Mineplex/.FILES USED TO GET TO WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY/xampp/php/pear/PHP/UML/Metamodel/Superstructure.php
Daniel Waggner 76a7ae65df PUUUUUSH
2023-05-17 14:44:01 -07:00

288 lines
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* PHP_UML (PHP/MOF program elements classes)
* PHP version 5
* @category PHP
* @package PHP_UML
* @subpackage Metamodel
* @author Baptiste Autin <ohlesbeauxjours@yahoo.fr>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html LGPL License 3
* @version SVN: $Revision: 175 $
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_UML
* @link http://www.omg.org/mof/
* @since $Date: 2011-09-15 17:07:58 +0200 (jeu., 15 sept. 2011) $
* A superstructure is a set composed of a UML model, a physical model,
* and some stereotypes associated to the UML model.
* @category PHP
* @package PHP_UML
* @subpackage Metamodel
* @author Baptiste Autin <ohlesbeauxjours@yahoo.fr>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html LGPL License 3
class PHP_UML_Metamodel_Superstructure
const META_INTERFACE = 'PHP_UML_Metamodel_Interface';
const META_CLASS = 'PHP_UML_Metamodel_Class';
const META_DATATYPE = 'PHP_UML_Metamodel_Datatype';
const META_OPERATION = 'PHP_UML_Metamodel_Operation';
const META_PROPERTY = 'PHP_UML_Metamodel_Property';
const PHP_PROFILE_NAME = 'php';
const PHP_STEREOTYPE_DOCBLOCK = 'docblock';
* The root package for a logical UML model
* @var PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package
public $packages;
* The root package for a deployment (physical) model
* @var PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package
public $deploymentPackages;
* Stack of all stereotypes
* TODO: when real stereotypes will be implemented, deleting that array, and
* reading the stereotypes from the $packages instead
* @var array
public $stereotypes = array();
* Constructor
public function __construct()
* Adds the internal PHP metatypes, metaclasses, metainterfaces...
public function addInternalPhpTypes()
foreach (PHP_UML_Metamodel_Enumeration::$datatypes as $d) {
$type = new PHP_UML_Metamodel_Datatype;
$type->id = PHP_UML_SimpleUID::getUID();
$type->name = $d;
$this->addRootType($type, 'Internal PHP type.');
foreach (PHP_UML_Metamodel_Enumeration::$interfaces as $i) {
$type = new PHP_UML_Metamodel_Interface;
$type->id = PHP_UML_SimpleUID::getUID();
$type->name = $i;
$this->addRootType($type, 'Internal PHP interface.');
foreach (PHP_UML_Metamodel_Enumeration::$classes as $c) {
$type = new PHP_UML_Metamodel_Class;
$type->id = PHP_UML_SimpleUID::getUID();
$type->name = $c;
$this->addRootType($type, 'Internal PHP class.');
private function addRootType(PHP_UML_Metamodel_NamedElement $type, $desc)
if (!PHP_UML_Metamodel_Helper::searchTypeIntoPackage($this->packages, $type->name)) {
$this->packages->ownedType[] = $type;
$this->addDocTags($type, $desc);
* Creates a stereotype and the necessary Tag objects for a given element
* @param PHP_UML_Metamodel_NamedElement &$element The element to document
* @param string $desc A textual description
* @param array $docs An array containing docblocks
public function addDocTags(PHP_UML_Metamodel_NamedElement &$element, $desc, array $docs = array())
$stereotype = $this->createStereotype($element, self::PHP_PROFILE_NAME, self::PHP_STEREOTYPE_DOCBLOCK);
if ($desc != '') {
$tag = new PHP_UML_Metamodel_Tag;
$tag->id = PHP_UML_SimpleUID::getUID();;
$tag->name = 'description';
$tag->value = $desc;
$stereotype->ownedAttribute[] = $tag;
foreach ($docs as $doc) {
$tag = new PHP_UML_Metamodel_Tag;
$tag->id = PHP_UML_SimpleUID::getUID();;
$tag->name = $doc[1];
$tag->value = trim(implode(' ', array_slice($doc, 2)));
$stereotype->ownedAttribute[] = $tag;
$element->description = $stereotype;
* Recursively replaces all the "named types" by a proper "reference" to a
* typed element. This impacts:
* - the extended classes and implemented classes (through their
* EMOF-"superClass" and "implements" relations)
* - the function parameters (through their EMOF-"type" attribute)
* - the properties in classes (through their EMOF-"type" attribute)
* @param PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package &$ns Package to resolve the elements of
* @param array &$_oDef Default packages to look for
* orphaned elements
private function resolveReferences(PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package &$ns, array &$_oDef)
if (!is_null($ns->nestedPackage)) {
foreach ($ns->nestedPackage as $key => &$pkg) {
$this->resolveReferences($pkg, $_oDef);
if (!is_null($ns->ownedType))
foreach ($ns->ownedType as &$elt) {
if (isset($elt->superClass) && !is_null($elt->superClass)) {
foreach ($elt->superClass as &$className) {
$this->resolveType($ns, $className, $_oDef, $elt);
if (isset($elt->implements) && !is_null($elt->implements)) {
foreach ($elt->implements as &$className) {
$this->resolveType($ns, $className, $_oDef, $elt);
if (isset($elt->ownedOperation)) {
foreach ($elt->ownedOperation as &$function) {
foreach ($function->ownedParameter as &$parameter) {
$this->resolveType($ns, $parameter->type, $_oDef, $elt);
if (isset($elt->ownedAttribute)) {
foreach ($elt->ownedAttribute as &$attribute) {
$this->resolveType($ns, $attribute->type, $_oDef, $elt);
if (isset($ns->ownedOperation)) {
foreach ($ns->ownedOperation as &$function) {
foreach ($function->ownedParameter as &$parameter) {
$this->resolveType($ns, $parameter->type, $_oDef, $function);
if (isset($ns->ownedAttribute)) {
foreach ($ns->ownedAttribute as &$attribute) {
$this->resolveType($ns, $attribute->type, $_oDef, $attribute);
* Retrieves the stereotype (named $name) associated to the element $element
* If not found, returns null.
* @param PHP_UML_Metamodel_NamedElement $element Related object
* @param string $profileName Profile name
* @param string $stereotypeName Stereotype name
* @return PHP_UML_Metamodel_Stereotype
public function getStereotype(PHP_UML_Metamodel_NamedElement $element, $profileName, $stereotypeName)
foreach ($this->stereotypes->getIterator() as $s) {
if ($s->element == $element && $s->name == $stereotypeName && $s->profile == $profileName) {
return $s;
return null;
* Creates a stereotype in a given profile, and binds it to a given element
* Returns the stereotype that was created
* @param PHP_UML_Metamodel_NamedElement &$element The element
* @param string $profileName The profile name
* @param string $stereotypeName The stereotype name
* @return PHP_UML_Metamodel_Stereotype
public function createStereotype(PHP_UML_Metamodel_NamedElement &$element, $profileName, $stereotypeName)
$stereotype = new PHP_UML_Metamodel_Stereotype;
$stereotype->profile = $profileName;
$stereotype->name = $stereotypeName;
$stereotype->element = $element;
$this->stereotypes[] = $stereotype;
return $stereotype;
* Finalizes the main object structure that the Parser has built.
* Launches the resolution of the references for all stacks from the root pkg
* Every reference (a temporary string) is replaced by a PHP reference
* to the corresponding type (that is, a class or a datatype)
* Must be run once the model is complete (= once PHP parsing is done)
* @param bool $noEmptyPkg True to force removal of empty packages
* @param array $defPkg Array of PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package where to look into,
* in order to resolve the orphaned elements.
* By default, it will look in the root package. This is,
* by the way, where the PHP datatypes are.
public function finalizeAll($noEmptyPkg = true, $defPkg = array())
if ($noEmptyPkg)
$resolver = new PHP_UML_Metamodel_TypeResolverByName();
$resolver->package = $this->packages;
if (empty($defPkg))
$defPkg = array($this->packages);
$defPkg[] = &$this->packages;
$resolver->resolveReferences($this->packages, $defPkg);
* Initialize the structure before use (we just instantiate the top objects in
* the logical and deployment models)
* @param string $modelName Model name
public function initModel($modelName = 'default')
$this->packages = new PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package;
$this->packages->name = $modelName;
$this->packages->id = PHP_UML_SimpleUID::getUID();
$this->deploymentPackages = new PHP_UML_Metamodel_Package;
$this->deploymentPackages->name = 'Deployment View';
$this->deploymentPackages->id = PHP_UML_SimpleUID::getUID();