Class StatusEffect

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class StatusEffect
    extends Object
    implements Keyed
    A very simple API that is meant for adding/getting/clearing custom status effects to/from players. The effects are stored via PersistentDataAPI and use NBT data that is saved across server restarts. You can specify a level for your status effect too.
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(Player p,
                        int level,
                        int duration,
                        TimeUnit unit)
        This applies this StatusEffect to the given Player.
        p - The Player whom to apply the effect to
        level - The level of this effect
        duration - The duration of how long that status effect shall last
        unit - The TimeUnit for the given duration
      • addPermanent

        public void addPermanent​(Player p,
                                 int level)
        This applies this StatusEffect to the given Player. This will apply it permanently, there is no duration.
        p - The Player whom to apply the effect to
        level - The level of this effect
      • isPresent

        public boolean isPresent​(Player p)
        This will check whether this StatusEffect is currently applied to that Player. If the effect has expired, it will automatically remove all associated NBT data of this effect.
        p - The Player to check for
        Whether this StatusEffect is currently applied
      • getLevel

        public OptionalInt getLevel​(Player p)
        This method returns an OptionalInt describing the level of this status effect on that player.
        p - The Player to check for
        An OptionalInt that describes the result