Class GEOResourceGenerationEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • GEOResourceGenerationEvent

        public GEOResourceGenerationEvent​(World world,
                                          Biome biome,
                                          int x,
                                          int z,
                                          GEOResource resource,
                                          int value)
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public int getValue​()
        This returns the amount that will be generated of this GEOResource.
        The value aka the supply of this GEOResource to generate
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(int value)
        This modifies the amount that will be generated.
        value - The new supply for this GEOResource
      • getWorld

        public World getWorld​()
        This returns the World in which this event takes place.
        The affected World
      • getChunkX

        public int getChunkX​()
        This returns the X coordinate of the Chunk in which the GEOResource is generated.
        The x value of this Chunk
      • getChunkZ

        public int getChunkZ​()
        This returns the Z coordinate of the Chunk in which the GEOResource is generated.
        The z value of this Chunk
      • getHandlerList

        public static HandlerList getHandlerList​()