package me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Chunk; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.Configuration.Config; import me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.general.Math.DoubleHandler; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.SlimefunStartup; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.SlimefunItem.SlimefunItem; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.inventory.BlockMenu; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.inventory.BlockMenuPreset; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.inventory.UniversalBlockMenu; public class BlockStorage { private static final String path_blocks = "data-storage/Slimefun/stored-blocks/"; private static final String path_chunks = "data-storage/Slimefun/stored-chunks/"; public static Map worlds = new HashMap(); public static Map> ticking_chunks = new HashMap>(); public static Set loaded_tickers = new HashSet(); private World world; private Map storage = new HashMap(); private static Map map_chunks = new HashMap(); private Map inventories = new HashMap(); public static Map universal_inventories = new HashMap(); private Map cache_blocks = new HashMap(); public static int info_delay; public static BlockStorage getStorage(World world) { return worlds.get(world.getName()); } public static BlockStorage getForcedStorage(World world) { return isWorldRegistered(world.getName()) ? worlds.get(world.getName()): new BlockStorage(world); } private static String serializeLocation(Location l) { return l.getWorld().getName() + ";" + l.getBlockX() + ";" + l.getBlockY() + ";" + l.getBlockZ(); } private static String serializeChunk(Chunk chunk) { return chunk.getWorld().getName() + ";Chunk;" + chunk.getX() + ";" + chunk.getZ(); } private static Location deserializeLocation(String l) { try { World w = Bukkit.getWorld(l.split(";")[0]); if (w != null) return new Location(w, Integer.parseInt(l.split(";")[1]), Integer.parseInt(l.split(";")[2]), Integer.parseInt(l.split(";")[3])); } catch(NumberFormatException x) { } return null; } public BlockStorage(final World w) { if (worlds.containsKey(w.getName())) return; = w; System.out.println("[Slimefun] Loading Blocks for World \"" + w.getName() + "\""); System.out.println("[Slimefun] This may take a long time..."); File f = new File(path_blocks + w.getName()); if (f.exists()) { long total = f.listFiles().length, start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long done = 0, timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(), totalBlocks = 0; try { for (File file: f.listFiles()) { if (file.getName().endsWith(".sfb")) { if (timestamp + info_delay < System.currentTimeMillis()) { System.out.println("[Slimefun] Loading Blocks... " + Math.round((((done * 100.0f) / total) * 100.0f) / 100.0f) + "% done (\"" + w.getName() + "\")"); timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } FileConfiguration cfg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); for (String key: cfg.getKeys(false)) { try { totalBlocks++; storage.put(deserializeLocation(key), cfg.getString(key)); if (SlimefunItem.isTicking(file.getName().replace(".sfb", ""))) { Set blocks = ticking_chunks.containsKey(deserializeLocation(key).getChunk().toString()) ? ticking_chunks.get(deserializeLocation(key).getChunk().toString()): new HashSet(); blocks.add(deserializeLocation(key).getBlock()); ticking_chunks.put(deserializeLocation(key).getChunk().toString(), blocks); if (!loaded_tickers.contains(deserializeLocation(key).getChunk().toString())) loaded_tickers.add(deserializeLocation(key).getChunk().toString()); } } catch(Exception x) { System.err.println("[Slimefun] Failed to load " + file.getName() + "(ERR: " + key + ")"); x.printStackTrace(); } } done++; } } } finally { long time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start); System.out.println("[Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 100% (FINISHED - " + time + "ms)"); System.out.println("[Slimefun] Loaded a total of " + totalBlocks + " Blocks for World \"" + world.getName() + "\""); if (totalBlocks > 0) System.out.println("[Slimefun] Avg: " + DoubleHandler.fixDouble((double) time / (double) totalBlocks, 3) + "ms/Block"); } } else f.mkdirs(); File chunks = new File(path_chunks + "chunks.sfc"); if (chunks.exists()) { FileConfiguration cfg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(chunks); for (String key: cfg.getKeys(false)) { try { if (world.getName().equals(key.split(";")[0])) map_chunks.put(key, cfg.getString(key)); } catch(Exception x) { System.err.println("[Slimefun] Failed to load " + chunks.getName() + " for World \"" + world.getName() + "\" (ERR: " + key + ")"); x.printStackTrace(); } } } worlds.put(world.getName(), this); for (File file: new File("data-storage/Slimefun/stored-inventories").listFiles()) { if (file.getName().startsWith(w.getName()) && file.getName().endsWith(".sfi")) { Location l = deserializeLocation(file.getName().replace(".sfi", "")); Config cfg = new Config(file); try { if (cfg.getString("preset") != null) { BlockMenuPreset preset = BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(cfg.getString("preset")); inventories.put(l, new BlockMenu(preset, l, cfg)); } else { BlockMenuPreset preset = BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(checkID(l)); inventories.put(l, new BlockMenu(preset, l, cfg)); } } catch(Exception x) { } } } for (File file: new File("data-storage/Slimefun/universal-inventories").listFiles()) { if (file.getName().endsWith(".sfi")) { Config cfg = new Config(file); BlockMenuPreset preset = BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(cfg.getString("preset")); universal_inventories.put(preset.getID(), new UniversalBlockMenu(preset, cfg)); } } } public void save(boolean remove) { System.out.println("[Slimefun] Saving Blocks for World \"" + world.getName() + "\""); Map cache = new HashMap(cache_blocks); for (Map.Entry entry: cache.entrySet()) { cache_blocks.remove(entry.getKey()); Config cfg = entry.getValue(); if (cfg.getKeys().isEmpty()) cfg.getFile().delete(); else; } Map inventories2 = new HashMap(inventories); for (Map.Entry entry: inventories2.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().save(entry.getKey()); } for (Map.Entry entry: universal_inventories.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().save(); } File chunks = new File(path_chunks + "chunks.sfc"); Config cfg = new Config("data-storage/Slimefun/temp.yml"); for (Map.Entry entry: map_chunks.entrySet()) { cfg.setValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); }; if (remove) { worlds.remove(world.getName()); } } public static void store(Block block, ItemStack item) { SlimefunItem sfitem = SlimefunItem.getByItem(item); if (sfitem != null) addBlockInfo(block, "id", sfitem.getName(), true); } public static void store(Block block, String item) { addBlockInfo(block, "id", item, true); } public static ItemStack retrieve(Block block) { if (!hasBlockInfo(block)) return null; else { final SlimefunItem item = SlimefunItem.getByName(getBlockInfo(block, "id")); clearBlockInfo(block); if (item == null) return null; else return item.getItem(); } } public static Config getBlockInfo(Block block) { return getBlockInfo(block.getLocation()); } public static Config getBlockInfo(Location l) { try { BlockStorage storage = getStorage(l.getWorld()); Config cfg = new Config("data-storage/Slimefun/temp.yml"); if (! return cfg; for (Map.Entry entry: parseJSON(getJSONData(l)).entrySet()) { cfg.setValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return cfg; } catch(Exception x) { System.err.println(x.getClass().getName()); System.err.println("[Slimefun] Failed to parse BlockInfo for Block @ " + l.getBlockX() + ", " + l.getBlockY() + ", " + l.getBlockZ()); try { System.err.println(getJSONData(l)); } catch (Exception x2) { System.err.println("No Metadata found!"); } System.err.println("[Slimefun] "); System.err.println("[Slimefun] IGNORE THIS ERROR UNLESS IT IS SPAMMING"); System.err.println("[Slimefun] "); x.printStackTrace(); return new Config("data-storage/Slimefun/temp.yml"); } } private static Map parseJSON(String json) { Map map = new HashMap(); if (json != null && json.length() > 2) { String[] entries = json.substring(2, json.length() - 2).split("\",\""); for (String entry: entries) { String[] components = entry.split("\":\""); map.put(components[0], components[1]); } } return map; } private static String getJSONData(Location l) { BlockStorage storage = getStorage(l.getWorld()); return; } private static String getJSONData(Chunk chunk) { return map_chunks.get(serializeChunk(chunk)); } public static String getBlockInfo(Block block, String key) { return getBlockInfo(block.getLocation(), key); } public static String getBlockInfo(Location l, String key) { return parseJSON(getJSONData(l)).get(key); } public static void addBlockInfo(Location l, String key, String value) { addBlockInfo(l, key, value, false); } public static void addBlockInfo(Block block, String key, String value) { addBlockInfo(block.getLocation(), key, value); } public static void addBlockInfo(Block block, String key, String value, boolean updateTicker) { addBlockInfo(block.getLocation(), key, value, updateTicker); } public static void addBlockInfo(Location l, String key, String value, boolean updateTicker) { Config cfg = new Config("data-storage/Slimefun/temp.yml"); if (hasBlockInfo(l)) cfg = getBlockInfo(l); cfg.setValue(key, value); setBlockInfo(l, cfg, updateTicker); } public static boolean hasBlockInfo(Block block) { return hasBlockInfo(block.getLocation()); } public static boolean hasBlockInfo(Location l) { BlockStorage storage = getStorage(l.getWorld()); return storage != null && && getBlockInfo(l, "id") != null; } public static void setBlockInfo(Block block, Config cfg, boolean updateTicker) { setBlockInfo(block.getLocation(), cfg, updateTicker); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void setBlockInfo(Location l, Config cfg, boolean updateTicker) { _integrated_removeBlockInfo(l, false); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); for (String key: cfg.getKeys()) { json.put(key, cfg.getString(key)); } setBlockInfo(l, json.toJSONString(), updateTicker); } public static void setBlockInfo(Block b, String json, boolean updateTicker) { setBlockInfo(b.getLocation(), json, updateTicker); } public static void setBlockInfo(Location l, String json, boolean updateTicker) { BlockStorage storage = getStorage(l.getWorld());, json); Map parsed = parseJSON(json); if (BlockMenuPreset.isInventory(parsed.get("id"))) { if (BlockMenuPreset.isUniversalInventory(parsed.get("id"))) { if (!universal_inventories.containsKey(parsed.get("id"))) storage.loadUniversalInventory(BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(parsed.get("id"))); } else if (!storage.hasInventory(l)) { File file = new File("data-storage/Slimefun/stored-inventories/" + serializeLocation(l) + ".sfi"); if (file.exists()) storage.inventories.put(l, new BlockMenu(BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(parsed.get("id")), l, new Config(file))); else storage.loadInventory(l, BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(parsed.get("id"))); } } refreshCache(getStorage(l.getWorld()), l, parsed.get("id"), json, updateTicker); } public static void clearBlockInfo(Block block) { clearBlockInfo(block.getLocation()); } public static void clearBlockInfo(Location l) { clearBlockInfo(l, true); } public static void clearBlockInfo(Block b, boolean destroy) { clearBlockInfo(b.getLocation(), destroy); } public static void clearBlockInfo(Location l, boolean destroy) { SlimefunStartup.ticker.delete.put(l, destroy); } public static void _integrated_removeBlockInfo(Location l, boolean destroy) { BlockStorage storage = getStorage(l.getWorld()); if (hasBlockInfo(l)) { refreshCache(storage, l, getBlockInfo(l).getString("id"), null, destroy);; } if (destroy) { if (storage.hasInventory(l)) storage.clearInventory(l); if (storage.hasUniversalInventory(l)) { UniversalBlockMenu menu = storage.getUniversalInventory(l); for (HumanEntity n: menu.toInventory().getViewers()) { n.closeInventory(); } storage.getUniversalInventory(l).save(); } if (ticking_chunks.containsKey(l.getChunk().toString())) { Set blocks = ticking_chunks.get(l.getChunk().toString()); blocks.remove(l.getBlock()); if (blocks.isEmpty()) { ticking_chunks.remove(l.getChunk().toString()); loaded_tickers.remove(l.getChunk().toString()); } else ticking_chunks.put(l.getChunk().toString(), blocks); } } } public static void moveBlockInfo(Block block, Block newBlock) { SlimefunStartup.ticker.move.put(block, newBlock); } public static void _integrated_moveBlockInfo(Block block, Block newBlock) { if (!hasBlockInfo(block)) return; BlockStorage storage = getStorage(block.getWorld()); setBlockInfo(newBlock, getBlockInfo(block), true); if (storage.inventories.containsKey(block.getLocation())) { BlockMenu menu = storage.inventories.get(block.getLocation()); storage.inventories.put(newBlock.getLocation(), menu); storage.clearInventory(block.getLocation()); menu.move(newBlock); } refreshCache(storage, block, getBlockInfo(block).getString("id"), null, true);; try { if (ticking_chunks.containsKey(block.getChunk().toString())) { Set blocks = ticking_chunks.get(block.getChunk().toString()); blocks.remove(block); if (blocks.isEmpty()) { ticking_chunks.remove(block.getChunk().toString()); loaded_tickers.remove(block.getChunk().toString()); } else ticking_chunks.put(block.getChunk().toString(), blocks); } } catch(IllegalStateException x) { } } private static void refreshCache(BlockStorage storage, Block b, String key, String value, boolean updateTicker) { refreshCache(storage, b.getLocation(), key, value, updateTicker); } private static void refreshCache(BlockStorage storage, Location l, String key, String value, boolean updateTicker) { Config cfg = storage.cache_blocks.containsKey(key) ? storage.cache_blocks.get(key): new Config(path_blocks + l.getWorld().getName() + "/" + key + ".sfb"); cfg.setValue(serializeLocation(l), value); storage.cache_blocks.put(key, cfg); if (updateTicker) { SlimefunItem item = SlimefunItem.getByName(key); if (item != null && item.isTicking()) { Chunk chunk = l.getChunk(); if (value != null) { Set blocks = ticking_chunks.containsKey(chunk.toString()) ? ticking_chunks.get(chunk.toString()): new HashSet(); blocks.add(l.getBlock()); ticking_chunks.put(chunk.toString(), blocks); if (!loaded_tickers.contains(chunk.toString())) loaded_tickers.add(chunk.toString()); } } } } public static SlimefunItem check(Block block) { return check(block.getLocation()); } public static SlimefunItem check(Location l) { if (!hasBlockInfo(l)) return null; return SlimefunItem.getByName(getBlockInfo(l, "id")); } public static String checkID(Block block) { return checkID(block.getLocation()); } public static boolean check(Block block, String slimefunItem) { return check(block.getLocation(), slimefunItem); } public static String checkID(Location l) { if (!hasBlockInfo(l)) return null; return getBlockInfo(l, "id"); } public static boolean check(Location l, String slimefunItem) { if (!hasBlockInfo(l)) return false; try { String id = getBlockInfo(l, "id"); return id != null && id.equalsIgnoreCase(slimefunItem); } catch(NullPointerException x) { return false; } } public static boolean isWorldRegistered(String name) { return worlds.containsKey(name); } public static Set getTickingChunks() { return new HashSet(loaded_tickers); } public static Set getTickingBlocks(Chunk chunk) { return getTickingBlocks(chunk.toString()); } public static Set getTickingBlocks(String chunk) { return new HashSet(ticking_chunks.get(chunk)); } public BlockMenu loadInventory(Location l, BlockMenuPreset preset) { BlockMenu menu = new BlockMenu(preset, l); inventories.put(l, menu); return menu; } public void loadUniversalInventory(BlockMenuPreset preset) { universal_inventories.put(preset.getID(), new UniversalBlockMenu(preset)); } public void clearInventory(Location l) { BlockMenu menu = getInventory(l); for (HumanEntity n: menu.toInventory().getViewers()) { n.closeInventory(); } inventories.get(l).delete(l); inventories.remove(l); } public boolean hasInventory(Location l) { return inventories.containsKey(l); } public boolean hasUniversalInventory(String id) { return universal_inventories.containsKey(id); } public UniversalBlockMenu getUniversalInventory(Block block) { return getUniversalInventory(block.getLocation()); } public UniversalBlockMenu getUniversalInventory(Location l) { String id = checkID(l); return id == null ? null: getUniversalInventory(id); } public UniversalBlockMenu getUniversalInventory(String id) { return universal_inventories.get(id); } public static BlockMenu getInventory(Block b) { return getInventory(b.getLocation()); } public static BlockMenu getInventory(Location l) { BlockStorage storage = getStorage(l.getWorld()); if (storage == null) return null; if (!storage.hasInventory(l)) return storage.loadInventory(l, BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(checkID(l))); else return storage.inventories.get(l); } public static JSONParser getParser() { return new JSONParser(); } public static Config getChunkInfo(Chunk chunk) { try { Config cfg = new Config("data-storage/Slimefun/temp.yml"); if (!map_chunks.containsKey(serializeChunk(chunk))) return cfg; for (Map.Entry entry: parseJSON(getJSONData(chunk)).entrySet()) { cfg.setValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return cfg; } catch(Exception x) { System.err.println(x.getClass().getName()); System.err.println("[Slimefun] Failed to parse ChunkInfo for Chunk @ " + chunk.getX() + ", " + chunk.getZ()); try { System.err.println(getJSONData(chunk)); } catch (Exception x2) { System.err.println("No Metadata found!"); } x.printStackTrace(); return new Config("data-storage/Slimefun/temp.yml"); } } public static boolean hasChunkInfo(Chunk chunk) { return map_chunks.containsKey(serializeChunk(chunk)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void setChunkInfo(Chunk chunk, String key, String value) { Config cfg = new Config("data-storage/Slimefun/temp.yml"); if (hasChunkInfo(chunk)) cfg = getChunkInfo(chunk); cfg.setValue(key, value); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); for (String path: cfg.getKeys()) { json.put(path, cfg.getString(path)); } map_chunks.put(serializeChunk(chunk), json.toJSONString()); } public static String getChunkInfo(Chunk chunk, String key) { return getChunkInfo(chunk).getString(key); } public static boolean hasChunkInfo(Chunk chunk, String key) { return getChunkInfo(chunk, key) != null; } public static void clearChunkInfo(Chunk chunk) { map_chunks.remove(serializeChunk(chunk)); } public static String getBlockInfoAsJson(Block block) { return getBlockInfoAsJson(block.getLocation()); } public static String getBlockInfoAsJson(Location l) { return getJSONData(l); } public boolean hasUniversalInventory(Block block) { return hasUniversalInventory(block.getLocation()); } public boolean hasUniversalInventory(Location l) { String id = checkID(l); return id == null ? false: hasUniversalInventory(id); } }