commands: help: Displays this Help Screen cheat: Allows you to cheat Items give: Give somebody some Slimefun Items research: desc: Unlock a Research for a Player reset: '&cYou have reset %player%''s Knowledge' reset-target: '&cYour Knowledge has been reset' guide: Gives yourself a Slimefun Guide timings: Lag-Info about your Server teleporter: See other Player's Waypoints versions: Lists all installed Addons search: Searches your Guide for the given term open_guide: Opens Slimefun's guide without using the book stats: Shows some Stats about a Player guide: search: name: '&7Search' lore: - '&bWhat would you like to search for?' - '&7Type your search term into chat' cheat: no-multiblocks: '&4You cannot cheat in Multiblocks, you have to build them!' languages: updated: '&aYour language was successfully set to: &b%lang%' search: message: '&bWhat would you like to search for?' messages: not-researched: '&4You do not have enough Knowledge to understand this' not-enough-xp: '&4You do not have enough XP to unlock this' unlocked: '&bYou have unlocked &7"%research%"' only-players: '&4This Command is only for Players' no-permission: '&4You do not have the required Permission to do this' usage: '&4Usage: &c%usage%' not-online: '&4%player% &cis not online!' not-valid-item: '&4%item% &cis not a valid Item!' not-valid-amount: '&4%amount% &cis not a valid amount : it must be higher than 0!' given-item: '&bYou have been given &a%amount% &7"%item%&7"' give-item: '&bYou have given %player% &a%amount% &7"%item%&7"' not-valid-research: '&4%research% &cis not a valid Research!' give-research: '&bYou have given %player% the Research &7"%research%&7"' hungry: '&cYou are too hungry to do that!' mode-change: '&b%device% Mode changed to: &9%mode%' disabled-in-world: '&4&lThis Item has been disabled in this World' talisman: anvil: '&a&oYour Talisman saved your Tool from breaking' miner: '&a&oYour Talisman just doubled your Drops' hunter: '&a&oYour Talisman just doubled your Drops' lava: '&a&oYour Talisman saved you from burning to death' water: '&a&oYour Talisman saved you from drowning' angel: '&a&oYour Talisman saved you from taking Fall Damage' fire: '&a&oYour Talisman saved you from burning to death' magician: '&a&oYour Talisman gave you an additional Enchantment' traveller: '&a&oYour Talisman gave you a Speed Boost' warrior: '&a&oYour Talisman has improved your Strength for a While' knight: '&a&oYour Talisman gave you 5 Seconds of Regeneration' whirlwind: '&a&oYour Talisman reflected the Projectile' wizard: '&a&oYour Talisman has given you a better Fortune Level but maybe also lowered some other Enchantment Levels' soulbound-rune: fail: '&cYou can only bind one item to your soul at a time.' success: '&aYou have successfully bound this item to your soul! You will keep it when you die.' disabled-item: '&4&lThis Item has been disabled! How did you even get that?' research: start: '&7The Ancient Spirits whisper mysterious Words into your Ear!' progress: '&7You start to wonder about &b%research% &e(%progress%)' fire-extinguish: '&7You have extinguished yourself' cannot-place: '&cYou cannot place that block there!' no-pvp: '&cYou cannot pvp in here!' radiation: '&4You have been exposed to deadly radiation! &cGet rid of the radioactive item or equip the complete hazmat suit!' opening-guide: '&bOpening guide, this may take a few seconds...' opening-backpack: '&bOpening backpack, this may take a few seconds...' no-iron-golem-heal: '&cThat is not an Iron Ingot. You cannot use this to heal Iron Golems!' fortune-cookie: - '&7Help me, I am trapped in a Fortune Cookie Factory!' - '&7You will die tomorrow... by a Creeper' - '&7At some Point in your Life something bad will happen!!!' - '&7Next week you will notice that this is not the real World, you are in a kind of "Matrix" or lets call it Computer game. Yes you are in a Computer Game' - '&7This Cookie will taste good in a few seconds' - '&7You will die soon and the last word you will hear is gonna be "EXTERMINATE!!!"' - '&7Whatever you do, do not hug a Creeper... I tried it. It feels good, but it''s not worth it.' machines: pattern-not-found: '&eSorry, I could not recognize this Pattern. Please place the Items in the correct Pattern into the Dispenser.' unknown-material: '&eSorry, I could not recognize the Item in my Dispenser. Please put something in that I know.' wrong-item: '&eSorry, I could not recognize the Item you right clicked me with. Check the Recipes and see which Items you can use.' full-inventory: '&eSorry, my Inventory is too full!' in-use: '&cThis Block''s Inventory is currently opened by a different Player.' ignition-chamber-no-flint: '&cIgnition Chamber is missing Flint and Steel.' ANCIENT_ALTAR: not-enough-pedestals: '&4The Altar is not surrounded by the needed Amount of Pedestals &c(%pedestals% / 8)' unknown-catalyst: '&4Unknown Catalyst! &cUse the correct Recipe instead!' unknown-recipe: '&4Unknown Recipe! &cUse the correct Recipe instead!' ANCIENT_PEDESTAL: obstructed: '&4Pedestal is obstructed! &cRemove anything above the pedestal!' HOLOGRAM_PROJECTOR: enter-text: '&7Please enter your desired Hologram Text in your Chat. &r(Color Codes are supported!)' ELEVATOR: no-destinations: '&4No Destinations found' CARGO_NODES: must-be-placed: '&4Must be placed onto a Chest or Machine' anvil: not-working: '&4You cannot use Slimefun Items in an Anvil' backpack: already-open: '&cSorry, this backpack is open somewhere else!' no-stack: '&cYou cannot stack Backpacks' miner: no-ores: '&eSorry, I could not find any Ores nearby!' workbench: not-enhanced: '&4You cannot use Slimefun Items in a normal Workbench' gps: waypoint: new: '&ePlease type in a Name for your new Waypoint in the Chat. &7(Color Codes supported!)' added: '&aSuccessfully added a new Waypoint' max: '&4You have reached the Maximum Amount of Waypoints' insufficient-complexity: - '&4Insufficient GPS Network Complexity: &c%complexity%' - '&4a) You do not have a GPS Network setup yet' - '&4b) Your GPS Network is not complex enough' geo: scan-required: '&4GEO-Scan required! &cScan this Chunk using a GEO-Scanner first!' inventory: no-access: '&4You are not permitted to access this Block' android: started: '&7Your Android resumed running its Script' stopped: '&7Your Android has paused its Script' scripts: already-uploaded: '&4This Script has already been uploaded.' enter-name: - '' - '&ePlease type in a Name for your Script' - '' uploaded: - '&bUploading...' - '&aSuccessfully uploaded your Script!' rating: own: '&4You cannot rate your own Script!' already: '&4You have already left a Rating for this Script!' languages: default: 'Server-Default' en: 'English' de: 'German' fr: 'French'