (!utf8)
*p++ = 0;
*p++ = 0;
int len = strlen(utf8);
*p++ = (char)(len >> 8);
*p++ = (char)(len & 0xff);
memcpy(p, utf8, len);
p += len;
delete [] utf8;
char * t_group::FillBuffer(char *p) const
FillString(p, group);
memcpy(p, &nIpLimit, 4);
p += 4;
memcpy(p, &nUserLimit, 4);
p += 4;
int options = nBypassUserLimit & 3;
options |= (nEnabled & 3) << 2;
*p++ = options & 0xff;
std::list<CStdString>::const_iterator ipLimitIter;
*p++ = (char)(disallowedIPs.size() >> 8);
*p++ = (char)(disallowedIPs.size() & 0xff);
for (ipLimitIter = disallowedIPs.begin(); ipLimitIter != disallowedIPs.end(); ipLimitIter++)
FillString(p, *ipLimitIter);
*p++ = (char)(allowedIPs.size() >> 8);
*p++ = (char)(allowedIPs.size() & 0xff);
for (ipLimitIter = allowedIPs.begin(); ipLimitIter != allowedIPs.end(); ipLimitIter++)
FillString(p, *ipLimitIter);
*p++ = (char)(permissions.size() >> 8);
*p++ = (char)(permissions.size() & 0xff);
for (std::vector<t_directory>::const_iterator permissioniter = permissions.begin(); permissioniter!=permissions.end(); permissioniter++)
FillString(p, permissioniter->dir);
*p++ = (char)(permissioniter->aliases.size() >> 8);
*p++ = (char)(permissioniter->aliases.size() & 0xff);
for (std::list<CStdString>::const_iterator aliasiter = permissioniter->aliases.begin(); aliasiter != permissioniter->aliases.end(); aliasiter++)
FillString(p, *aliasiter);
int rights = 0;
rights |= permissioniter->bDirCreate ? 0x0001:0;
rights |= permissioniter->bDirDelete ? 0x0002:0;
rights |= permissioniter->bDirList ? 0x0004:0;
rights |= permissioniter->bDirSubdirs ? 0x0008:0;
rights |= permissioniter->bFileAppend ? 0x0010:0;
rights |= permissioniter->bFileDelete ? 0x0020:0;
rights |= permissioniter->bFileRead ? 0x0040:0;
rights |= permissioniter->bFileWrite ? 0x0080:0;
rights |= permissioniter->bIsHome ? 0x0100:0;
rights |= permissioniter->bAutoCreate ? 0x0200:0;
*p++ = (char)(rights >> 8);
*p++ = (char)(rights & 0xff);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
*p++ = (char)((nSpeedLimitType[i] & 3) + ((nBypassServerSpeedLimit[i] & 3) << 2));
*p++ = (char)(nSpeedLimit[i] >> 8);
*p++ = (char)(nSpeedLimit[i] & 0xff);
SPEEDLIMITSLIST::const_iterator iter;
*p++ = (char)(SpeedLimits[i].size() >> 8);
*p++ = (char)(SpeedLimits[i].size() & 0xff);
for (iter = SpeedLimits[i].begin(); (iter != SpeedLimits[i].end()) && p; iter++)
p = iter->FillBuffer(p);
if (!p)
return NULL;
FillString(p, comment);
*p++ = (char)forceSsl;
return p;
int t_group::GetRequiredBufferLen() const
int len = 9;
len += GetRequiredStringBufferLen(group);
len += 4;
std::list<CStdString>::const_iterator ipLimitIter;
for (ipLimitIter = disallowedIPs.begin(); ipLimitIter != disallowedIPs.end(); ipLimitIter++)
len += GetRequiredStringBufferLen(*ipLimitIter);
for (ipLimitIter = allowedIPs.begin(); ipLimitIter != allowedIPs.end(); ipLimitIter++)
len += GetRequiredStringBufferLen(*ipLimitIter);
len += 2;
for (std::vector<t_directory>::const_iterator permissioniter = permissions.begin(); permissioniter!=permissions.end(); permissioniter++)
t_directory directory = *permissioniter;
len += 2;
len += GetRequiredStringBufferLen(directory.dir);
len += 2;
for (std::list<CStdString>::const_iterator aliasiter = permissioniter->aliases.begin(); aliasiter != permissioniter->aliases.end(); aliasiter++)
len += GetRequiredStringBufferLen(*aliasiter);
// Speed limits.
len += 6; // Basic limits.
len += 4; // Number of rules.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
SPEEDLIMITSLIST::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = SpeedLimits[i].begin(); iter != SpeedLimits[i].end(); iter++)
len += iter->GetRequiredBufferLen();
len += GetRequiredStringBufferLen(comment);
len++; //forceSsl
return len;
int t_group::GetCurrentSpeedLimit(sltype type) const
switch (nSpeedLimitType[type])
case 0:
if (pOwner)
return pOwner->GetCurrentSpeedLimit(type);
return 0;
case 1:
return 0;
case 2:
return nSpeedLimit[type];
case 3:
for (SPEEDLIMITSLIST::const_iterator iter = SpeedLimits[type].begin(); iter != SpeedLimits[type].end(); iter++)
if (iter->IsItActive(st))
return iter->m_Speed;
if (pOwner)
return pOwner->GetCurrentSpeedLimit(type);
return 0;
return 0;
bool t_group::BypassServerSpeedLimit(sltype type) const
if (nBypassServerSpeedLimit[type] == 1)
return true;
else if (!nBypassServerSpeedLimit[type])
return false;
else if (pOwner)
return pOwner->BypassServerSpeedLimit(type);
return false;
bool t_group::IsEnabled() const
switch (nEnabled)
case 0:
return false;
case 1:
return true;
case 2:
if (!pOwner)
return false;
return pOwner->IsEnabled();
bool t_group::AccessAllowed(const CStdString& ip) const
bool disallowed = false;
std::list<CStdString>::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = disallowedIPs.begin(); iter != disallowedIPs.end(); iter++)
if (disallowed = MatchesFilter(*iter, ip))
if (!disallowed)
if (!pOwner)
return true;
if (pOwner->AccessAllowed(ip))
return true;
for (iter = allowedIPs.begin(); iter != allowedIPs.end(); iter++)
if (MatchesFilter(*iter, ip))
return true;
if (pOwner && !disallowed)
return pOwner->AccessAllowed(ip);
return false;
unsigned char * t_user::ParseBuffer(unsigned char *pBuffer, int length)
unsigned char *p = pBuffer;
unsigned char *endMarker = pBuffer + length;
p = t_group::ParseBuffer(p, length);
if (!p)
return NULL;
if (!ParseString(endMarker, p, user))
return 0;
if (!ParseString(endMarker, p, password))
return 0;
return p;
char * t_user::FillBuffer(char *p) const
p = t_group::FillBuffer(p);
if (!p)
return NULL;
FillString(p, user);
FillString(p, password);
return p;
int t_user::GetRequiredBufferLen() const
int len = t_group::GetRequiredBufferLen();
len += GetRequiredStringBufferLen(user);
len += GetRequiredStringBufferLen(password);
return len;
bool t_group::ParseString(const unsigned char* endMarker, unsigned char *&p, CStdString &string)
if ((endMarker - p) < 2)
return false;
int len = *p * 256 + p[1];
p += 2;
if ((endMarker - p) < len)
return false;
char* tmp = new char[len + 1];
tmp[len] = 0;
memcpy(tmp, p, len);
CStdStringW str = ConvFromNetwork((const char*)tmp);
delete [] tmp;
p += len;
#ifdef _UNICODE
string = str;
string = ConvToLocal(str);
return true;
bool t_group::ForceSsl() const
switch (forceSsl)
case 0:
return false;
case 1:
return true;
case 2:
if (!pOwner)
return false;
return pOwner->ForceSsl();