options: # Instead of disabling Auto Updates consider using the "stable" version of Slimefun. # These builds are much more tested and are far less likely to have any issues. # Note: When running a stable build auto-updates ONLY update to other stable builds! Perfect eh? # You can download the latest stable build here: https://thebusybiscuit.github.io/builds/TheBusyBiscuit/Slimefun4/stable/ auto-update: true armor-update-interval: 10 give-guide-on-first-join: true print-out-loading: false print-out-github-data-retrieving: false enable-armor-effects: true prefix: '&a&lSlimefun &7>' auto-save-delay-in-minutes: 10 show-vanilla-recipes-in-guide: true allow-free-creative-research: true emerald-enchantment-limit: 2 research-unlock-fireworks: true research-give-fireworks: true legacy-ore-washer: false legacy-dust-washer: false legacy-ore-grinder: true guide: default-view-book: false URID: info-delay: 3000 custom-ticker-delay: 12 enable-tickers: true items: talismans: true coolers: true backpacks: true research-ranks: - Chicken - Cow - Spider - Villager - Beginner - Clumsy Student - Unskilled Student - Incompetent Student - Student - Clumsy Apprentice - Apprentice - Skilled Apprentice - Upcoming Mage - Excellent Mage - Young Magician - Incompetent Magician - Common Magician - Magician - Proficient Magician - Skilled Magician - Accustomed Magician - Great Magician - Clumsy Wizard - Wizard - Common Wizard - Skilled Wizard - Great Wizard - Impressive Wizard - Young Master - Clumsy Master - Upcoming Master - Competent Master - Master - Skilled Master - Excellent Master - Great Master - Proficient Master - The chosen One