Mineplex/GOD DAMN COSMETICS/bonuses/BonusAmount.java
Daniel Waggner 38a20f98c2 Removed Files
These two directories contain code that was removed from the src and dependencies of the compiled files. They were removed due to being either a. unnecessary or b. a royal pain in my booty.
2021-05-23 18:13:37 -07:00

232 lines
4.4 KiB

package mineplex.core.bonuses;
import java.util.List;
import mineplex.core.common.util.C;
public class BonusAmount
private int _gems;
private int _shards;
private GoldAmount _gold = new GoldAmount();
private int _bonusGems;
private int _bonusShards;
private GoldAmount _bonusGold = new GoldAmount();
private int _experience;
private int _bonusExperience;
private int _tickets;
private int _oldChests;
private int _ancientChests;
private int _mythicalChests;
private int _illuminatedChests;
private int _omegaChests;
public BonusAmount()
public int getGems()
return _gems;
public void setGems(int gems)
_gems = gems;
public int getShards()
return _shards;
public void setShards(int shards)
_shards = shards;
public GoldAmount getGold()
return _gold;
public void setGold(Integer serverId, Integer gold)
_gold.setGoldFor(serverId, gold);
public int getBonusGems()
return _bonusGems;
public void setBonusGems(int bonusGems)
_bonusGems = bonusGems;
public int getBonusShards()
return _bonusShards;
public void setBonusShards(int bonusShards)
_bonusShards = bonusShards;
public GoldAmount getBonusGold()
return _bonusGold;
public void setBonusGold(Integer serverId, Integer bonusGold)
_bonusGold.setGoldFor(serverId, bonusGold);
public int getTotalGems()
return getGems() + getBonusGems();
public int getTotalShards()
return getShards() + getBonusShards();
public int getTotalGold()
return getGold().getTotalGold() + getBonusGold().getTotalGold();
public int getExperience()
return _experience;
public void setExperience(int experience)
_experience = experience;
public int getBonusExperience()
return _bonusExperience;
public void setBonusExperience(int bonusExperience)
_bonusExperience = bonusExperience;
public int getTotalExperience()
return getExperience() + getBonusExperience();
public int getTickets()
return _tickets;
public void setTickets(int tickets)
_tickets = tickets;
public int getOldChests()
return _oldChests;
public void setOldChests(int oldChests)
_oldChests = oldChests;
public int getAncientChests()
return _ancientChests;
public void setAncientChests(int ancientChests)
_ancientChests = ancientChests;
public int getMythicalChests()
return _mythicalChests;
public void setMythicalChests(int mythicalChests)
_mythicalChests = mythicalChests;
public int getIlluminatedChests()
return _illuminatedChests;
public void setIlluminatedChests(int illuminatedChests)
_illuminatedChests = illuminatedChests;
public int getOmegaChests()
return _omegaChests;
public void setOmegaChests(int omegaChests)
_omegaChests = omegaChests;
public boolean isGreaterThanZero()
return _bonusShards > 0 || _shards > 0 || _bonusGems > 0 || _gems > 0 || _gold.getTotalGold() > 0 || _bonusGold.getTotalGold() > 0 || _oldChests > 0 || _ancientChests > 0 || _mythicalChests > 0;
public void addLore(List<String> lore)
lore.add(C.cYellow + "Rewards");
addLore(lore, getTickets(), 0, "Carl Spin Ticket" + (getTickets() > 1 ? "s" : ""));
addLore(lore, getShards(), getBonusShards(), "Treasure Shards");
addLore(lore, getGems(), getBonusGems(), "Gems");
addLore(lore, getGold().getTotalGold(), getBonusGold().getTotalGold(), "Gold");
addLore(lore, getExperience(), getBonusExperience(), "Experience");
addLore(lore, getOldChests(), 0, "Old Chest", "Old Chests");
addLore(lore, getAncientChests(), 0, "Ancient Chest", "Ancient Chests");
addLore(lore, getMythicalChests(), 0, "Mythical Chest", "Mythical Chests");
addLore(lore, getIlluminatedChests(), 0, "Illuminated Chest", "Illuminated Chests");
addLore(lore, getOmegaChests(), 0, "Omega Chest", "Omega Chests");
private void addLore(List<String> lore, int amount, int bonus, String suffix)
if (amount > 0)
lore.add(" " + C.cWhite + amount + " " + suffix);
// if (bonus > 0)
// lore.add(C.cYellow + "Streak Bonus: " + C.cWhite + bonus + " " + suffix);
private void addLore(List<String> lore, int amount, int bonus, String suffix, String plural)
if (amount == 1)
lore.add(" " + C.cWhite + amount + " " + plural);
else if (amount > 0)
lore.add(" " + C.cWhite + amount + " " + suffix);