Mineplex/.FILES USED TO GET TO WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY/xampp/perl/bin/pgplet
Daniel Waggner 76a7ae65df PUUUUUSH
2023-05-17 14:44:01 -07:00

353 lines
10 KiB

#!perl -w
use strict;
use lib 'lib';
use Term::ReadKey;
use Getopt::Long;
use Crypt::OpenPGP;
use Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing;
my %opts;
GetOptions(\%opts, "sign|s", "encrypt|e", "detach-sign|b",
"decrypt", "verify", "list-keys",
"list-public-keys", "list-secret-keys",
"fingerprint", "keyring=s", "secret-keyring=s",
"recipient|r=s@", "armour|a", "clearsign",
"symmetric|c", "list-packets", "version|v",
"enarmour", "dearmour", "compat=s",
"keyserver=s", "local-user|u=s");
if ($opts{version}) {
print(version()), exit;
my %arg;
$arg{PubRing} = $opts{keyring} if $opts{keyring};
$arg{SecRing} = $opts{'secret-keyring'} if $opts{'secret-keyring'};
$arg{Compat} = $opts{compat} if $opts{compat};
## Default to GnuPG compatibility.
$arg{Compat} = 'GnuPG' unless keys %arg;
if (my $ks = $opts{keyserver}) {
$arg{AutoKeyRetrieve} = 1;
$arg{KeyServer} = $ks;
my $pgp = Crypt::OpenPGP->new( %arg ) or
die Crypt::OpenPGP->errstr;
my @args = ($pgp, \%opts, \@ARGV);
if ($opts{'list-keys'} || $opts{'list-public-keys'} || $opts{fingerprint}) {
} elsif ($opts{'list-secret-keys'}) {
do_list_keys(@args, 1);
} elsif ($opts{encrypt}) {
} elsif ($opts{symmetric}) {
do_encrypt(@args, 1);
} elsif ($opts{decrypt}) {
} elsif ($opts{sign}) {
} elsif ($opts{'detach-sign'}) {
do_sign(@args, 1);
} elsif ($opts{clearsign}) {
do_sign(@args, 0, 1);
} elsif ($opts{verify}) {
} elsif ($opts{enarmour}) {
} elsif ($opts{dearmour}) {
} elsif ($opts{'list-packets'}) {
} else {
sub do_wim {
my($pgp, $opts, $args) = @_;
my $file = shift @$args or die "usage: $0 <file>";
my $res = $pgp->handle( Filename => $file ) or die $pgp->errstr;
if (defined $res->{Plaintext}) {
print $res->{Plaintext};
if (defined $res->{Validity}) {
my $v = $res->{Validity};
print STDERR $v ? qq(Good signature from "$v".\n) :
"Bad signature.\n";
sub do_list_keys {
my($pgp, $opts, $args, $secret) = @_;
my $fp = $opts->{fingerprint};
my $ring_file = $pgp->{cfg}->get( $secret ? 'SecRing' : 'PubRing' );
my $ring = Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing->new( Filename => $ring_file )
or die Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing->errstr;
my @blocks = $ring->blocks;
print $ring_file, "\n", '-' x length($ring_file), "\n";
for my $kb (@blocks) {
my $cert = $kb->key;
printf "%s %4d%s/%s %s\n",
($cert->is_secret ? 'sec' : 'pub'),
substr($cert->key_id_hex, -8, 8),
($kb->primary_uid || '');
if ($fp) {
my $f = $cert->fingerprint;
my $form = join ' ', ("%02X%02X " x (length($f) / 4)) x 2;
printf " Key fingerprint = $form\n", unpack 'C*', $f;
if (my $sub = $kb->subkey) {
printf "%s %4d%s/%s\n",
($sub->is_secret ? 'ssb' : 'sub'),
substr($sub->key_id_hex, -8, 8),
print "\n";
sub do_encrypt {
my($pgp, $opts, $args, $symm) = @_;
my $recips = $opts->{recipient};
$recips && @$recips or die "usage: $0 --encrypt -r <recip> <file>"
unless $symm;
my $file = shift @$args or die "usage: $0 --encrypt -r <recip> <file>";
my $cb = sub {
my($keys) = @_;
return [] unless @$keys;
my $prompt = "
Message is being encrypted to:
my $i = 1;
for my $cert (@$keys) {
$prompt .= sprintf " [%d] %s (ID %s)\n",
$i++, $cert->uid,
substr($cert->key_id_hex, -8, 8);
$prompt .= "
If these are the intended recipients, press <enter>. Otherwise,
enter the indices of the recipients to which you wish to send
the message.
Enter numeric indices, separated by spaces: ";
my $n = prompt($prompt, join(' ', 1..$i-1));
my %seen;
my @keys = @{$keys}[ map { $seen{$_}++ ? () : ($_-1) } split /\s+/, $n ];
my %sign_args;
if ($opts->{sign}) {
my $cert = get_seckey($pgp, $opts) or die $pgp->errstr;
%sign_args = ( SignKeyID => $cert->key_id_hex,
SignPassphraseCallback => \&passphrase_cb );
my %enc_args;
if ($symm) {
my $pass = prompt("Enter passphrase: ", '', 1);
%enc_args = ( Passphrase => $pass );
} else {
%enc_args = ( Recipients => $recips,
RecipientsCallback => $cb );
my $ct = $pgp->encrypt(
Filename => $file,
$opts->{armour} ? (Armour => $opts->{armour}) : (),
) or die $pgp->errstr;
print $ct;
sub do_decrypt {
my($pgp, $opts, $args) = @_;
my $file = shift @$args or die "usage: $0 --decrypt <file>";
my($pt, $validity);
until ($pt) {
($pt, $validity) = $pgp->decrypt(
Filename => $file,
PassphraseCallback => \&passphrase_cb,
unless ($pt) {
if ($pgp->errstr =~ /Bad checksum/) {
print "Error: Bad passphrase.\n\n";
} else {
die $pgp->errstr;
print $pt;
warn "Signature verification failed: ", $pgp->errstr
unless defined $validity || $pgp->errstr ne 'No Signature';
if (defined $validity) {
print STDERR $validity ? qq(Good signature from "$validity".\n) :
"Bad signature.\n";
sub do_sign {
my($pgp, $opts, $args, $detach, $clear) = @_;
my $file = shift @$args or die "usage: $0 --sign <file>";
my $sig;
my $cert = get_seckey($pgp, $opts) or die $pgp->errstr;
until ($sig) {
$sig = $pgp->sign(
Filename => $file,
Detach => $detach,
Clearsign => $clear,
Key => $cert,
PassphraseCallback => \&passphrase_cb,
$opts->{armour} ? (Armour => $opts->{armour}) : (),
unless ($sig) {
if ($pgp->errstr =~ /Bad checksum/) {
print "Error: Bad passphrase.\n\n";
} else {
die $pgp->errstr;
print $sig;
sub do_verify {
my($pgp, $opts, $args) = @_;
my($sigfile, @files) = @$args;
my $valid = $pgp->verify( SigFile => $sigfile, Files => \@files );
die $pgp->errstr unless defined $valid;
print $valid ? qq(Good signature from "$valid".\n) : "Bad signature.\n";
sub do_enarmour {
my($pgp, $opts, $args) = @_;
my $file = shift @$args or return $pgp->error("No file");
require Crypt::OpenPGP::Armour;
print Crypt::OpenPGP::Armour->armour(
Data => $pgp->_read_files($file),
Object => 'MESSAGE',
sub do_dearmour {
my($pgp, $opts, $args) = @_;
my $file = shift @$args or return $pgp->error("No file");
require Crypt::OpenPGP::Armour;
my $data = Crypt::OpenPGP::Armour->unarmour($pgp->_read_files($file));
print $data->{Data};
sub do_list_packets {
my($pgp, $opts, $args) = @_;
my $file = shift @$args or die "usage: $0 --list-packets <file>";
require Crypt::OpenPGP::Message;
my $msg = Crypt::OpenPGP::Message->new( Filename => $file )
or die Crypt::OpenPGP::Message->errstr;
my @pieces = $msg->pieces;
for my $pkt (@pieces) {
if ($pkt->can('display')) {
print $pkt->display;
} else {
print ref($pkt), "\n";
sub version {
my $v = <<VERSION;
pgplet (Crypt::OpenPGP) $Crypt::OpenPGP::VERSION
Supported algorithms:
Public key: RSA, DSA, ElGamal
require Crypt::OpenPGP::Cipher;
$v .= "Cipher: " .
join(', ', values %{ Crypt::OpenPGP::Cipher->supported }) . "\n";
require Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest;
$v .= "Hash: " .
join(', ', values %{ Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest->supported }) . "\n";
sub passphrase_cb {
my($cert) = @_;
my $prompt;
if ($cert) {
$prompt = sprintf qq(
You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user "%s".
%d-bit %s key, ID %s
Enter passphrase: ), $cert->uid,
substr($cert->key_id_hex, -8, 8);
} else {
$prompt = "Enter passphrase: ";
prompt($prompt, '', 1);
sub get_seckey {
my($pgp, $opts) = @_;
my $ring = Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing->new( Filename =>
$pgp->{cfg}->get('SecRing') ) or
return $pgp->error(Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing->errstr);
my $kb;
if (my $user = $opts->{'local-user'}) {
my($lr, @kb) = (length($user));
if (($lr == 8 || $lr == 16) && $user !~ /[^\da-fA-F]/) {
@kb = $ring->find_keyblock_by_keyid(pack 'H*', $user);
} else {
@kb = $ring->find_keyblock_by_uid($user);
if (@kb > 1) {
my $prompt = "
The following keys can be used to sign the message:
my $i = 1;
for my $kb (@kb) {
my $cert = $kb->signing_key or next;
$prompt .= sprintf " [%d] %s (ID %s)\n",
$i++, $kb->primary_uid,
substr($cert->key_id_hex, -8, 8);
$prompt .= "
Enter the index of the signing key you wish to use: ";
my $n;
$n = prompt($prompt, $i - 1) while $n < 1 || $n > @kb;
$kb = $kb[$n-1];
} else {
$kb = $kb[0];
} else {
$kb = $ring->find_keyblock_by_index(-1);
return $pgp->error("Can't find keyblock: " . $ring->errstr)
unless $kb;
my $cert = $kb->signing_key;
sub prompt {
my($prompt, $def, $noecho) = @_;
print STDERR $prompt . ($def ? "[$def] " : "");
if ($noecho) {
chomp(my $ans = ReadLine(0));
print STDERR "\n";
defined $ans && $ans ne '' ? $ans : $def;