mirror of https://github.com/StarWishsama/Slimefun4.git synced 2024-09-20 11:45:51 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
TheBusyBiscuit 2019-08-29 22:27:46 +02:00
parent 63c3ddcd99
commit ad5271e9a4
2 changed files with 137 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Lists;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Color;
import org.bukkit.FireworkEffect;
@ -63,6 +66,7 @@ public final class SlimefunItems {
public static final ItemStack VOIDBAG_LARGE = new CustomItem(getSkull("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmEzYjM0ODYyYjlhZmI2M2NmOGQ1Nzc5OTY2ZDNmYmE3MGFmODJiMDRlODNmM2VhZjY0NDlhZWJhIn19fQ=="), "&4Large Void Bag","", "&7Size: &e36", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eLeft Click&7 to suck up nearby Items", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open");
public static final ItemStack BOUND_VOIDBAG = new CustomItem(getSkull("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmEzYjM0ODYyYjlhZmI2M2NmOGQ1Nzc5OTY2ZDNmYmE3MGFmODJiMDRlODNmM2VhZjY0NDlhZWJhIn19fQ=="), "&4Soulbound Void Bag","", "&7Size: &e36", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eLeft Click&7 to suck up nearby Items", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open");
/* Jetpacks */
public static final ItemStack DURALUMIN_JETPACK = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&9Electric Jetpack &7- &eI", "", "&8\u21E8 &7Material: &bDuralumin", "&c&o&8\u21E8 &e\u26A1 &70 / 20 J", "&8\u21E8 &7Thrust: &c0.35", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"), Color.SILVER);
public static final ItemStack SOLDER_JETPACK = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&9Electric Jetpack &7- &eII", "", "&8\u21E8 &7Material: &bSolder", "&c&o&8\u21E8 &e\u26A1 &70 / 30 J", "&8\u21E8 &7Thrust: &c0.4", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"), Color.SILVER);
@ -123,12 +127,21 @@ public final class SlimefunItems {
public static final ItemStack EASTER_CARROT_PIE = new CustomItem(Material.PUMPKIN_PIE, "&6Carrot Pie");
/* Weapons */
public static final ItemStack GRANDMAS_WALKING_STICK = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&7Grandmas Walking Stick", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"KNOCKBACK-2"});
public static final ItemStack GRANDPAS_WALKING_STICK = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&7Grandpas Walking Stick", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"KNOCKBACK-5"});
public static final ItemStack GRANDMAS_WALKING_STICK = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&7Grandmas Walking Stick");
public static final ItemStack GRANDPAS_WALKING_STICK = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&7Grandpas Walking Stick");
public static final ItemStack SWORD_OF_BEHEADING = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_SWORD, "&6Sword of Beheading", "&7Beheading II", "", "&rHas a chance to behead Mobs", "&r(even a higher chance for Wither Skeletons)");
public static final ItemStack BLADE_OF_VAMPIRES = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_SWORD, "&cBlade of Vampires", 0, new String[] {"&7Life Steal I", "", "&rEverytime you attack something", "&ryou have a 45% chance to", "&rrecover 2 Hearts of your Health"}, new String[] {"FIRE_ASPECT-2", "DURABILITY-4", "DAMAGE_ALL-2"});
public static final ItemStack BLADE_OF_VAMPIRES = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_SWORD, "&cBlade of Vampires", "&7Life Steal I", "", "&rEverytime you attack something", "&ryou have a 45% chance to", "&rrecover 2 Hearts of your Health");
public static final ItemStack SEISMIC_AXE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_AXE, "&aSeismic Axe", "", "&7&oA portable Earthquake...", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use");
static {
GRANDMAS_WALKING_STICK.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.KNOCKBACK, 2);
GRANDPAS_WALKING_STICK.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.KNOCKBACK, 5);
BLADE_OF_VAMPIRES.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.FIRE_ASPECT, 2);
BLADE_OF_VAMPIRES.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 4);
BLADE_OF_VAMPIRES.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.DAMAGE_ALL, 2);
/* Bows */
public static final ItemStack EXPLOSIVE_BOW = new CustomItem(Material.BOW, "&cExplosive Bow", "&rAny Arrows fired using this Bow", "&rwill launch hit enemys into the air");
public static final ItemStack ICY_BOW = new CustomItem(Material.BOW, "&bIcy Bow", "&rAny Arrows fired using this Bow", "&rwill prevent hit enemys from moving", "&rfor 2 seconds");
@ -137,59 +150,139 @@ public final class SlimefunItems {
public static final ItemStack AUTO_SMELT_PICKAXE = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, "&6Smelter's Pickaxe", "&c&lAuto-Smelting", "", "&9Works with Fortune");
public static final ItemStack LUMBER_AXE = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_AXE, "&6Lumber Axe", "&a&oCuts down the whole Tree...");
public static final ItemStack PICKAXE_OF_CONTAINMENT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, "&cPickaxe of Containment", "", "&9Can pickup Spawners");
public static final ItemStack HERCULES_PICKAXE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, "&9Hercules' Pickaxe", 0, new String[] {"", "&rSo powerful that it", "&rcrushes all mined Ores", "&rinto Dust..."}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-2", "DIG_SPEED-4"});
public static final ItemStack HERCULES_PICKAXE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, "&9Hercules' Pickaxe", "", "&rSo powerful that it", "&rcrushes all mined Ores", "&rinto Dust...");
public static final ItemStack EXPLOSIVE_PICKAXE = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, "&eExplosive Pickaxe", "", "&rAllows you to mine a good bit", "&rof Blocks at once...", "", "&9Works with Fortune");
public static final ItemStack EXPLOSIVE_SHOVEL = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_SHOVEL, "&eExplosive Shovel", "", "&rAllows you to mine a good bit", "&rof diggable Blocks at once...");
public static final ItemStack PICKAXE_OF_THE_SEEKER = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, "&aPickaxe of the Seeker", "&rWill always point you to the nearest Ore", "&rbut might get damaged when doing it", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to be pointed to the nearest Ore");
public static final ItemStack COBALT_PICKAXE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, "&9Cobalt Pickaxe", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"DURABILITY-3", "DIG_SPEED-6"});
public static final ItemStack COBALT_PICKAXE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, "&9Cobalt Pickaxe");
public static final ItemStack PICKAXE_OF_VEIN_MINING = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, "&ePickaxe of Vein Mining", "", "&rThis Pickaxe will dig out", "&rwhole Veins of Ores...");
static {
HERCULES_PICKAXE.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 5);
HERCULES_PICKAXE.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.DIG_SPEED, 3);
COBALT_PICKAXE.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 10);
COBALT_PICKAXE.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.DIG_SPEED, 6);
/* Armor */
public static final ItemStack GLOWSTONE_HELMET = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, "&e&lGlowstone Helmet", "", "&a&oShining like the sun!", "", "&9+ Night Vision"), Color.YELLOW);
public static final ItemStack GLOWSTONE_CHESTPLATE = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&e&lGlowstone Chestplate", "", "&a&oShining like the sun!", "", "&9+ Night Vision"), Color.YELLOW);
public static final ItemStack GLOWSTONE_LEGGINGS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, "&e&lGlowstone Leggings", "", "&a&oShining like the sun!", "", "&9+ Night Vision"), Color.YELLOW);
public static final ItemStack GLOWSTONE_BOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&e&lGlowstone Boots", "", "&a&oShining like the sun!", "", "&9+ Night Vision"), Color.YELLOW);
public static final ItemStack ENDER_HELMET = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, "&5&lEnder Helmet", "", "&a&oSometimes its here, sometimes there!"), Color.fromRGB(28, 25, 112));
public static final ItemStack ENDER_CHESTPLATE = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&5&lEnder Chestplate", "", "&a&oSometimes its here, sometimes there!"), Color.fromRGB(28, 25, 112));
public static final ItemStack ENDER_LEGGINGS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, "&5&lEnder Leggings", "", "&a&oSometimes its here, sometimes there!"), Color.fromRGB(28, 25, 112));
public static final ItemStack ENDER_BOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&5&lEnder Boots", "", "&a&oSometimes its here, sometimes there!", "" , "&9+ No Enderpearl Damage"), Color.fromRGB(28, 25, 112));
public static final ItemStack SLIME_HELMET = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, "&a&lSlime Helmet", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling"), Color.LIME);
public static final ItemStack SLIME_CHESTPLATE = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&a&lSlime Chestplate", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling"), Color.LIME);
public static final ItemStack SLIME_LEGGINGS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, "&a&lSlime Leggings", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling", "", "&9+ Speed"), Color.LIME);
public static final ItemStack SLIME_BOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&a&lSlime Boots", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling", "", "&9+ Jump Boost", "&9+ No Fall Damage"), Color.LIME);
public static final ItemStack CACTUS_HELMET = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, "&2Cactus Helmet", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"THORNS-3", "DURABILITY-5"}), Color.GREEN);
public static final ItemStack CACTUS_CHESTPLATE = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&2Cactus Chestplate", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"THORNS-3", "DURABILITY-5"}), Color.GREEN);
public static final ItemStack CACTUS_LEGGINGS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, "&2Cactus Leggings", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"THORNS-3", "DURABILITY-5"}), Color.GREEN);
public static final ItemStack CACTUS_BOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&2Cactus Boots", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"THORNS-3", "DURABILITY-5"}), Color.GREEN);
public static final ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&7Damascus Steel Helmet", new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-4"}, 0);
public static final ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&7Damascus Steel Chestplate", new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-4"}, 0);
public static final ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, "&7Damascus Steel Leggings", new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-4"}, 0);
public static final ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&7Damascus Steel Boots", new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-4"}, 0);
public static final ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&bReinforced Helmet", new String[] {"DURABILITY-9", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-9"}, 0);
public static final ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&bReinforced Chestplate", new String[] {"DURABILITY-9", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-9"}, 0);
public static final ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, "&bReinforced Leggings", new String[] {"DURABILITY-9", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-9"}, 0);
public static final ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&bReinforced Boots", new String[] {"DURABILITY-9", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-9"}, 0);
public static final ItemStack CACTUS_HELMET = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, "&2Cactus Helmet"), Color.GREEN);
public static final ItemStack CACTUS_CHESTPLATE = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&2Cactus Chestplate"), Color.GREEN);
public static final ItemStack CACTUS_LEGGINGS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, "&2Cactus Leggings"), Color.GREEN);
public static final ItemStack CACTUS_BOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&2Cactus Boots"), Color.GREEN);
public static final ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&7Damascus Steel Helmet");
public static final ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&7Damascus Steel Chestplate");
public static final ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, "&7Damascus Steel Leggings");
public static final ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&7Damascus Steel Boots");
public static final ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&bReinforced Helmet");
public static final ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&bReinforced Chestplate");
public static final ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, "&bReinforced Leggings");
public static final ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&bReinforced Boots");
public static final ItemStack SCUBA_HELMET = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, "&cScuba Helmet", "", "&bAllows you to breathe Underwater", "&4&oPart of Hazmat Suit"), Color.ORANGE);
public static final ItemStack HAZMATSUIT_CHESTPLATE = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&cHazmat Suit", "", "&bAllows you to walk through Fire", "&4&oPart of Hazmat Suit"), Color.ORANGE);
public static final ItemStack HAZMATSUIT_LEGGINGS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, "&cHazmat Suit Leggings", "", "&4&oPart of Hazmat Suit"), Color.ORANGE);
public static final ItemStack RUBBER_BOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&cRubber Boots", "", "&4&oPart of Hazmat Suit"), Color.BLACK);
public static final ItemStack GILDED_IRON_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_HELMET, "&6Gilded Iron Helmet", new String[] {"DURABILITY-6", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-8"}, 0);
public static final ItemStack GILDED_IRON_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE, "&6Gilded Iron Chestplate", new String[] {"DURABILITY-6", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-8"}, 0);
public static final ItemStack GILDED_IRON_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_LEGGINGS, "&6Gilded Iron Leggings", new String[] {"DURABILITY-6", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-8"}, 0);
public static final ItemStack GILDED_IRON_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_BOOTS, "&6Gilded Iron Boots", new String[] {"DURABILITY-6", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-8"}, 0);
public static final ItemStack GOLD_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_HELMET, "&6Gold Helmet", 0, new String[] {"&912-Carat"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10"});
public static final ItemStack GOLD_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE, "&6Gold Chestplate", 0, new String[] {"&912-Carat"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10"});
public static final ItemStack GOLD_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_LEGGINGS, "&6Gold Leggings", 0, new String[] {"&912-Carat"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10"});
public static final ItemStack GOLD_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_BOOTS, "&6Gold Boots", 0, new String[] {"&912-Carat"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10"});
public static final ItemStack SLIME_HELMET_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&a&lSlime Helmet", 0, new String[] {"&7&oReinforced", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-2"});
public static final ItemStack SLIME_CHESTPLATE_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&a&lSlime Chestplate", 0, new String[] {"&7&oReinforced", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-2"});
public static final ItemStack SLIME_LEGGINGS_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, "&a&lSlime Leggings", 0, new String[] {"&7&oReinforced", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling", "", "&9+ Speed"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-2"});
public static final ItemStack SLIME_BOOTS_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&a&lSlime Boots", 0, new String[] {"&7&oReinforced", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling", "", "&9+ Jump Boost", "&9+ No Fall Damage"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-2"});
public static final ItemStack GILDED_IRON_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_HELMET, "&6Gilded Iron Helmet");
public static final ItemStack GILDED_IRON_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE, "&6Gilded Iron Chestplate");
public static final ItemStack GILDED_IRON_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_LEGGINGS, "&6Gilded Iron Leggings");
public static final ItemStack GILDED_IRON_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_BOOTS, "&6Gilded Iron Boots");
public static final ItemStack GOLD_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_HELMET, "&6Gold Helmet", "&912-Carat");
public static final ItemStack GOLD_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE, "&6Gold Chestplate", "&912-Carat");
public static final ItemStack GOLD_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_LEGGINGS, "&6Gold Leggings", "&912-Carat");
public static final ItemStack GOLD_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.GOLDEN_BOOTS, "&6Gold Boots", "&912-Carat");
public static final ItemStack SLIME_HELMET_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&a&lSlime Helmet", "&7&oReinforced", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling");
public static final ItemStack SLIME_CHESTPLATE_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&a&lSlime Chestplate", "&7&oReinforced", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling");
public static final ItemStack SLIME_LEGGINGS_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, "&a&lSlime Leggings", "&7&oReinforced", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling", "", "&9+ Speed");
public static final ItemStack SLIME_BOOTS_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&a&lSlime Boots", "&7&oReinforced", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling", "", "&9+ Jump Boost", "&9+ No Fall Damage");
public static final ItemStack HEAVY_METAL_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&cHeavy Helmet", "", "&9+ Strength", "&9+ Slowness");
public static final ItemStack HEAVY_METAL_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&cHeavy Chestplate", "", "&9+ Strength", "&9+ Slowness");
public static final ItemStack HEAVY_METAL_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, "&cHeavy Leggings", "", "&9+ Strength", "&9+ Slowness");
public static final ItemStack HEAVY_METAL_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&cHeavy Boots", "", "&9+ Strength", "&9+ Slowness");
public static final ItemStack BOOTS_OF_THE_STOMPER = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&bBoots of the Stomper", "", "&9All Fall Damage you receive", "&9will be applied to nearby Mobs/Players", "", "&9+ No Fall Damage"), Color.AQUA);
public static final ItemStack HEAVY_METAL_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&cHeavy Helmet", 0, new String[] {"", "&9+ Strength", "&9+ Slowness"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-10"});
public static final ItemStack HEAVY_METAL_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&cHeavy Chestplate", 0, new String[] {"", "&9+ Strength", "&9+ Slowness"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-10"});
public static final ItemStack HEAVY_METAL_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, "&cHeavy Leggings", 0, new String[] {"", "&9+ Strength", "&9+ Slowness"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-10"});
public static final ItemStack HEAVY_METAL_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&cHeavy Boots", 0, new String[] {"", "&9+ Strength", "&9+ Slowness"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-10"});
static {
Map<Enchantment, Integer> cactus = new HashMap<>();
cactus.put(Enchantment.THORNS, 3);
cactus.put(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 6);
Map<Enchantment, Integer> damascus = new HashMap<>();
damascus.put(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 5);
damascus.put(Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL, 5);
Map<Enchantment, Integer> reinforced = new HashMap<>();
reinforced.put(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 9);
reinforced.put(Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL, 9);
Map<Enchantment, Integer> gilded = new HashMap<>();
gilded.put(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 6);
gilded.put(Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL, 8);
GOLD_HELMET.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 10);
GOLD_CHESTPLATE.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 10);
GOLD_LEGGINGS.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 10);
GOLD_BOOTS.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 10);
Map<Enchantment, Integer> slime = new HashMap<>();
slime.put(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 4);
slime.put(Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL, 2);
Map<Enchantment, Integer> heavy = new HashMap<>();
heavy.put(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 10);
heavy.put(Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL, 10);
/* Misc */
public static final ItemStack MAGIC_LUMP_1 = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_NUGGET, "&6Magical Lump &7- &eI", "", "&c&oTier: I");
@ -359,9 +452,15 @@ public final class SlimefunItems {
/* Staves */
public static final ItemStack STAFF_ELEMENTAL = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&6Elemental Staff");
public static final ItemStack STAFF_WIND = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&6Elemental Staff &7- &b&oWind", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Element: &b&oWind", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to launch yourself forward"}, new String[] {"LUCK-1"});
public static final ItemStack STAFF_FIRE = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&6Elemental Staff &7- &c&oFire", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Element: &c&oFire"}, new String[] {"FIRE_ASPECT-5"});
public static final ItemStack STAFF_WATER = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&6Elemental Staff &7- &1&oWater", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Element: &1&oWater", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to extinguish yourself"}, new String[] {"WATER_WORKER-1"});
public static final ItemStack STAFF_WIND = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&6Elemental Staff &7- &b&oWind", "", "&7Element: &b&oWind", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to launch yourself forward");
public static final ItemStack STAFF_FIRE = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&6Elemental Staff &7- &c&oFire", "", "&7Element: &c&oFire");
public static final ItemStack STAFF_WATER = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&6Elemental Staff &7- &1&oWater", "", "&7Element: &1&oWater", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to extinguish yourself");
static {
STAFF_WIND.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.LUCK, 1);
STAFF_FIRE.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.FIRE_ASPECT, 5);
STAFF_WATER.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.WATER_WORKER, 1);
/* Machines */
public static final ItemStack GRIND_STONE = new CustomItem(Material.DISPENSER, "&bGrind Stone", "", "&a&oGrinds Items for more Efficiency");
@ -657,7 +756,7 @@ public final class SlimefunItems {
public static final ItemStack SOULBOUND_ELYTRA = new CustomItem(ELYTRA, "&cSoulbound Elytra");
static {
INFUSED_ELYTRA.addEnchantment(Enchantment.MENDING, 1);
INFUSED_ELYTRA.addUnsafeEnchantment(Enchantment.MENDING, 1);
// ChestTerminal Addon

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.Slimefun;
public class TalismanListener implements Listener {
private Random random;
private Random random = new Random();
public TalismanListener(SlimefunStartup plugin) {
plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, plugin);