Interface GEOResource

    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultSupply

        int getDefaultSupply​(World.Environment environment,
                             Biome biome)
        Returns the default supply of this resource in that biome
        environment - The World.Environment this area is currently in (NORMAL / NETHER / THE_END)
        biome - The Biome this area is currently in.
        The default supply found in a Chunk with the given Biome
      • getMaxDeviation

        int getMaxDeviation​()
        Returns how much the value may deviate from the default supply (positive only).
        The deviation or spread of the supply
      • getName

        String getName​()
        Returns the name of this resource (e.g. "Oil")
        The name of this Resource
      • getItem

        ItemStack getItem​()
        This ItemStack is used for display-purposes in the GEO Scanner. But will also determine the Output of the GEO Miner, if it is applicable for that.
        The ItemStack version of this Resource.
      • isObtainableFromGEOMiner

        boolean isObtainableFromGEOMiner​()
        Returns whether this Resource can be obtained using a GEO Miner. This will automatically add it to the GEO - Miner.
        Whether you can get obtain this resource using a GEO Miner.
      • register

        default void register​()
        Registers this GEO Resource