Mineplex/.FILES USED TO GET TO WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY/xampp/perl/bin/llw32helper.pl
Daniel Waggner 76a7ae65df PUUUUUSH
2023-05-17 14:44:01 -07:00

168 lines
4.1 KiB

use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use local::lib 1.004007 qw();
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use Carp qw(croak);
use IO::Interactive qw(is_interactive);
use File::HomeDir 0.81;
use File::Spec::Functions 3.2701 qw(splitpath catpath catdir);
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use Win32::TieRegistry 0.26 qw(:KEY_);
our $VERSION = our $VERSION_STR = '0.990';
$VERSION =~ s/_//sm;
print <<"__END_TEXT__";
llwin32helper version $VERSION_STR
Configures local::lib on Windows.
Run "perldoc App::local::lib::Win32Helper" for more information, including
the license and copyright.
if ( !is_interactive() ) {
croak 'llw32helper must be run interactively.';
# Access = KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE | KEY_WOW64_64KEY (0x100 = 256)
my $environment_obj = Win32::TieRegistry->new(
{ Delimiter => q{/},
Access => KEY_READ() | KEY_WRITE() | 256
) or croak "Can't access HKEY_CURRENT_USER subkey: $EXTENDED_OS_ERROR\n";
my $environment_key = $environment_obj->TiedRef();
local $ENV{HOME} = undef;
my $ll_exists = 0;
my $default_path;
if ( exists $environment_key->{'/PERL_MB_OPT'} ) {
$ll_exists = 1;
my ( $volume, $directories, $file ) =
File::Spec->splitpath( $environment_key->{'PERL_MB_OPT'} );
$default_path = catpath( $volume, $directories, undef );
} else {
$default_path =
catdir( Win32::GetShortPathName( File::HomeDir->my_home() ),
'perl5' );
if ($ll_exists) {
"Do you wish to remove the local::lib settings from $default_path? [y/N] ";
my $answer = <>;
chomp $answer if defined $answer;
$answer = 'n' if $answer eq q{};
if ( 'n' eq lc substr $answer, 0, 1 ) {
print "llwin32helper exiting.\n";
goto EXISTS if ( 'y' ne lc substr $answer, 0, 1 );
delete $environment_key->{'/PERL_MB_OPT'};
delete $environment_key->{'/PERL_MM_OPT'};
delete $environment_key->{'/PERL5LIB'};
if ( $environment_key->{'/PATH'} =~ m/;/smx ) {
my $dir = catdir( $default_path, 'bin' );
$dir =~ s{\\}{\\\\}gsmx;
my $path = $environment_key->{'/PATH'};
$path =~ s{$dir;}{}gsmx;
$environment_key->{'/PATH'} = $path;
} else {
delete $environment_key->{'/PATH'};
print <<"__END_TEXT__";
llwin32helper has removed the environment entries that make CPAN/CPANPLUS
install future modules to $default_path.
This script does not delete the files in that directory, however.
(You may wish to delete them yourself.)
You'll need to reboot for the changes to register.
} else {
print 'Do you wish to install future modules in a local area? [y/N] ';
my $answer = <>;
chomp $answer if defined $answer;
$answer = 'n' if $answer eq q{};
if ( 'n' eq lc substr $answer, 0, 1 ) {
print "llwin32helper exiting.\n";
goto NOTEXISTS if ( 'y' ne lc substr $answer, 0, 1 );
print "\nWhere do you want to install modules? [$default_path] ";
$answer = <>;
chomp $answer if defined $answer;
$answer = $default_path if $answer eq q{};
if ( !-d $answer ) {
print "Creating path.\n";
my %ll_env_entries =
'local::lib'->build_environment_vars_for( $answer, 0 );
$environment_key->{'/PERL_MB_OPT'} = $ll_env_entries{'PERL_MB_OPT'};
$environment_key->{'/PERL_MM_OPT'} = $ll_env_entries{'PERL_MM_OPT'};
$environment_key->{'/PERL5LIB'} = $ll_env_entries{'PERL5LIB'};
if ( exists $environment_key->{'/PATH'} ) {
$environment_key->{'/PATH'} = join q{;},
} else {
$environment_key->{'/PATH'} =
print <<"__END_TEXT__";
llwin32helper has added environment entries and files so that CPAN/CPANPLUS
installs future modules to $answer.
To use modules installed this way in your scripts, insert this line:
use local::lib '~\\perl5';
(if you changed the directory, use that directory instead.)
To remove these environment entries, run llw32helper again.
You'll need to reboot for these environment variables to register.
} ## end else [ if ($ll_exists) ]