Class BlockTicker

    • Field Detail

      • unique

        protected boolean unique
    • Constructor Detail

      • BlockTicker

        public BlockTicker​()
    • Method Detail

      • update

        public void update​()
      • isSynchronized

        public abstract boolean isSynchronized​()
        This method must be overridden to define whether a Block needs to be run on the main server thread (World Manipulation requires that)
        Whether this task should run on the main server thread
      • tick

        public abstract void tick​(Block b,
                                  SlimefunItem item,
                                  me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.Configuration.Config data)
        This method is called every tick for every block
        b - The Block that was ticked
        item - The corresponding SlimefunItem
        data - The data stored in this Block
      • uniqueTick

        public void uniqueTick​()
        This method is called every tick but not per-block and only once.
      • startNewTick

        public void startNewTick​()
        This method resets the 'unique' flag for uniqueTick()