mirror of https://github.com/StarWishsama/Slimefun4.git synced 2024-09-19 19:25:48 +00:00

Fixed Opening Permission for Advanced Cargo Output Node

This commit is contained in:
TheBusyBiscuit 2016-10-30 11:02:56 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 55f192d82e
commit dea3e7fa0d

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
public AdvancedCargoOutputNode(Category category, ItemStack item, String name, RecipeType recipeType, ItemStack[] recipe, ItemStack recipeOutput) {
super(category, item, name, recipeType, recipe, recipeOutput);
new BlockMenuPreset(name, "§cOutput Node") {
new BlockMenuPreset(name, "§cOutput Node") {
public void init() {
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
public void newInstance(final BlockMenu menu, final Block b) {
try {
if (!BlockStorage.hasBlockInfo(b) || BlockStorage.getBlockInfo(b, "filter-type") == null || BlockStorage.getBlockInfo(b, "filter-type").equals("whitelist")) {
menu.replaceExistingItem(15, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.WOOL), "§7Type: §rWhitelist", "", "§e> Click to change it to Blacklist"));
menu.replaceExistingItem(15, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.WOOL), "§7Type: §rWhitelist", "", "§e> Click to change it to Blacklist"));
menu.addMenuClickHandler(15, new MenuClickHandler() {
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
else {
menu.replaceExistingItem(15, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.WOOL, (byte) 15), "§7Type: §8Blacklist", "", "§e> Click to change it to Whitelist"));
menu.replaceExistingItem(15, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.WOOL, (byte) 15), "§7Type: §8Blacklist", "", "§e> Click to change it to Whitelist"));
menu.addMenuClickHandler(15, new MenuClickHandler() {
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
if (!BlockStorage.hasBlockInfo(b) || BlockStorage.getBlockInfo(b, "filter-durability") == null || BlockStorage.getBlockInfo(b, "filter-durability").equals("false")) {
menu.replaceExistingItem(16, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STONE_SWORD, (byte) 20), "§7Include Sub-IDs/Durability: §4\u2718", "", "§e> Click to toggle whether the Durability has to match"));
menu.replaceExistingItem(16, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STONE_SWORD, (byte) 20), "§7Include Sub-IDs/Durability: §4\u2718", "", "§e> Click to toggle whether the Durability has to match"));
menu.addMenuClickHandler(16, new MenuClickHandler() {
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
else {
menu.replaceExistingItem(16, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.GOLD_SWORD, (byte) 20), "§7Include Sub-IDs/Durability: §2\u2714", "", "§e> Click to toggle whether the Durability has to match"));
menu.replaceExistingItem(16, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.GOLD_SWORD, (byte) 20), "§7Include Sub-IDs/Durability: §2\u2714", "", "§e> Click to toggle whether the Durability has to match"));
menu.addMenuClickHandler(16, new MenuClickHandler() {
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
if (!BlockStorage.hasBlockInfo(b) || BlockStorage.getBlockInfo(b, "filter-lore") == null || BlockStorage.getBlockInfo(b, "filter-lore").equals("true")) {
menu.replaceExistingItem(25, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.EMPTY_MAP), "§7Include Lore: §2\u2714", "", "§e> Click to toggle whether the Lore has to match"));
menu.replaceExistingItem(25, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.EMPTY_MAP), "§7Include Lore: §2\u2714", "", "§e> Click to toggle whether the Lore has to match"));
menu.addMenuClickHandler(25, new MenuClickHandler() {
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
else {
menu.replaceExistingItem(25, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.EMPTY_MAP), "§7Include Lore: §4\u2718", "", "§e> Click to toggle whether the Lore has to match"));
menu.replaceExistingItem(25, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.EMPTY_MAP), "§7Include Lore: §4\u2718", "", "§e> Click to toggle whether the Lore has to match"));
menu.addMenuClickHandler(25, new MenuClickHandler() {
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
menu.replaceExistingItem(41, new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjI1OTliZDk4NjY1OWI4Y2UyYzQ5ODg1MjVjOTRlMTlkZGQzOWZhZDA4YTM4Mjg0YTE5N2YxYjcwNjc1YWNjIn19fQ=="), "§bChannel", "", "§e> Click to decrease the Channel ID by 1"));
menu.replaceExistingItem(41, new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjI1OTliZDk4NjY1OWI4Y2UyYzQ5ODg1MjVjOTRlMTlkZGQzOWZhZDA4YTM4Mjg0YTE5N2YxYjcwNjc1YWNjIn19fQ=="), "§bChannel", "", "§e> Click to decrease the Channel ID by 1"));
menu.addMenuClickHandler(41, new MenuClickHandler() {
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
int channel = ((!BlockStorage.hasBlockInfo(b) || BlockStorage.getBlockInfo(b, "frequency") == null) ? 0: (Integer.parseInt(BlockStorage.getBlockInfo(b, "frequency"))));
if (channel == 16) {
menu.replaceExistingItem(42, new CustomItem(SlimefunItems.CHEST_TERMINAL, "§bChannel ID: §3" + (channel + 1)));
menu.replaceExistingItem(42, new CustomItem(SlimefunItems.CHEST_TERMINAL, "§bChannel ID: §3" + (channel + 1)));
menu.addMenuClickHandler(42, new MenuClickHandler() {
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
else {
menu.replaceExistingItem(42, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.WOOL, (byte) channel), "§bChannel ID: §3" + (channel + 1)));
menu.replaceExistingItem(42, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.WOOL, (byte) channel), "§bChannel ID: §3" + (channel + 1)));
menu.addMenuClickHandler(42, new MenuClickHandler() {
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
menu.replaceExistingItem(43, new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzJmOTEwYzQ3ZGEwNDJlNGFhMjhhZjZjYzgxY2Y0OGFjNmNhZjM3ZGFiMzVmODhkYjk5M2FjY2I5ZGZlNTE2In19fQ=="), "§bChannel", "", "§e> Click to increase the Channel ID by 1"));
menu.replaceExistingItem(43, new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzJmOTEwYzQ3ZGEwNDJlNGFhMjhhZjZjYzgxY2Y0OGFjNmNhZjM3ZGFiMzVmODhkYjk5M2FjY2I5ZGZlNTE2In19fQ=="), "§bChannel", "", "§e> Click to increase the Channel ID by 1"));
menu.addMenuClickHandler(43, new MenuClickHandler() {
@ -181,7 +181,11 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
public boolean canOpen(Block b, Player p) {
return BlockStorage.getBlockInfo(b, "owner").equals(p.getUniqueId().toString()) || p.hasPermission("slimefun.cargo.bypass");
boolean open = CSCoreLib.getLib().getProtectionManager().canAccessChest(p.getUniqueId(), b) || p.hasPermission("slimefun.cargo.bypass");
if (!open) {
Messages.local.sendTranslation(p, "inventory.no-access", true);
return open;
@ -226,7 +230,7 @@ public class AdvancedCargoOutputNode extends SlimefunItem {
preset.addItem(2, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.PAPER), "§3Items", "", "§bPut in all Items you want to", "§bblacklist/whitelist"),
preset.addItem(2, new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.PAPER), "§3Items", "", "§bPut in all Items you want to", "§bblacklist/whitelist"),
new MenuClickHandler() {