package me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.Configuration.Config; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.SlimefunStartup; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.GPS.GPSNetwork; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.Category; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.Research; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.SlimefunItem.SlimefunItem; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.SlimefunItem.SlimefunItem.State; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.SlimefunItem.VanillaItem; import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Setup.Messages; /** * Provides a few convenience methods. * * @since 4.0 */ public class Slimefun { public static Map> guide_handlers = new HashMap<>(); public static List guide_handlers2 = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Instance of the GPSNetwork. */ private static GPSNetwork gps = new GPSNetwork(); /** * Whether EmeraldEnchants is enabled or not. */ public static boolean emeraldenchants = false; /** * Lists all the registered categories. */ public static List current_categories = new ArrayList<>(); public static void registerGuideHandler(GuideHandler handler) { List handlers = new ArrayList<>(); if (guide_handlers.containsKey(handler.getTier())) handlers = guide_handlers.get(handler.getTier()); handlers.add(handler); guide_handlers.put(handler.getTier(), handlers); guide_handlers2.add(handler); } /** * Returns the GPSNetwork instance. * * @return the GPSNetwork instance. */ public static GPSNetwork getGPSNetwork() { return gps; } /** * Returns the value associated to this key for the SlimefunItem corresponding to this id. * * @param id the id of the SlimefunItem, not null * @param key the key of the value to get, not null * * @return the value associated to the key for the SlimefunItem corresponding to the id, * or null if it doesn't exist. */ public static Object getItemValue(String id, String key) { return getItemConfig().getValue(id + "." + key); } /** * Sets a default value associated to this key for the SlimefunItem corresponding to this id. * * @param id the id of the SlimefunItem, not null * @param key the key of the value to set, not null * @param value the value to set, can be null */ public static void setItemVariable(String id, String key, Object value) { getItemConfig().setDefaultValue(id + "." + key, value); } /** * Returns the Config instance of Items.yml file. *

* It calls {@code SlimefunStartup#getItemCfg()}. * * @return the Items.yml Config instance. */ public static Config getItemConfig() { return SlimefunStartup.getItemCfg(); } /** * Registers this Research and automatically binds these ItemStacks to it. *

* This convenience method spares from doing the code below: *

     *     {@code
     *		Research r = new Research(7, "Glowstone Armor", 3);
     *		r.addItems(SlimefunItem.getByItem(SlimefunItems.GLOWSTONE_HELMET),
	 *		           SlimefunItem.getByItem(SlimefunItems.GLOWSTONE_CHESTPLATE),
	 *		           SlimefunItem.getByItem(SlimefunItems.GLOWSTONE_LEGGINGS),
	 *		           SlimefunItem.getByItem(SlimefunItems.GLOWSTONE_BOOTS));
	 *		r.register();
	 *     }*
* @param research the research to register, not null * @param items the items to bind, not null */ public static void registerResearch(Research research, ItemStack... items) { for (ItemStack item: items) { research.addItems(SlimefunItem.getByItem(item)); } research.register(); } /** * Checks if this player can use this item. * * @param p the player to check, not null * @param item the item to check, not null * @param message whether a message should be sent to the player or not * * @return true if the item is a SlimefunItem, enabled, researched and if the player has the permission to use it, * false otherwise. */ public static boolean hasUnlocked(Player p, ItemStack item, boolean message) { SlimefunItem sfItem = SlimefunItem.getByItem(item); State state = SlimefunItem.getState(item); if (sfItem == null) { if (state != State.ENABLED) { if (message && state != State.VANILLA) Messages.local.sendTranslation(p, "messages.disabled-item", true); return false; } else return true; } else if (isEnabled(p, item, message) && hasPermission(p, sfItem, message)) { if (sfItem.getResearch() == null) return true; else if (sfItem.getResearch().hasUnlocked(p)) return true; else { if (message && !(sfItem instanceof VanillaItem)) Messages.local.sendTranslation(p, "messages.not-researched", true); return false; } } else return false; } /** * Checks if this player can use this item. * * @param p the player to check, not null * @param sfItem the item to check, not null * @param message whether a message should be sent to the player or not * * @return true if the item is enabled, researched and the player has the permission to use it, * false otherwise. */ public static boolean hasUnlocked(Player p, SlimefunItem sfItem, boolean message) { if (isEnabled(p, sfItem, message) && hasPermission(p, sfItem, message)) { if (sfItem.getResearch() == null) return true; else if (sfItem.getResearch().hasUnlocked(p)) return true; else { if (message && !(sfItem instanceof VanillaItem)) Messages.local.sendTranslation(p, "messages.not-researched", true); return false; } } return false; } /** * Checks if this player has the permission to use this item. * * @param p the player to check, not null * @param item the item to check, null returns true * @param message whether a message should be sent to the player or not * * @return true if the item is not null and if the player has the permission to use it, * false otherwise. */ public static boolean hasPermission(Player p, SlimefunItem item, boolean message) { if (item == null) return true; else if (SlimefunStartup.getItemCfg().getString(item.getName() + ".required-permission").equalsIgnoreCase("")) return true; else if (p.hasPermission(SlimefunStartup.getItemCfg().getString(item.getName() + ".required-permission"))) return true; else { if (message) Messages.local.sendTranslation(p, "", true); return false; } } /** * Checks if this item is enabled in the world of this player. * * @param p the player to get the world he is in, not null * @param item the item to check, not null * @param message whether a message should be sent to the player or not * * @return true if the item is a SlimefunItem and is enabled in the world the player is in, * false otherwise. */ public static boolean isEnabled(Player p, ItemStack item, boolean message) { String world = p.getWorld().getName(); SlimefunItem sfItem = SlimefunItem.getByItem(item); if (sfItem == null) return !SlimefunItem.isDisabled(item); if (SlimefunStartup.getWhitelist().contains(world + ".enabled")) { if (SlimefunStartup.getWhitelist().getBoolean(world + ".enabled")) { if (!SlimefunStartup.getWhitelist().contains(world + ".enabled-items." + sfItem.getName())) SlimefunStartup.getWhitelist().setDefaultValue(world + ".enabled-items." + sfItem.getName(), true); if (SlimefunStartup.getWhitelist().getBoolean(world + ".enabled-items." + sfItem.getName())) return true; else { if (message) Messages.local.sendTranslation(p, "messages.disabled-in-world", true); return false; } } else { if (message) Messages.local.sendTranslation(p, "messages.disabled-in-world", true); return false; } } else return true; } /** * Checks if this item is enabled in the world of this player. * * @param p the player to get the world he is in, not null * @param sfItem the item to check, not null * @param message whether a message should be sent to the player or not * * @return true if the item is enabled in the world the player is in, * false otherwise. */ public static boolean isEnabled(Player p, SlimefunItem sfItem, boolean message) { String world = p.getWorld().getName(); if (SlimefunStartup.getWhitelist().contains(world + ".enabled")) { if (SlimefunStartup.getWhitelist().getBoolean(world + ".enabled")) { if (!SlimefunStartup.getWhitelist().contains(world + ".enabled-items." + sfItem.getName())) SlimefunStartup.getWhitelist().setDefaultValue(world + ".enabled-items." + sfItem.getName(), true); if (SlimefunStartup.getWhitelist().getBoolean(world + ".enabled-items." + sfItem.getName())) return true; else { if (message) Messages.local.sendTranslation(p, "messages.disabled-in-world", true); return false; } } else { if (message) Messages.local.sendTranslation(p, "messages.disabled-in-world", true); return false; } } else return true; } /** * Lists all the IDs of the enabled items. * * @return the list of all the IDs of the enabled items. */ public static List listIDs() { List ids = new ArrayList<>(); for (SlimefunItem item: SlimefunItem.list()) { ids.add(item.getName()); } return ids; } /** * Returns a list of all the ItemStacks representing the registered categories. * * @return the list of the display items of all the registered categories. * @see #current_categories */ public static List listCategories() { List items = new ArrayList<>(); for (Category c: Category.list()) { items.add(c.getItem()); } return items; } /** * Binds this description to the SlimefunItem corresponding to this id. * * @param id the id of the SlimefunItem, not null * @param description the description, not null * * @deprecated As of 4.1.10, renamed to {@link #addHint(String, String...)} for better name convenience. */ @Deprecated public static void addDescription(String id, String... description) { getItemConfig().setDefaultValue(id + ".description", Arrays.asList(description)); } /** * Binds this hint to the SlimefunItem corresponding to this id. * * @param id the id of the SlimefunItem, not null * @param hint the hint, not null * * @since 4.1.10, rename of {@link #addDescription(String, String...)}. */ public static void addHint(String id, String... hint) { getItemConfig().setDefaultValue(id + ".hint", Arrays.asList(hint)); } /** * Binds this YouTube link to the SlimefunItem corresponding to this id. * * @param id the id of the SlimefunItem, not null * @param link the link of the YouTube video, not null */ public static void addYoutubeVideo(String id, String link) { getItemConfig().setDefaultValue(id + ".youtube", link); } /** * Binds this link as a Wiki page to the SlimefunItem corresponding to this id. * * @param id the id of the SlimefunItem, not null * @param link the link of the Wiki page, not null */ public static void addWikiPage(String id, String link) { getItemConfig().setDefaultValue(id + ".wiki", link); } /** * Convenience method to simplify binding an official Wiki page to the SlimefunItem corresponding to this id. * * @param id the id of the SlimefunItem, not null * @param page the ending of the link corresponding to the page, not null */ public static void addOfficialWikiPage(String id, String page) { addWikiPage(id, "" + page); } /** * Returns whether EmeraldEnchants is enabled or not. *

* It can be directly accessed by {@link #emeraldenchants}. * * @return true if EmeraldEnchants is enabled, * false otherwise. */ public static boolean isEmeraldEnchantsInstalled() { return emeraldenchants; } public static List getGuideHandlers(int tier) { return guide_handlers.containsKey(tier) ? guide_handlers.get(tier): new ArrayList<>(); } }