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uniqueTick() - Method in class me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.handlers.BlockTicker
This method is called every tick but not per-block and only once.
uniqueTick() - Method in class me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.handlers.RainbowTicker
UniversalBlockMenu - Class in me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.inventory
UniversalBlockMenu(BlockMenuPreset) - Constructor for class me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.inventory.UniversalBlockMenu
UniversalBlockMenu(BlockMenuPreset, Config) - Constructor for class me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.inventory.UniversalBlockMenu
unlock(Player, boolean) - Method in class me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.Research
Unlocks this Research for the specified Player.
unregisterNetwork(Network) - Method in class
UnregisterReason - Enum in me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.SlimefunItem
Defines how a block handled by Slimefun is being unregistered.
update(ItemStack, SlimefunItem) - Method in class io.github.thebusybiscuit.slimefun4.api.items.HashedArmorpiece
update(Location, String) - Static method in class io.github.thebusybiscuit.slimefun4.utils.holograms.ReactorHologram
update(Block, String) - Static method in class io.github.thebusybiscuit.slimefun4.utils.holograms.SimpleHologram
update() - Method in class me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.handlers.BlockTicker
updateProgressbar(ChestMenu, int, int, int, ItemStack) - Static method in class io.github.thebusybiscuit.slimefun4.utils.ChestMenuUtils
UpdaterService - Class in
This Class represents our Updater Service.
UpdaterService(Plugin, File) - Constructor for class
updateTransmitter(Location, UUID, boolean) - Method in class io.github.thebusybiscuit.slimefun4.api.gps.GPSNetwork
upgrade() - Method in class io.github.thebusybiscuit.slimefun4.implementation.items.magical.Talisman
URANIUM - Static variable in class me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Lists.SlimefunItems
useBlock() - Method in class
useItem() - Method in class
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