Mineplex/.FILES USED TO GET TO WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY/xampp/perl/vendor/lib/FFI/Build.pm
Daniel Waggner 76a7ae65df PUUUUUSH
2023-05-17 14:44:01 -07:00

558 lines
13 KiB

package FFI::Build;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.008001;
use FFI::Build::File::Library;
use Carp ();
use File::Glob ();
use File::Basename ();
use List::Util 1.45 ();
use Capture::Tiny ();
use File::Path ();
# ABSTRACT: Build shared libraries for use with FFI
our $VERSION = '1.31'; # VERSION
sub _native_name
my($self, $name) = @_;
join '', $self->platform->library_prefix, $name, scalar $self->platform->library_suffix;
sub new
my($class, $name, %args) = @_;
Carp::croak "name is required" unless defined $name;
my $self = bless {
source => [],
cflags_I => [],
cflags => [],
libs_L => [],
libs => [],
alien => [],
}, $class;
my $platform = $self->{platform} = $args{platform} || FFI::Build::Platform->default;
my $file = $self->{file} = $args{file} || FFI::Build::File::Library->new([$args{dir} || '.', $self->_native_name($name)], platform => $self->platform);
my $buildname = $self->{buildname} = $args{buildname} || '_build';
my $verbose = $self->{verbose} = $args{verbose} || 0;
my $export = $self->{export} = $args{export} || [];
if(defined $args{cflags})
my @flags = ref $args{cflags} ? @{ $args{cflags} } : $self->platform->shellwords($args{cflags});
push @{ $self->{cflags} }, grep !/^-I/, @flags;
push @{ $self->{cflags_I} }, grep /^-I/, @flags;
if(defined $args{libs})
my @flags = ref $args{libs} ? @{ $args{libs} } : $self->platform->shellwords($args{libs});
push @{ $self->{libs} }, grep !/^-L/, @flags;
push @{ $self->{libs_L} }, grep /^-L/, @flags;
if(defined $args{alien})
my @aliens = ref $args{alien} ? @{ $args{alien} } : ($args{alien});
foreach my $alien (@aliens)
unless(eval { $alien->can('cflags') && $alien->can('libs') })
my $pm = "$alien.pm";
$pm =~ s/::/\//g;
require $pm;
push @{ $self->{alien} }, $alien;
push @{ $self->{cflags} }, grep !/^-I/, $self->platform->shellwords($alien->cflags);
push @{ $self->{cflags_I} }, grep /^-I/, $self->platform->shellwords($alien->cflags);
push @{ $self->{libs} }, grep !/^-L/, $self->platform->shellwords($alien->libs);
push @{ $self->{libs_L} }, grep /^-L/, $self->platform->shellwords($alien->libs);
$self->source(ref $args{source} ? @{ $args{source} } : ($args{source})) if $args{source};
sub buildname { shift->{buildname} }
sub export { shift->{export} }
sub file { shift->{file} }
sub platform { shift->{platform} }
sub verbose { shift->{verbose} }
sub cflags { shift->{cflags} }
sub cflags_I { shift->{cflags_I} }
sub libs { shift->{libs} }
sub libs_L { shift->{libs_L} }
sub alien { shift->{alien} }
my @file_classes;
sub _file_classes
if(defined $FFI::Build::VERSION)
foreach my $inc (@INC)
push @file_classes,
map { my $f = $_; $f =~ s/\.pm$//; "FFI::Build::File::$f" }
grep !/^Base\.pm$/,
map { File::Basename::basename($_) }
File::Spec->catfile($inc, 'FFI', 'Build', 'File', '*.pm')
# When building out of git without dzil, $VERSION will not
# usually be defined and any file plugins that require a
# specific version will break, so we only use core file
# classes for that.
push @file_classes, map { "FFI::Build::File::$_" } qw( C CXX Library Object );
# also anything already loaded, that might not be in the
# @INC path (for testing ususally)
push @file_classes,
map { my $f = $_; $f =~ s/::$//; "FFI::Build::File::$f" }
grep !/Base::/,
grep /::$/,
keys %{FFI::Build::File::};
@file_classes = List::Util::uniq(@file_classes);
foreach my $class (@file_classes)
next if(eval { $class->can('new') });
my $pm = $class . ".pm";
$pm =~ s/::/\//g;
require $pm;
sub source
my($self, @file_spec) = @_;
foreach my $file_spec (@file_spec)
if(eval { $file_spec->isa('FFI::Build::File::Base') })
push @{ $self->{source} }, $file_spec;
if(ref $file_spec eq 'ARRAY')
my($type, $content, @args) = @$file_spec;
my $class = "FFI::Build::File::$type";
my $pm = "FFI/Build/File/$type.pm";
require $pm;
push @{ $self->{source} }, $class->new(
build => $self,
platform => $self->platform,
my @paths = File::Glob::bsd_glob($file_spec);
foreach my $path (@paths)
foreach my $class (_file_classes)
foreach my $regex ($class->accept_suffix)
if($path =~ $regex)
push @{ $self->{source} }, $class->new($path, platform => $self->platform, build => $self);
next path;
Carp::croak("Unknown file type: $path");
@{ $self->{source} };
sub build
my($self) = @_;
my @objects;
my $ld = $self->platform->ld;
foreach my $source ($self->source)
my $count = scalar $self->source;
if($count == 1)
return $source->build_all($self->file);
die "@{[ ref $source ]} has build_all method, but there is not exactly one source";
$ld = $source->ld if $source->ld;
my $output;
while(my $next = $source->build_item)
$ld = $next->ld if $next->ld;
$output = $source = $next;
push @objects, $output;
my $needs_rebuild = sub {
my(@objects) = @_;
return 1 unless -f $self->file->path;
my $target_time = [stat $self->file->path]->[9];
foreach my $object (@objects)
my $object_time = [stat "$object"]->[9];
return 1 if $object_time > $target_time;
return 0;
return $self->file unless $needs_rebuild->(@objects);
File::Path::mkpath($self->file->dirname, 0, oct(755));
my @cmd = (
(map { "$_" } @objects),
$self->platform->flag_export(@{ $self->export }),
my($out, $exit) = Capture::Tiny::capture_merged(sub {
if($exit || !-f $self->file->path)
print $out;
die "error building @{[ $self->file->path ]} from @objects";
elsif($self->verbose >= 2)
print $out;
elsif($self->verbose >= 1)
print "LD @{[ $self->file->path ]}\n";
sub clean
my($self) = @_;
my $dll = $self->file->path;
unlink $dll if -f $dll;
foreach my $source ($self->source)
my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($source->dirname, $self->buildname);
if(-d $dir)
unlink $_ for File::Glob::bsd_glob("$dir/*");
rmdir $dir;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
FFI::Build - Build shared libraries for use with FFI
=head1 VERSION
version 1.31
use FFI::Platypus;
use FFI::Build;
my $build = FFI::Build->new(
source => 'ffi/*.c',
# $lib is an instance of FFI::Build::File::Library
my $lib = $build->build;
my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 1 );
# The filename will be platform dependant, but something like libfrooble.so or frooble.dll
... # use $ffi to attach functions in ffi/*.c
Using libffi based L<FFI::Platypus> is a great alternative to XS for writing library bindings for Perl.
Sometimes, however, you need to bundle a little C code with your FFI module, but this has never been
that easy to use. L<Module::Build::FFI> was an early attempt to address this use case, but it uses
the now out of fashion L<Module::Build>.
This module itself doesn't directly integrate with CPAN installers like L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> or
L<Module::Build>, but there is a light weight layer L<FFI::Build::MM> that will allow you to easily
use this module with L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>. If you are using L<Dist::Zilla> as your dist builder,
then there is also L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FFI::Build>, which will help with the connections.
There is some functional overlap with L<ExtUtils::CBuilder>, which was in fact used by L<Module::Build::FFI>.
For this iteration I have decided not to use that module because although it will generate dynamic libraries
that can sometimes be used by L<FFI::Platypus>, it is really designed for building XS modules, and trying
to coerce it into a more general solution has proved difficult in the past.
Supported languages out of the box are C, C++ and Fortran. Rust is supported via a language plugin,
see L<FFI::Platypus::Lang::Rust>.
=head2 new
my $build = FFI::Build->new($name, %options);
Create an instance of this class. The C<$name> argument is used when computing the file name for
the library. The actual name will be something like C<lib$name.so> or C<$name.dll>. The following
options are supported:
=over 4
=item alien
List of Aliens to compile/link against. L<FFI::Build> will work with any L<Alien::Base> based
alien, or modules that provide a compatible API.
=item buildname
Directory name that will be used for building intermediate files, such as object files. This is
C<_build> by default.
=item cflags
Extra compiler flags to use. Things like C<-I/foo/include> or C<-DFOO=1>.
=item dir
The directory where the library will be written. This is C<.> by default.
=item export
Functions that should be exported (Windows + Visual C++ only)
=item file
An instance of L<FFI::Build::File::Library> to which the library will be written. Normally not needed.
=item libs
Extra library flags to use. Things like C<-L/foo/lib -lfoo>.
=item platform
An instance of L<FFI::Build::Platform>. Usually you want to omit this and use the default instance.
=item source
List of source files. You can use wildcards supported by C<bsd_glob> from L<File::Glob>.
=item verbose
By default this class does not print out the actual compiler and linker commands used in building
the library unless there is a failure. You can alter this behavior with this option. Set to
one of these values:
=over 4
=item zero (0)
Default, quiet unless there is a failure.
=item one (1)
Output the operation (compile, link, etc) and the file, but nothing else
=item two (2)
Output the complete commands run verbatim.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 dir
my $dir = $build->dir;
Returns the directory where the library will be written.
=head2 buildname
my $builddir = $build->builddir;
Returns the build name. This is used in computing a directory to save intermediate files like objects. For example,
if you specify a file like C<ffi/foo.c>, then the object file will be stored in C<ffi/_build/foo.o> by default.
C<_build> in this example (the default) is the build name.
=head2 export
my $exports = $build->export;
Returns a array reference of the exported functions (Windows + Visual C++ only)
=head2 file
my $file = $build->file;
Returns an instance of L<FFI::Build::File::Library> corresponding to the library being built. This is
also returned by the C<build> method below.
=head2 platform
my $platform = $build->platform;
An instance of L<FFI::Build::Platform>, which contains information about the platform on which you are building.
The default is usually reasonable.
=head2 verbose
my $verbose = $build->verbose;
Returns the verbose flag.
=head2 cflags
my @cflags = @{ $build->cflags };
Returns the compiler flags.
=head2 cflags_I
my @cflags_I = @{ $build->cflags_I };
Returns the C<-I> cflags.
=head2 libs
my @libs = @{ $build->libs };
Returns the library flags.
=head2 libs_L
my @libs = @{ $build->libs };
Returns the C<-L> library flags.
=head2 alien
my @aliens = @{ $build->alien };
Returns a the list of aliens being used.
=head2 source
Add the C<@files> to the list of source files that will be used in building the library.
The format is the same as with the C<source> attribute above.
=head2 build
my $lib = $build->build;
This compiles the source files and links the library. Files that have already been compiled or linked
may be reused without recompiling/linking if the timestamps are newer than the source files. An instance
of L<FFI::Build::File::Library> is returned which can be used to get the path to the library, which can
be feed into L<FFI::Platypus> or similar.
=head2 clean
Removes the library and intermediate files.
=head1 AUTHOR
Author: Graham Ollis E<lt>plicease@cpan.orgE<gt>
Bakkiaraj Murugesan (bakkiaraj)
Dylan Cali (calid)
Zaki Mughal (zmughal)
Fitz Elliott (felliott)
Vickenty Fesunov (vyf)
Gregor Herrmann (gregoa)
Shlomi Fish (shlomif)
Damyan Ivanov
Ilya Pavlov (Ilya33)
Petr Pisar (ppisar)
Mohammad S Anwar (MANWAR)
Håkon Hægland (hakonhagland, HAKONH)
Meredith (merrilymeredith, MHOWARD)
Diab Jerius (DJERIUS)
This software is copyright (c) 2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020 by Graham Ollis.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.