Mineplex/GOD DAMN COSMETICS/boosters/command/ThankCommand.java
Daniel Waggner 38a20f98c2 Removed Files
These two directories contain code that was removed from the src and dependencies of the compiled files. They were removed due to being either a. unnecessary or b. a royal pain in my booty.
2021-05-23 18:13:37 -07:00

74 lines
2.4 KiB

//package mineplex.core.boosters.command;
//import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
//import org.bukkit.Sound;
//import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
//import mineplex.core.boosters.Booster;
//import mineplex.core.boosters.BoosterManager;
//import mineplex.core.boosters.tips.BoosterThankManager;
//import mineplex.core.boosters.tips.TipAddResult;
//import mineplex.core.command.CommandBase;
//import mineplex.core.common.currency.GlobalCurrency;
//import mineplex.core.common.util.F;
//import mineplex.core.common.util.UtilPlayer;
// * @author Shaun Bennett
// */
//public class ThankCommand extends CommandBase<BoosterManager>
// public ThankCommand(BoosterManager plugin)
// {
// super(plugin, BoosterManager.Perm.THANK_COMMAND, "thank");
// }
// @Override
// public void Execute(Player caller, String[] args)
// {
// if (args == null || args.length == 0)
// {
// // try to thank the current amplifier group
// String boosterGroup = Plugin.getBoosterGroup();
// if (boosterGroup == null || boosterGroup.length() <= 0)
// {
// UtilPlayer.message(caller, F.main("Amplifier", "You must specify an Amplifier Group"));
// return;
// }
// attemptToTipGroup(caller, boosterGroup);
// }
// else
// {
// String boosterGroup = StringUtils.join(args, ' ');
// attemptToTipGroup(caller, boosterGroup);
// }
// }
// private void attemptToTipGroup(Player caller, String boosterGroup)
// {
// Booster booster = Plugin.getActiveBooster(boosterGroup);
// if (booster == null)
// {
// // Give a friendly oops message
// UtilPlayer.message(caller, F.main("Amplifier", "There was an error handling your request. Try again later"));
// return;
// }
// else
// {
// Plugin.getBoosterThankManager().addTip(caller, booster, result ->
// {
// if (result == TipAddResult.SUCCESS)
// {
// UtilPlayer.message(caller, F.main("Tip", "You thanked " + F.name(booster.getPlayerName()) + ". They earned " + F.currency(GlobalCurrency.TREASURE_SHARD, BoosterThankManager.TIP_FOR_SPONSOR) + " and you got "
// + F.currency(GlobalCurrency.TREASURE_SHARD, BoosterThankManager.TIP_FOR_TIPPER)) + " in return!");
// caller.playSound(caller.getLocation(), Sound.LEVEL_UP, 1f, 1f);
// }
// else if (result.getFriendlyMessage() != null)
// {
// UtilPlayer.message(caller, F.main("Amplifier", result.getFriendlyMessage()));
// }
// });
// }
// }