Mineplex/.FILES USED TO GET TO WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY/CSGI Mineplex Testing Servers/mineplex-dev-spigot-map-parser/plugins/EasyBackup/settings/messages.yml
Daniel Waggner 967cd5588b MAPS
I shoved the entire communityi server backup into the build server directory. Just run "start.bat" and everything will load up (hopefully)
2023-05-21 13:49:29 -07:00

322 lines
15 KiB

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# Messages Configuration
# Thank you very much for purchasing my plugin <3
# If you have any questions / problems, please use my online service desk:
# https://prodigysupport.team/tickets/servicedesk/customer/portal/1
# ~ JarFiles
# String which will appear in front of each message
# You can use the {prefix} placeholder in almost any message.
# Sometimes {prefix} will be replaced with nothing, if the message must not contain a prefix
prefix: '&8[&6EasyBackup&8]: '
# Message which will appear if ingame commands have been disabled
ingame-commands-disabled: '{prefix}&7Ingame Commands are &cdisabled&7, sorry!'
# Completely disable all notification messages (NOT RECOMMENDED)
disable-notifications: false
# Message which will be sent if you try to execute a command which is made for the spigot edition only
spigot-only-command: '{prefix}&7This command can be &conly &7run on a &cspigot server&7,
# Message which will appear if a player doesn't have the permission to execute a command
no-permission: '{prefix}&7I''m sorry, but you &cdo not &7have the &cpermission &7to
do this!'
# Message which will appear if a player doesn't have the permission to excute a specific argument in a command
no-permission-argument: '{prefix}&7I''m sorry, but you &cdo not &7have the &cpermission
&7to do this!'
# Message which will appear if an unknown error occurs while executing a command
generic-error: '{prefix}&7Sorry, but something went &cwrong &7while executing this See
the console for more details!'
# Message which will appear if the executed command does not exist
unknown: '{prefix}&7Sorry, but this command does &cnot exist&7!'
# Message which will be sent if the command syntax is wrong
# Placeholders:
# {command} - will be replaced with the command
# {syntax} - will be replaced with the expected syntax
invalid-syntax: '{prefix}&7Wrong &cusage&7. Use &6{command} {syntax}&7!'
# Message which will be sent if an error occurs while executing the command
error-performing-command: '{prefix}&7There was an &cerror &7while performing this
# Message which will be sent if a specific value is expected but not present
# Placeholders:
# {valid} - will be replaced with the expected values
please-specify-one-of: '{prefix}&7Please specify one of &c{valid}'
# Message which will be sent if a number value is expected but not present
# Placeholders:
# {num} - will be replaced with the given value
must-be-a-number: '{prefix}&c{num} &7must be a &cnumber&7!'
# Message which will be sent if a character value is expected but the given one has too less characters
# Placeholders:
# {min} - will be replaced with the excepted minimum length
min-length: '{prefix}&7Must be at least &c{min} characters &7long!'
# Message which will be sent if a number value is expected but the given one is too low
# Placeholders:
# {min} - will be replaced with the excepted minimum value
at-least: '{prefix}&7Please specify a value &cat least {min}&7!'
# Message which will be sent if a number value is expected but the given one is too high
# Placeholders:
# {min} - will be replaced with the excepted maximum value
max-length: '{prefix}&7Please specify a value &cat most {max}&7!'
# Message which will be sent if the console is not allowed to execute a command
no-console: '{prefix}&7The &cconsole &7may &cnot &7execute this command!'
# Message which will be sent if a player value is expected but the given one is not present
# Placeholders:
# {search} - the given player name
player-not-found: '{prefix}&7Could &cnot find &7a player with the name &c{search}&7!'
# Message which will be sent if someone searches for a command which does not exist
# Placeholders:
# {search} - the given search query
no-command-found: '{prefix}&7No command matching &c{search} &7found!'
# Message which displays the help page information
# Placeholders:
# {page} - current page
# {totalpages} - number of total pages
# {results} - number of results
information: '{prefix}&7Showing page &6{page}&7/&6{totalpages} &7Results: &6{results}'
# Message which will be sent if no more results are found
no-results: '{prefix}&cNo more &7results'
# Message which displays the header of a help message
# Placeholders:
# {commandprefix} - prefix of a command
# {command} - name of the command
header: '{prefix}&7Showing help for &6{commandprefix}{command}&7:'
# Format of each help message entry
# Placeholders:
# {command} - name of the command
# {parameters} - arguments / parameters of the command
# {seperator} - just for styling. [-] (will be replaced with nothing if there is no command description)
# {description} - description of the command
format: '{prefix}&7/{command} &6{parameters}'
# Message which displays the detailed header of a help message
# Placeholders:
# {commandprefix} - prefix of a command
# {command} - name of the command
header: '{prefix}&7Showing detailed help for &6{commandprefix}{command}&7:'
# Format of each detailed command help message entry
# Placeholders:
# {command} - name of the command
# {parameters} - arguments / parameters of the command
# {seperator} - just for styling. [-] (will be replaced with nothing if there is no command description)
# {description} - description of the command
command-format: '{prefix}&7/{command} &6{parameters} &7{separator} &b{description}'
# Format of each detailed parameter help message entry
# Placeholders:
# {syntaxorname} - name of the parameter
# {description} - description of the parameter
parameter-format: '{prefix}&7{syntaxorname}: &b{description}'
# Message which displays the header of a search help message
# Placeholders:
# {commandprefix} - prefix of a command
# {command} - name of the command
# {search} - search result
search-header: '{prefix}&7Search results for &6{commandprefix}{command} &b{search}&7:'
# Message which will be sent if an error occurs while executing the command
# Is used by messages in the *.error.* section
# Placeholders:
# {message} - will be replaced with the error message
error-prefix: '{prefix}&cError: &7{message}!'
# Message which will be sent if you try to execute a command which is made for the bungee edition only
bungee-only-command: '{prefix}&7This command can be &conly &7run on a &cbungee server&7,
# Message which will be sent once the cleaner starts
start-clean: '{prefix}&7Cleaner has been &6started&7...'
# Message which will be sent if a manually cleaner finishes
# Placeholders:
# {time} - Time for the cleaner
finish: '{prefix}&2Successfully &7finished &6Cleaner &7in &b{time}'
# Message which will be sent if you try to run the cleaner but it's not enabled
not-enabled: '{errorprefix}&7Cleaner is &cnot &7enabled'
# Message which will be sent once the cleaner finishes cleaning a directory
# Placeholders:
# {directory} - directory which has been cleaned
# {amount} - amount of files which have been deleted
clean-dir-done: '{prefix}&2Successfully &7cleaned &6{directory} &7(Deleted: &b{amount}
# Message which will be sent once the cleaner starts cleaning a directory
# Placeholders:
# {directory} - name of the directory
clean-dir: '{prefix}&7Cleaning &6{directory}&7...'
# Message which will be sent if a character value is expected but the given one has too many characters
# Placeholders:
# {max} - will be replaced with the excepted minimum length
must-be-max-length: '{prefix}&7Must be at most &c{min} characters &7long!'
# Will be send when a backup has been started
start-creation: '{prefix}&7Backup has been &6started&7...'
# Will be send when a backup has been created
# Placeholders:
# {time} - will be replaced with the backup create duration
finish-creation: '{prefix}&7Backup has been &2created&7. Took &6{time}'
# Will be send when an error occurs during the backup creation or the upload process
error: '{prefix}&7An &cerror occurred &7while creating the backup'
# Will be send when the backup process has been cancelled
cancel: '{prefix}&7You &ccancelled &7the backup'
# Message which will be sent every 5 seconds with the current save percentage
# Placeholders:
# {saved} - saved bytes
# {totalsize} - total size of the backup
# {percent} - percentage of the zip saving
# {speed} - current backup speed
save-percent: '{prefix}&7Saved &6{saved} &e/ &6{totalsize} &7(&b{percent}%&7) |
# Delay between each percentage message in seconds
percent-msg-delay: 5
# Message which will be sent once the plugin finishes deleting old backups
# Placeholders:
# {amount} - amount of deleted files
deleted-previous: '{prefix}&7Successfully &2deleted &6{amount} &7previous backups'
# Message which will be sent if the server is lagging
slow-down: '{prefix}&cSlowing down &7backup since server is &clagging'
# Message which will be sent if the backup has returned to it's max speed
speed-up: '{prefix}&7Backup has returned backup to &2max speed'
# Message which will be sent if you try to upload a backup but the backup directory hasn't been created yet
directory-does-not-exist: '{errorprefix}&7Backup Directory does &cnot &7exist'
# Message which will be sent if you try to create a backup while it's already running
already-running: '{errorprefix}&7Backup is &calready &7running'
# Message which will be sent if you try to cancel a backup while it's not running
not-running: '{errorprefix}&7Backup is &cnot &7running'
# Message which will be sent if the specified backup could not be found
file-not-found: '{errorprefix}&7Backup file does not &cexist &7or is &cnot a file'
# Message which will be sent if you start an upload
start: '{prefix}&7Starting &6upload &7of the latest backup'
# Message which will be sent if a manually upload finishes
# Placeholders:
# {time} - Time for the upload
finish: '{prefix}&2Successfully &7finished &6all backups &7in &b{time}'
# Message which will be sent if you start an upload but there is no latest backup
no-backup: '{errorprefix}&7Could &cnot &7get latest backup in directory'
# Message which will be sent once an upload starts
# Placeholders:
# {service} - name of the upload service
start-upload: '{prefix}&7Starting &6Upload &7to &6{service}'
# Message which will be sent once the plugin established the connetion to the service
# Placeholders:
# {service} - name of the upload service
logged-in: '{prefix}&7Successfully &2logged in &7to &6{service}'
# Message which will be sent once the plugin finishes deleting old backups
# Placeholders:
# {service} - name of the upload service
# {amount} - amount of deleted files
deleted-previous: '{prefix}&7Successfully &2deleted &6{amount} &7previous backups
from &6{service}'
# Message which will be sent every 5 seconds with the current upload percentage
# Placeholders:
# {service} - name of the upload service
# {saved} - saved bytes
# {totalsize} - total size of the backup
# {percent} - percentage of the zip saving
# {speed} - current backup speed
upload-percent: '{prefix}&7Uploaded &6{saved} &e/ &6{totalsize} &7(&b{percent}%&7)
| &b{speed}'
# Delay between each percentage message in seconds
percent-msg-delay: 5
# Message which will be sent once an upload has been finished
# Placeholders:
# {service} - name of the upload service
finish-upload: '{prefix}&7Finished &6Upload &7to &6{service}'
# Message which will be sent once the local backup file has been deleted successfully
delete-local: '{prefix}&2Successfully &7deleted the &6local backup file'
# Message which will be sent if you try to upload something but there is no internet connection available
no-internet: '{prefix}&7Uploader has been &cdisabled &7as there is &cno internet
connection &7available'
# Message which will be sent if there aren't any upload services enabled
no-service-enabled: '{prefix}&7Could &cnot &7upload the backup as there aren''t
any upload services &cenabled'
# Message which will be sent if you start restoring a backup
start: '{prefix}&6Restore &7process has been &6started'
# Message which will be sent when kicking all players
kick-message: '{prefix}&6Restoring a backup. Server should be back soon'
# Message which will be sent if restoring a backup fails
fail: '{prefix}&7Restoring &cfailed'
# Will be send when restoring a backup was successful
# Placeholders:
# {time} - will be replaced with the restore duration
finish: '{prefix}&7Restoring &2done&7 &cSHUTTING DOWN SERVER NOW&7. Took &6{time}'
# Message which will sent if you try to restore an encrypted backup but you didn't specify a password
backup-password-missing: '{errorprefix}The specified backup file is encrypted but
no password was specified'
# Message which will be sent if try to restore an incremental backup
no-incremental-backups: '{errorprefix}You &can not &7restore &cincremental backups'
# Message which will be sent if use the disk command
# Placeholders:
# {used} - used disk space
# {totalsize} - total available space
space: '{prefix}&7EasyBackup uses &6{used} &7/ &6{totalsize}'
# Message which will be sent if use the disk command
# Placeholders:
# {amount} - directory amount
folder: '{prefix}&7Directories: &6{amount}'
# Message which will be sent if use the disk command
# Placeholders:
# {amount} - files amount
files: '{prefix}&7Files: &6{amount}'
# Message which will be sent once the plugin starts reloading the config
start: '{prefix}&7Reloading configs. Please wait...'
# Message which will be sent once the plugin finishes reloading the config
finish: '{prefix}&2Successfully &7reloaded configs'
# Message which will be sent once the plugin finishes reloading the config
finish-note: '{prefix}&7Please note that reloading the config &conly changes a few
values &7and &cdoes not &7reload the whole plugin'
# Message which will be sent if an error occurs while reloading the config
fail: '{prefix}&7Could &cnot &7reload the configuration'
# Message which will be sent if the backup deletion finishes successfully
# Placeholders:
# {backup} - backup file name
success: '{prefix}&7The backup has been deleted &2successfully'
# Message which will be sent if the backup deletion fails
# Placeholders:
# {backup} - backup file name
fail: '{prefix}&7The backup could &cnot &7be deleted'