Class SlimefunUtils

  • public final class SlimefunUtils
    extends Object
    This utility class holds method that are directly linked to Slimefun. It provides a very crucial method for ItemStack comparison, as well as a simple method to check if an ItemStack is Soulbound or not.
    TheBusyBiscuit, Walshy
    • Method Detail

      • isSoulbound

        public static boolean isSoulbound​(ItemStack item)
        This method checks whether the given ItemStack is considered Soulbound.
        item - The ItemStack to check for
        Whether the given item is soulbound
      • containsSimilarItem

        public static boolean containsSimilarItem​(Inventory inventory,
                                                  ItemStack itemStack,
                                                  boolean checkLore)
      • isItemSimilar

        public static boolean isItemSimilar​(ItemStack item,
                                            ItemStack sfitem,
                                            boolean checkLore)