Mineplex/GOD DAMN COSMETICS/boosters/gui/BoosterPage.java

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//package mineplex.core.boosters.gui;
//import mineplex.core.account.CoreClientManager;
//import mineplex.core.boosters.Booster;
//import mineplex.core.boosters.BoosterManager;
//import mineplex.core.boosters.BoosterProcessor;
//import mineplex.core.common.util.C;
//import mineplex.core.common.util.UtilTime;
//import mineplex.core.donation.DonationManager;
//import mineplex.core.shop.confirmation.ConfirmationPage;
//import mineplex.core.shop.item.ShopItem;
//import mineplex.core.shop.page.ShopPageBase;
//import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple;
//import org.bukkit.Material;
//import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
//import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.List;
//import java.util.Map;
// * @author Shaun Bennett
// */
//public class BoosterPage extends ShopPageBase<BoosterManager, BoosterShop>
// public BoosterPage(BoosterManager plugin, BoosterShop shop, CoreClientManager clientManager, DonationManager donationManager, Player player)
// {
// super(plugin, shop, clientManager, donationManager, "Game Amplifiers", player, 45);
// buildPage();
// }
// @Override
// protected void buildPage()
// {
// ArrayList<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
// int amplifierCount = getPlugin().getAvailableBoosterCount(getPlayer());
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "You own " + C.cGreen + amplifierCount + C.cWhite + " Game Amplifiers");
// if (getPlugin().canActivateBoosters() && amplifierCount > 0)
// {
// List<Booster> boosters = getPlugin().getBoosters();
// long waitTime = getPlugin().getBoostTime();
// if (waitTime == 0)
// {
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Amplifier would activate " + C.cGreen + "now");
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "Once this Amplifier is activated");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "or queued you are not able to");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "cancel or refund it. You will still");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "earn rewards if you are offline.");
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Click to Activate Amplifier");
// }
// else
// {
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Amplifier would activate in " + C.cGreen + UtilTime.convertColonString(waitTime, UtilTime.TimeUnit.HOURS, UtilTime.TimeUnit.SECONDS));
// if (boosters.size() - 1 == 1)
// {
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "There is " + C.cGreen + 1 + C.cWhite + " Amplifier queued");
// }
// else if (boosters.size() - 1 > 0)
// {
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "There are " + C.cGreen + (boosters.size() - 1) + C.cWhite + " Amplifiers queued");
// }
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "Once this Amplifier is activated");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "or queued you are not able to");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "cancel or refund it. You will still");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "earn rewards if you are offline.");
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Click to Queue Amplifier");
// }
// }
// else
// {
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "Game Amplifiers allow you to");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "increase the shards");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "earned in that game for 1 hour.");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "You will also earn bonus rewards");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "from players thanking you while");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "your amplifier is active.");
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Get Amplifiers at " + C.cGreen + "mineplex.com/shop");
// }
// ShopItem booster = new ShopItem(Material.SUGAR, "Game Amplifier", lore.toArray(new String[0]), 0, false, false);
// if (getPlugin().canActivateBoosters() && amplifierCount > 0)
// {
// addButton(13, booster, this::openConfirmation);
// }
// else
// {
// setItem(13, booster);
// }
// addBoosterQueue();
//// addOtherBoosters();
// }
// private void openConfirmation(Player player, ClickType type)
// {
// ArrayList<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "Once this Amplifier is activated");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "or queued you are not able to");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "cancel or refund it. You will still");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "earn rewards if you are offline.");
// ShopItem booster = new ShopItem(Material.SUGAR, "Game Amplifier", lore.toArray(new String[0]), 0, false, false);
// BoosterProcessor processor = new BoosterProcessor(getPlugin(), getPlayer());
// ConfirmationPage<BoosterManager, BoosterShop> page = new ConfirmationPage<>(getPlayer(), this, processor, booster);
// getShop().openPageForPlayer(getPlayer(), page);
// }
// private void addBoosterQueue()
// {
// if (getPlugin().getBoosters() == null)
// return;
// List<Booster> boosters = getPlugin().getBoosters();
// int startIndex = Math.max(0, (9 - boosters.size()) / 2);
// for (int i = 0; i < boosters.size() && i < 18; i++)
// {
// int slot = startIndex + 27 + i;
// Booster booster = boosters.get(i);
// boolean active = booster.isActive();
// int queueIndex = Math.max(1, i);
// boolean owns = getPlayer().getUniqueId().equals(booster.getUuid());
// long timeActivatedDif = System.currentTimeMillis() - booster.getActivationTime().getTime();
// String activationTime = UtilTime.convertString(timeActivatedDif, 0, UtilTime.TimeUnit.FIT);
// List<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
// if (active)
// {
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Active");
// lore.add(" ");
// String expireTime = UtilTime.convertColonString(booster.getTimeRemaining(), UtilTime.TimeUnit.MINUTES, UtilTime.TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Added by " + C.cGreen + booster.getPlayerName());
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Expires in " + C.cGreen + expireTime);
// }
// else
// {
// long timeToActive = booster.getStartTime().getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis();
// String activeString = UtilTime.convertColonString(timeToActive, UtilTime.TimeUnit.HOURS, UtilTime.TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Added by " + C.cGreen + booster.getPlayerName());
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Starts in " + C.cGreen + activeString);
//// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Position " + C.cGreen + queueIndex + C.cWhite + " in queue");
// }
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "Added " + activationTime + " ago");
// ShopItem shopItem = new ShopItem(booster.isActive() ? Material.EMERALD_BLOCK : Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK,
// "Game Amplifier", lore.toArray(new String[0]), queueIndex, !active, false);
// setItem(slot, shopItem);
// // Add glow if the booster belongs to you
// if (owns)
// {
// addGlow(slot);
// }
// }
// }
// private void addOtherBoosters()
// {
// Map<String, List<Booster>> boosterMap = getPlugin().getBoosterCache();
// List<Triple<Integer, String, Booster>> tripleList = new ArrayList<>();
// for (Map.Entry<String, List<Booster>> entry : boosterMap.entrySet())
// {
// String boosterGroup = entry.getKey();
// // dont display boosters for the current booster group
// if (boosterGroup.equals(getPlugin().getBoosterGroup()))
// continue;
// List<Booster> boosters = entry.getValue();
// for (int i = 0; i < boosters.size(); i++)
// {
// Booster booster = boosters.get(i);
// if (booster.getUuid().equals(getPlayer().getUniqueId()))
// {
// tripleList.add(Triple.of(i, boosterGroup, booster));
// }
// }
// }
// int startIndex = Math.max(0, (9 - tripleList.size()) / 2);
// for (int i = 0; i < 9 && i < tripleList.size(); i++)
// {
// Triple<Integer, String, Booster> triple = tripleList.get(i);
// int deliveryAmount = Math.max(1, triple.getLeft());
// String boosterGroup = triple.getMiddle();
// Booster booster = triple.getRight();
// long timeActivatedDif = System.currentTimeMillis() - booster.getActivationTime().getTime();
// String activationTime = UtilTime.convertString(timeActivatedDif, 2, UtilTime.TimeUnit.FIT);
// List<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>();
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Server: " + C.cGreen + boosterGroup);
// if (booster.isActive())
// {
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Expires in " + C.cGreen + UtilTime.convertColonString(booster.getTimeRemaining(), UtilTime.TimeUnit.MINUTES, UtilTime.TimeUnit.SECONDS));
// }
// else
// {
// long timeToActive = booster.getStartTime().getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis();
// lore.add(C.cWhite + "Starts in " + C.cGreen + UtilTime.convertColonString(timeToActive, UtilTime.TimeUnit.HOURS, UtilTime.TimeUnit.SECONDS));
// }
// lore.add(" ");
// lore.add(C.cGray + "Added " + activationTime + " ago");
// ShopItem shopItem = new ShopItem(Material.GOLD_BLOCK,
// "Game Amplifier", lore.toArray(new String[0]), 1, false, false);
// setItem(startIndex + i + 27, shopItem);
// }
// }