Mineplex/.FILES USED TO GET TO WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY/xampp/MercuryMail/stdsub_1.mer
Daniel Waggner 76a7ae65df PUUUUUSH
2023-05-17 14:44:01 -07:00

89 lines
3.4 KiB

; Mercury/32 template file.
; Mercury Mail Transport System, Copyright 1993-2007, David Harris.
; This file is used as the default template by Mercury when constructing
; Subscription "Welcome" messages for standard, unmoderated mailing lists.
; You can instruct Mercury/32 to use this file as a template by entering
; the word "standard" in the "Welcome file" field of the mailing list
; definition. Mercury will automatically determine the proper version of
; this template to use for the subscription.
; You can edit this template using any text editor. Lines beginning with a
; ';', like this one, are comments and are ignored: all other lines are
; written into the message. You can place special markers in the body of the
; template, which Mercury will replace with information about the list: these
; markers consist of the two special characters ~p followed by a single digit
; identifying the piece of information you want substituted. The following
; substitutions are currently possible in this template file:
; ~p0 The list's basic name (i.e, what appears to the left of the '@')
; ~p1 This system's hostname
; ~p2 The full title for the mailing list
; ~p3 The address of the mailing list's primary moderator
; ~p4 The subscriber's address
; ~p5 The subscriber's "personal name"
; ~p6 The formal mailing address for the list
; ~p7 The user's password (v4.53 and later only)
Welcome to the ~p2 mailing list!
You have been successfully subscribed to this list and can begin posting
to it immediately if you wish. This welcome message contains some general
information on your subscription and how to manage it.
* To send mail to the list for all the subscribers to read, send it to:
* To stop receiving mail from the list for "x" days, send a mail message
to maiser@~p1, placing the following two lines in the
body of the message:
Naturally, you should change the "x" to the proper number of days. The
list server will automatically re-enable your subscription at the end of
the period.
* To stop receiving mail from the list for an indefinite period, send a
mail message to maiser@~p1, placing the following two
lines in the message body:
* To start receiving mail from the list again at any time, send a mail
message to maiser@~p1, placing the following two
lines in the message body:
* To unsubscribe from the list permanently, send a mail message to
maiser@~p1, placing the following two lines in the
message body:
For all the commands shown above, please ensure that the commands start
hard against the left-hand margin of your mail message - do not indent
them (they are indented as shown above simply for clarity).
If your mail program supports hyperlinks, you can use the following links
to generate the proper commands for this list:
To go on vacation for seven days:
> mailto:maiser@~p1?body=SET%20~p0%20VACATION%207%0D%0AEXIT
To go on vacation for four weeks:
> mailto:maiser@~p1?body=SET%20~p0%20VACATION%2028%0D%0AEXIT
To stop receiving mail for an indefinite period:
> mailto:maiser@~p1?body=SET%20~p0%20NOMAIL%0D%0AEXIT
To start receiving mail again:
> mailto:maiser@~p1?body=SET%20~p0%20MAIL%0D%0AEXIT
To unsubscribe from the list:
> mailto:maiser@~p1?body=UNSUBSCRIBE%20~p0%0D%0AEXIT
Best regards,
The List Management.