Mineplex/GOD DAMN COSMETICS/powerplayclub/PowerPlayData.java
Daniel Waggner 38a20f98c2 Removed Files
These two directories contain code that was removed from the src and dependencies of the compiled files. They were removed due to being either a. unnecessary or b. a royal pain in my booty.
2021-05-23 18:13:37 -07:00

219 lines
6.2 KiB

package mineplex.core.powerplayclub;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.YearMonth;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import com.mineplex.shaded.google.base.MoreObjects;
public class PowerPlayData
/* If this is set, the player's subscription is planned to recur.
* In the case of a yearly subscription, this will be the first day of
* the next month, or the exact end-of-subscription date if it's his/her
* last month.
* Corollary: If this isn't Optional.empty(), the player is actively subscribed.
private final Optional<LocalDate> _nextClaimDate;
// The source set of subscriptions from which this was built
private final List<Subscription> _subscriptions;
// The months where the player hasn't claimed chests/amplifiers
private final Set<YearMonth> _unclaimedMonths;
/* The months of PPC cosmetics the player owns / can use.
* In the case of, e.g., a monthly subscription, this will include
* the current month's cosmetic until _nextClaimDate passes (the
* subscription expires), unless the player's subscription recurs.
private final Set<YearMonth> _cosmeticMonths;
public static PowerPlayData fromSubsAndClaims(List<Subscription> subscriptions, List<YearMonth> claimedMonths)
if (subscriptions.isEmpty())
return new PowerPlayData(subscriptions, Optional.empty(), new HashSet<>(), new HashSet<>());
final LocalDate today = LocalDate.now();
final YearMonth thisMonth = YearMonth.now();
// Build the list of potential claim dates from subscriptions
// Note that it's a LinkedList with dates in ascending order
List<LocalDate> claimDates = subscriptions.stream()
.flatMap(sub -> buildMonths(sub).stream())
// Determine the player's next claim date (which will tell us whether
// they're subscribed as well)
final Optional<LocalDate> nextClaimDate;
// In the case of a yearly subscription, they're likely to have a claim date scheduled
// (this is not the case for the last month)
Optional<LocalDate> nextSubClaim = claimDates.stream().filter(date -> date.isAfter(today)).findFirst();
if (nextSubClaim.isPresent())
nextClaimDate = nextSubClaim;
} else
// In the case of a monthly subscription, we need to extrapolate the next claim date
nextClaimDate = Optional.of(claimDates.get(claimDates.size() - 1))
.map(date -> date.plusMonths(1))
.filter(date -> date.equals(today) || date.isAfter(today)); // and make sure it's today or later
// Determine the months whose cosmetics can be used by this player
Set<YearMonth> cosmeticMonths = claimDates.stream()
.filter(yearMonth -> yearMonth.isBefore(thisMonth) || yearMonth.equals(thisMonth))
// Remove already-claimed months
Optional<YearMonth> latestClaimed = claimedMonths.stream().collect(Collectors.maxBy(YearMonth::compareTo));
latestClaimed.ifPresent(latest ->
while (!claimDates.isEmpty())
LocalDate claimDate = claimDates.get(0);
YearMonth claimMonth = YearMonth.from(claimDate);
if (latest.equals(claimMonth) || latest.isAfter(claimMonth))
} else
Set<YearMonth> unclaimedMonths = claimDates.stream()
.filter(date -> date.isBefore(today) || date.equals(today)) // Filter dates yet to come
// Only months that have not been claimed or are before the newest claim can be considered unclaimed
.filter(ym -> !(claimedMonths.contains(ym) || (latestClaimed.isPresent() && latestClaimed.get().isAfter(ym))))
return new PowerPlayData(subscriptions, nextClaimDate, unclaimedMonths, cosmeticMonths);
private static List<LocalDate> buildMonths(Subscription subscription)
switch (subscription._duration)
case MONTH:
return Collections.singletonList(subscription._startDate);
case YEAR:
List<LocalDate> months = new ArrayList<>();
// The first and last months have the exact claim dates
// The latter is to prevent premature claiming
// The middle months can claim on the first day of the month
for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
return months;
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid duration");
public static class Subscription
public final LocalDate _startDate;
public final SubscriptionDuration _duration;
Subscription(LocalDate startDate, SubscriptionDuration duration)
_startDate = startDate;
_duration = duration;
public static enum SubscriptionDuration
MONTH("Month", 1), YEAR("Year", 12);
private String _name;
private int _length;
SubscriptionDuration(String name, int length)
_name = name;
_length = length;
public String getName()
return _name;
public int getLength()
return _length;
private PowerPlayData(List<Subscription> subscriptions, Optional<LocalDate> nextClaimDate, Set<YearMonth> unclaimedMonths, Set<YearMonth> cosmeticMonths)
_subscriptions = subscriptions;
_nextClaimDate = nextClaimDate;
_unclaimedMonths = unclaimedMonths;
_cosmeticMonths = cosmeticMonths;
public List<Subscription> getSubscriptions()
return _subscriptions;
public Optional<LocalDate> getNextClaimDate()
return _nextClaimDate;
public Set<YearMonth> getUnclaimedMonths()
return _unclaimedMonths;
public Set<YearMonth> getUsableCosmeticMonths()
return _cosmeticMonths;
public boolean isSubscribed()
return _nextClaimDate.isPresent();
public String toString()
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("_nextClaimDate", _nextClaimDate)
.add("_unclaimedMonths", _unclaimedMonths)
.add("_cosmeticMonths", _cosmeticMonths)