Class Research

    • Method Detail

      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled​()
        This method returns whether this Research is enabled. false can mean that this particular Research was disabled or that researches alltogether have been disabled.
        Whether this Research is enabled or not
      • getID

        public int getID​()
        Gets the ID of this Research. This is the old way of identifying Researches, use a NamespacedKey in the future.
        The ID of this Research
      • getName

        public String getName​(Player p)
        This method gives you a localized name for this Research. The name is automatically taken from the currently selected Language of the specified Player.
        p - The Player to translate this name for.
        The localized Name of this Research.
      • getCost

        public int getCost​()
        Gets the cost in XP levels to unlock this Research.
        The cost in XP levels for this Research
      • setCost

        public void setCost​(int cost)
        Sets the cost in XP levels to unlock this Research.
        cost - The cost in XP levels
      • unlock

        public void unlock​(Player p,
                           boolean instant)
        Unlocks this Research for the specified Player.
        p - The Player for which to unlock this Research
        instant - Whether to unlock the research instantly
      • register

        public void register​()
        Registers this Research.
      • getByID

        public static Research getByID​(int id)
        Attempts to get a Research with the given ID. We will use NamespacedKey for this in the future.
        id - ID of the research to get
        Research if found, or null