package me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.SlimefunItem; import java.util.*; import me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.general.Inventory.InvUtils; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Lists.RecipeType; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.Category; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.MultiBlock; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.BlockStorage; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.block.Chest; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; public class SlimefunMachine extends SlimefunItem { private List recipes; private List shownRecipes; private Material trigger; //Adjacent blockfaces for iterative output chest checks private static final BlockFace[] faces = { BlockFace.DOWN, BlockFace.UP, BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.SOUTH, BlockFace.WEST }; public SlimefunMachine(Category category, ItemStack item, String id, ItemStack[] recipe, ItemStack[] machineRecipes, Material trigger) { super(category, item, id, RecipeType.MULTIBLOCK, recipe); = new ArrayList<>(); this.shownRecipes = new ArrayList<>(); this.shownRecipes.addAll(Arrays.asList(machineRecipes)); this.trigger = trigger; } public SlimefunMachine(Category category, ItemStack item, String id, ItemStack[] recipe, ItemStack[] machineRecipes, Material trigger, boolean ghost) { super(category, item, id, RecipeType.MULTIBLOCK, recipe, ghost); = new ArrayList<>(); this.shownRecipes = new ArrayList<>(); this.shownRecipes.addAll(Arrays.asList(machineRecipes)); this.trigger = trigger; } public SlimefunMachine(Category category, ItemStack item, String id, ItemStack[] recipe, ItemStack[] machineRecipes, Material trigger, String[] keys, Object[] values) { super(category, item, id, RecipeType.MULTIBLOCK, recipe, keys, values); = new ArrayList<>(); this.shownRecipes = new ArrayList<>(); this.shownRecipes.addAll(Arrays.asList(machineRecipes)); this.trigger = trigger; } public List getRecipes() { return; } public List getDisplayRecipes() { return this.shownRecipes; } public static BlockFace[] getFaces() { return faces; } public void addRecipe(ItemStack[] input, ItemStack output) {; ItemStack[] {output}); } @Override public void create() { this.toMultiBlock().register(); } @Override public void install() { for (ItemStack i: this.getDisplayRecipes()) { SlimefunItem item = SlimefunItem.getByItem(i); if (item == null) ItemStack[] {i}); else if (!SlimefunItem.isDisabled(i)) ItemStack[] {i}); } } public MultiBlock toMultiBlock() { List mats = new ArrayList<>(); for (ItemStack i: this.getRecipe()) { if (i == null) mats.add(null); else if (i.getType() == Material.FLINT_AND_STEEL) mats.add(Material.FIRE); else mats.add(i.getType()); } Material[] build = mats.toArray(new Material[mats.size()]); return new MultiBlock(build, this.trigger); } public Iterator recipeIterator() { return; } // Overloaded method for finding a potential output chest. Fallbacks to the old system of putting the adding back into the dispenser. // Optional last argument Inventory placeCheckerInv is for multiblock machines that create a dummy inventory to check if there's a space for the adding, // i.e. Enhanced crafting table public static Inventory findValidOutputInv(ItemStack adding, Block dispBlock, Inventory dispInv) { return findValidOutputInv(adding, dispBlock, dispInv, dispInv); } public static Inventory findValidOutputInv(ItemStack product, Block dispBlock, Inventory dispInv, Inventory placeCheckerInv) { Inventory outputInv = null; for (BlockFace face : faces) { Block potentialOutput = dispBlock.getRelative(face); if (BlockStorage.hasBlockInfo(potentialOutput) && BlockStorage.checkID(potentialOutput).equals("OUTPUT_CHEST")) { // Found the output chest! Now, let's check if we can fit the adding in it. Inventory chestInv = ((Chest) potentialOutput.getState()).getInventory(); if (InvUtils.fits(chestInv, product)) { // It fits! Let's set the inventory to that now. outputInv = chestInv; break; } } } // This if-clause will trigger if no suitable output chest was found. It's functionally the same as the old fit check for the dispenser, only refactored. if (outputInv == null && InvUtils.fits(placeCheckerInv, product)) outputInv = dispInv; return outputInv; } }