Mineplex/.FILES USED TO GET TO WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY/xampp/perl/vendor/lib/Digest/Whirlpool.pm
Daniel Waggner 76a7ae65df PUUUUUSH
2023-05-17 14:44:01 -07:00

139 lines
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package Digest::Whirlpool;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Digest::base';
use XSLoader ();
our $VERSION = '2.04';
XSLoader::load __PACKAGE__, $VERSION;
# Pre-1.0.4 used base64digest, maintain API compatibility with it.
*base64digest = \&Digest::base::b64digest;
=head1 NAME
Digest::Whirlpool - A 512-bit, collision-resistant, one-way hash function
WHIRLPOOL is a 512-bit, collision-resistant, one-way hash function
developed by Paulo S. L. M. Barreto and Vincent Rijmen. It has been
recommended by the NESSIE project (along with SHA-256/384/512) and
adopted as ISO/IEC 10118-3.
In programs:
# Using L<Digest> (recommended)
use Digest;
my $whirlpool = Digest->new( 'Whirlpool' );
# Get a hash and reset the object
$whirlpool->add( "hash this" );
my $hexdigest = $whirlpool->hexdigest;
# Populate the object again, and clone it before getting the
# digest to avoid resetting
$whirlpool->add( "hash this" );
my $b64digest = $whirlpool->clone->b64digest;
$whirlpool->add( "add this to the hash" );
# Using this module directly (same interface)
use Digest::Whirlpool;
my $whirlpool = Digest->new( 'Whirlpool' );
$whirlpool->add( ... );
From the command line:
whirlpoolsum files
whirlpoolsum --help
Provides an interface to the WHIRLPOOL hash algorithm. This module
subclasses L<Digest::base> and can be used either directly or through
the L<Digest> meta-module. Using the latter is recommended.
=head1 EXPORT
=head1 METHODS
Since this module implements the standard L<Digest
interface|Digest/"OO INTERFACE"> and should be used through the
L<Digest> module you should look at that documentation for the general
interface, below is a description of methods that differ.
=head2 clone
Copy the internal state of the current object into a new object and
return it.
=head2 reset
Resets the object to the same internal state it was in when it was
This works exactly like L</new> except it doesn't allocate new memory
for its internal state.
=head2 base64digest
An legacy alias for the B<b64digest> method which should be used
=head2 hashsize
Returns the size (in bits) of a WHIRLPOOL hash, i.e. 512.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
NESSIE consortium, I<Portfolio of recommended cryptographic primitives>, February 27, 2003.
The original version of this package was written by Julius C. Duque in
2003. It was rewritten by E<AElig>var ArnfjE<ouml>rE<eth> Bjarmason
<avar@cpan.org> in January 2007 who added compatability with the
Digest interface, improved documentation and a L<whirlpoolsum(1)>
command-line utility amongst other things.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs that aren't already listed at
L<http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Digest-Whirlpool> to
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
Copyright 2003 Julius C. Duque and 2007 and 2009 E<AElig>var ArnfjE<ouml>rE<eth> Bjarmason.