mirror of https://github.com/StarWishsama/Slimefun4.git synced 2024-09-21 04:05:48 +00:00
Bas Verhoeven 0d45fee741 Do not overwrite block for a location that already has a valid block
This shouldn't happen, but if it does happen it'll definitely break the block.
We'll notify the server administrator on load and only keep the first block we

Note that this will only happen if there's something seriously wrong with the
block as generally there'll not be a situation where information is stored in
two different files.
2019-04-07 03:02:09 +02:00

727 lines
24 KiB

package me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
import me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.Configuration.Config;
import me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.general.Math.DoubleHandler;
import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.SlimefunStartup;
import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.SlimefunItem.SlimefunItem;
import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.inventory.BlockMenu;
import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.inventory.BlockMenuPreset;
import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.inventory.UniversalBlockMenu;
public class BlockStorage {
private static final String path_blocks = "data-storage/Slimefun/stored-blocks/";
private static final String path_chunks = "data-storage/Slimefun/stored-chunks/";
public static Map<String, BlockStorage> worlds = new HashMap<String, BlockStorage>();
public static Map<String, Set<Location>> ticking_chunks = new HashMap<String, Set<Location>>();
public static Set<String> loaded_tickers = new HashSet<String>();
private World world;
private Map<Location, Config> storage = new HashMap<>();
private static Map<String, String> map_chunks = new HashMap<String, String>();
private Map<Location, BlockMenu> inventories = new HashMap<Location, BlockMenu>();
public static Map<String, UniversalBlockMenu> universal_inventories = new HashMap<String, UniversalBlockMenu>();
private Map<String, Config> cache_blocks = new HashMap<String, Config>();
public static int info_delay;
public static BlockStorage getStorage(World world) {
return worlds.get(world.getName());
public static BlockStorage getForcedStorage(World world) {
return isWorldRegistered(world.getName()) ? worlds.get(world.getName()): new BlockStorage(world);
private static String serializeLocation(Location l) {
return l.getWorld().getName() + ";" + l.getBlockX() + ";" + l.getBlockY() + ";" + l.getBlockZ();
private static String serializeChunk(Chunk chunk) {
return chunk.getWorld().getName() + ";Chunk;" + chunk.getX() + ";" + chunk.getZ();
private static String locationToChunkString(Location l) {
return l.getWorld().getName() + ";Chunk;" + (l.getBlockX() >> 4) + ";" + (l.getBlockZ() >> 4);
private static Location deserializeLocation(String l) {
try {
World w = Bukkit.getWorld(l.split(";")[0]);
if (w != null) return new Location(w, Integer.parseInt(l.split(";")[1]), Integer.parseInt(l.split(";")[2]), Integer.parseInt(l.split(";")[3]));
} catch (NumberFormatException x) {
return null;
public BlockStorage(final World w) {
if (worlds.containsKey(w.getName())) return;
this.world = w;
System.out.println("[Slimefun] Loading Blocks for World \"" + w.getName() + "\"");
System.out.println("[Slimefun] This may take a long time...");
File f = new File(path_blocks + w.getName());
if (f.exists()) {
long total = f.listFiles().length, start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long done = 0, timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(), totalBlocks = 0;
try {
for (File file: f.listFiles()) {
if (file.getName().endsWith(".sfb")) {
if (timestamp + info_delay < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
System.out.println("[Slimefun] Loading Blocks... " + Math.round((((done * 100.0f) / total) * 100.0f) / 100.0f) + "% done (\"" + w.getName() + "\")");
timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
FileConfiguration cfg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
for (String key: cfg.getKeys(false)) {
Location l = deserializeLocation(key);
String chunk_string = locationToChunkString(l);
try {
String json = cfg.getString(key);
Config blockInfo = parseBlockInfo(l, json);
if (blockInfo == null || !blockInfo.contains("id")) continue;
if (storage.containsKey(l)) {
// It should not be possible to have two blocks on the same location. Ignore the
// new entry if a block is already present and print an error to the console.
System.out.println("[Slimefun] Ignoring duplicate block @ " + l.getBlockX() + ", " + l.getBlockY() + ", " + l.getBlockZ());
System.out.println("[Slimefun] Old block data: " + serializeBlockInfo(storage.get(l)));
System.out.println("[Slimefun] New block data (" + key + "): " + json);
storage.put(l, blockInfo);
if (SlimefunItem.isTicking(file.getName().replace(".sfb", ""))) {
Set<Location> locations = ticking_chunks.containsKey(chunk_string) ? ticking_chunks.get(chunk_string): new HashSet<Location>();
ticking_chunks.put(chunk_string, locations);
if (!loaded_tickers.contains(chunk_string)) loaded_tickers.add(chunk_string);
} catch (Exception x) {
System.err.println("[Slimefun] Failed to load " + file.getName() + "(ERR: " + key + ")");
} finally {
long time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
System.out.println("[Slimefun] Loading Blocks... 100% (FINISHED - " + time + "ms)");
System.out.println("[Slimefun] Loaded a total of " + totalBlocks + " Blocks for World \"" + world.getName() + "\"");
if (totalBlocks > 0) System.out.println("[Slimefun] Avg: " + DoubleHandler.fixDouble((double) time / (double) totalBlocks, 3) + "ms/Block");
else f.mkdirs();
File chunks = new File(path_chunks + "chunks.sfc");
if (chunks.exists()) {
FileConfiguration cfg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(chunks);
for (String key: cfg.getKeys(false)) {
try {
if (world.getName().equals(key.split(";")[0])) map_chunks.put(key, cfg.getString(key));
} catch (Exception x) {
System.err.println("[Slimefun] Failed to load " + chunks.getName() + " for World \"" + world.getName() + "\" (ERR: " + key + ")");
worlds.put(world.getName(), this);
for (File file: new File("data-storage/Slimefun/stored-inventories").listFiles()) {
if (file.getName().startsWith(w.getName()) && file.getName().endsWith(".sfi")) {
Location l = deserializeLocation(file.getName().replace(".sfi", ""));
Config cfg = new Config(file);
try {
if (cfg.getString("preset") != null) {
BlockMenuPreset preset = BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(cfg.getString("preset"));
inventories.put(l, new BlockMenu(preset, l, cfg));
else {
BlockMenuPreset preset = BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(checkID(l));
inventories.put(l, new BlockMenu(preset, l, cfg));
catch (Exception x) {
for (File file: new File("data-storage/Slimefun/universal-inventories").listFiles()) {
if (file.getName().endsWith(".sfi")) {
Config cfg = new Config(file);
BlockMenuPreset preset = BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(cfg.getString("preset"));
universal_inventories.put(preset.getID(), new UniversalBlockMenu(preset, cfg));
private static int chunk_changes = 0;
private int changes = 0;
public void computeChanges() {
changes = cache_blocks.size() + chunk_changes;
Map<Location, BlockMenu> inventories2 = new HashMap<Location, BlockMenu>(inventories);
for (Map.Entry<Location, BlockMenu> entry: inventories2.entrySet()) {
changes += entry.getValue().changes;
Map<String, UniversalBlockMenu> universal_inventories2 = new HashMap<String, UniversalBlockMenu>(universal_inventories);
for (Map.Entry<String, UniversalBlockMenu> entry: universal_inventories2.entrySet()) {
changes += entry.getValue().changes;
public int getChanges() {
return changes;
public void save(boolean remove) {
this.save(true, remove);
public void save(boolean computeChanges, boolean remove) {
if (computeChanges) computeChanges();
if (changes == 0) return;
System.out.println("[Slimefun] Saving Blocks for World \"" + world.getName() + "\" (" + changes + " Changes queued)");
Map<String, Config> cache = new HashMap<String, Config>(cache_blocks);
for (Map.Entry<String, Config> entry: cache.entrySet()) {
Config cfg = entry.getValue();
if (cfg.getKeys().isEmpty()) {
} else {
File tmpFile = new File(cfg.getFile().getParentFile(), cfg.getFile().getName() + ".tmp");
try {
Files.move(tmpFile.toPath(), cfg.getFile().toPath(), StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
} catch (IOException e) {
Map<Location, BlockMenu> inventories2 = new HashMap<Location, BlockMenu>(inventories);
for (Map.Entry<Location, BlockMenu> entry: inventories2.entrySet()) {
Map<String, UniversalBlockMenu> universal_inventories2 = new HashMap<String, UniversalBlockMenu>(universal_inventories);
for (Map.Entry<String, UniversalBlockMenu> entry: universal_inventories2.entrySet()) {
if (chunk_changes > 0) {
File chunks = new File(path_chunks + "chunks.sfc");
Config cfg = new Config("data-storage/Slimefun/temp.yml");
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: map_chunks.entrySet()) {
cfg.setValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (remove) {
changes = 0;
chunk_changes = 0;
public static void store(Block block, ItemStack item) {
SlimefunItem sfitem = SlimefunItem.getByItem(item);
if (sfitem != null) addBlockInfo(block, "id", sfitem.getID(), true);
public static void store(Block block, String item) {
addBlockInfo(block, "id", item, true);
* Retrieves the SlimefunItem's ItemStack from the specified Block.
* If the specified Block is registered in BlockStorage, its data will be erased from it, regardless of the returned value.
* @param block the block to retrieve the ItemStack from
* @return the SlimefunItem's ItemStack corresponding to the block if it has one, otherwise null
* @since 4.0
public static ItemStack retrieve(Block block) {
if (!hasBlockInfo(block)) return null;
else {
final SlimefunItem item = SlimefunItem.getByID(getLocationInfo(block.getLocation(), "id"));
if (item == null) return null;
else return item.getItem();
public static Config getBlockInfo(Block block) {
return getLocationInfo(block.getLocation());
public static Config getBlockInfo(Location l) {
return getLocationInfo(l);
public static Config getLocationInfo(Location l) {
BlockStorage storage = getStorage(l.getWorld());
Config cfg = storage.storage.get(l);
return cfg == null ? new BlockInfoConfig() : cfg;
private static Map<String, String> parseJSON(String json) {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (json != null && json.length() > 2) {
try {
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) parser.parse(json);
for (Object entry: obj.keySet()) {
String key = entry.toString();
String value = obj.get(entry).toString();
map.put(key, value);
} catch (ParseException e) {
return map;
private static BlockInfoConfig parseBlockInfo(Location l, String json){
try {
return new BlockInfoConfig(parseJSON(json));
} catch(Exception x) {
System.err.println("[Slimefun] Failed to parse BlockInfo for Block @ " + l.getBlockX() + ", " + l.getBlockY() + ", " + l.getBlockZ());
System.err.println("[Slimefun] ");
System.err.println("[Slimefun] IGNORE THIS ERROR UNLESS IT IS SPAMMING");
System.err.println("[Slimefun] ");
return null;
private static String serializeBlockInfo(Config cfg) {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
for (String key : cfg.getKeys()) {
json.put(key, cfg.getString(key));
return json.toJSONString();
private static String getJSONData(Chunk chunk) {
return map_chunks.get(serializeChunk(chunk));
public static String getBlockInfo(Block block, String key) {
return getLocationInfo(block.getLocation(), key);
public static String getBlockInfo(Location l, String key) {
return getLocationInfo(l, key);
public static String getLocationInfo(Location l, String key) {
return getBlockInfo(l).getString(key);
public static void addBlockInfo(Location l, String key, String value) {
addBlockInfo(l, key, value, false);
public static void addBlockInfo(Block block, String key, String value) {
addBlockInfo(block.getLocation(), key, value);
public static void addBlockInfo(Block block, String key, String value, boolean updateTicker) {
addBlockInfo(block.getLocation(), key, value, updateTicker);
public static void addBlockInfo(Location l, String key, String value, boolean updateTicker) {
Config cfg = hasBlockInfo(l) ? getLocationInfo(l) : new BlockInfoConfig();
cfg.setValue(key, value);
setBlockInfo(l, cfg, updateTicker);
public static boolean hasBlockInfo(Block block) {
return hasBlockInfo(block.getLocation());
public static boolean hasBlockInfo(Location l) {
BlockStorage storage = getStorage(l.getWorld());
return storage != null && storage.storage.containsKey(l) && getLocationInfo(l, "id") != null;
public static void setBlockInfo(Block block, Config cfg, boolean updateTicker) {
setBlockInfo(block.getLocation(), cfg, updateTicker);
public static void setBlockInfo(Location l, Config cfg, boolean updateTicker) {
BlockStorage storage = getStorage(l.getWorld());
storage.storage.put(l, cfg);
if (BlockMenuPreset.isInventory(cfg.getString("id"))) {
if (BlockMenuPreset.isUniversalInventory(cfg.getString("id"))) {
if (!universal_inventories.containsKey(cfg.getString("id"))) storage.loadUniversalInventory(BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(cfg.getString("id")));
else if (!storage.hasInventory(l)) {
File file = new File("data-storage/Slimefun/stored-inventories/" + serializeLocation(l) + ".sfi");
if (file.exists()) storage.inventories.put(l, new BlockMenu(BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(cfg.getString("id")), l, new Config(file)));
else storage.loadInventory(l, BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(cfg.getString("id")));
refreshCache(getStorage(l.getWorld()), l, cfg.getString("id"), serializeBlockInfo(cfg), updateTicker);
public static void setBlockInfo(Block b, String json, boolean updateTicker) {
setBlockInfo(b.getLocation(), json, updateTicker);
public static void setBlockInfo(Location l, String json, boolean updateTicker) {
Config blockInfo = json == null ? new BlockInfoConfig() : parseBlockInfo(l, json);
if (blockInfo == null) return;
setBlockInfo(l, blockInfo, updateTicker);
public static void clearBlockInfo(Block block) {
public static void clearBlockInfo(Location l) {
clearBlockInfo(l, true);
public static void clearBlockInfo(Block b, boolean destroy) {
clearBlockInfo(b.getLocation(), destroy);
public static void clearBlockInfo(Location l, boolean destroy) {
SlimefunStartup.ticker.delete.put(l, destroy);
public static void _integrated_removeBlockInfo(Location l, boolean destroy) {
BlockStorage storage = getStorage(l.getWorld());
if (hasBlockInfo(l)) {
refreshCache(storage, l, getLocationInfo(l).getString("id"), null, destroy);
if (destroy) {
if (storage.hasInventory(l)) storage.clearInventory(l);
if (storage.hasUniversalInventory(l)) {
String chunk_string = locationToChunkString(l);
if (ticking_chunks.containsKey(chunk_string)) {
Set<Location> locations = ticking_chunks.get(chunk_string);
if (locations.isEmpty()) {
else ticking_chunks.put(chunk_string, locations);
public static void moveBlockInfo(Block block, Block newBlock) {
moveBlockInfo(block.getLocation(), newBlock.getLocation());
public static void moveBlockInfo(Location from, Location to) {
SlimefunStartup.ticker.move.put(from, to);
public static void _integrated_moveBlockInfo(Block block, Block newBlock) {
_integrated_moveLocationInfo(block.getLocation(), newBlock.getLocation());
public static void _integrated_moveLocationInfo(Location from, Location to) {
if (!hasBlockInfo(from)) return;
BlockStorage storage = getStorage(from.getWorld());
setBlockInfo(to, getLocationInfo(from), true);
if (storage.inventories.containsKey(from)) {
BlockMenu menu = storage.inventories.get(from);
storage.inventories.put(to, menu);
refreshCache(storage, from, getLocationInfo(from).getString("id"), null, true);
String chunk_string = locationToChunkString(from);
if (ticking_chunks.containsKey(chunk_string)) {
Set<Location> locations = ticking_chunks.get(chunk_string);
if (locations.isEmpty()) {
else ticking_chunks.put(chunk_string, locations);
private static void refreshCache(BlockStorage storage, Location l, String key, String value, boolean updateTicker) {
Config cfg = storage.cache_blocks.containsKey(key) ? storage.cache_blocks.get(key): new Config(path_blocks + l.getWorld().getName() + "/" + key + ".sfb");
cfg.setValue(serializeLocation(l), value);
storage.cache_blocks.put(key, cfg);
if (updateTicker) {
SlimefunItem item = SlimefunItem.getByID(key);
if (item != null && item.isTicking()) {
String chunk_string = locationToChunkString(l);
if (value != null) {
Set<Location> locations = ticking_chunks.containsKey(chunk_string) ? ticking_chunks.get(chunk_string): new HashSet<Location>();
ticking_chunks.put(chunk_string, locations);
if (!loaded_tickers.contains(chunk_string)) loaded_tickers.add(chunk_string);
public static SlimefunItem check(Block block) {
return check(block.getLocation());
public static SlimefunItem check(Location l) {
if (!hasBlockInfo(l)) return null;
return SlimefunItem.getByID(getLocationInfo(l, "id"));
public static String checkID(Block block) {
return checkID(block.getLocation());
public static boolean check(Block block, String slimefunItem) {
return check(block.getLocation(), slimefunItem);
public static String checkID(Location l) {
if (!hasBlockInfo(l)) return null;
return getLocationInfo(l, "id");
public static boolean check(Location l, String slimefunItem) {
if (!hasBlockInfo(l)) return false;
try {
String id = getLocationInfo(l, "id");
return id != null && id.equalsIgnoreCase(slimefunItem);
catch (NullPointerException x) {
return false;
public static boolean isWorldRegistered(String name) {
return worlds.containsKey(name);
public static Set<String> getTickingChunks() {
return new HashSet<String>(loaded_tickers);
public static Set<Block> getTickingBlocks(Chunk chunk) {
return getTickingBlocks(chunk.toString());
public static Set<Location> getTickingLocations(Chunk chunk) {
return getTickingLocations(chunk.toString());
public static Set<Block> getTickingBlocks(String chunk) {
Set<Block> ret = new HashSet<Block>();
for (Location l: getTickingLocations(chunk)) {
return ret;
public static Set<Location> getTickingLocations(String chunk) {
return new HashSet<Location>(ticking_chunks.get(chunk));
public BlockMenu loadInventory(Location l, BlockMenuPreset preset) {
BlockMenu menu = new BlockMenu(preset, l);
inventories.put(l, menu);
return menu;
public void loadUniversalInventory(BlockMenuPreset preset) {
universal_inventories.put(preset.getID(), new UniversalBlockMenu(preset));
public void clearInventory(Location l) {
BlockMenu menu = getInventory(l);
for (HumanEntity human : new ArrayList<>(menu.toInventory().getViewers())) {
// Prevents "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Asynchronous entity add!" when closing inventory while holding an item
Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(SlimefunStartup.instance, () -> {
public boolean hasInventory(Location l) {
return inventories.containsKey(l);
public boolean hasUniversalInventory(String id) {
return universal_inventories.containsKey(id);
public UniversalBlockMenu getUniversalInventory(Block block) {
return getUniversalInventory(block.getLocation());
public UniversalBlockMenu getUniversalInventory(Location l) {
String id = checkID(l);
return id == null ? null: getUniversalInventory(id);
public UniversalBlockMenu getUniversalInventory(String id) {
return universal_inventories.get(id);
public static BlockMenu getInventory(Block b) {
return getInventory(b.getLocation());
public static BlockMenu getInventory(Location l) {
BlockStorage storage = getStorage(l.getWorld());
if (storage == null) return null;
if (!storage.hasInventory(l)) return storage.loadInventory(l, BlockMenuPreset.getPreset(checkID(l)));
else return storage.inventories.get(l);
public static JSONParser getParser() {
return new JSONParser();
public static Config getChunkInfo(Chunk chunk) {
try {
Config cfg = new Config("data-storage/Slimefun/temp.yml");
if (!map_chunks.containsKey(serializeChunk(chunk))) return cfg;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: parseJSON(getJSONData(chunk)).entrySet()) {
cfg.setValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return cfg;
} catch (Exception x) {
System.err.println("[Slimefun] Failed to parse ChunkInfo for Chunk @ " + chunk.getX() + ", " + chunk.getZ());
try {
} catch (Exception x2) {
System.err.println("No Metadata found!");
return new Config("data-storage/Slimefun/temp.yml");
public static boolean hasChunkInfo(Chunk chunk) {
return map_chunks.containsKey(serializeChunk(chunk));
public static void setChunkInfo(Chunk chunk, String key, String value) {
Config cfg = new Config("data-storage/Slimefun/temp.yml");
if (hasChunkInfo(chunk)) cfg = getChunkInfo(chunk);
cfg.setValue(key, value);
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
for (String path: cfg.getKeys()) {
json.put(path, cfg.getString(path));
map_chunks.put(serializeChunk(chunk), json.toJSONString());
public static String getChunkInfo(Chunk chunk, String key) {
return getChunkInfo(chunk).getString(key);
public static boolean hasChunkInfo(Chunk chunk, String key) {
return getChunkInfo(chunk, key) != null;
public static void clearChunkInfo(Chunk chunk) {
public static String getBlockInfoAsJson(Block block) {
return getBlockInfoAsJson(block.getLocation());
public static String getBlockInfoAsJson(Location l) {
return serializeBlockInfo(getLocationInfo(l));
public boolean hasUniversalInventory(Block block) {
return hasUniversalInventory(block.getLocation());
public boolean hasUniversalInventory(Location l) {
String id = checkID(l);
return id == null ? false: hasUniversalInventory(id);